New girl

My name is Jenn and i'm 28 years old and I stumbled upon this website a few days ago and decided to give it a try. So far, I'm loving it! In the past, I logged my food and calories in a notebook, but this is much easier and I can access it anytime on my cell phone. My goal is to lose 40 lbs (hopefully) by the end of summer. I'm trying!! Good luck to everyone...I definitely know how hard dieting is as I have dealt with weight issues my entire life.


  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • SeaMonkey83
    This is a great website. I just started this year myself. I lost 10 lbs in January and maintained it. I just started working out again. Here is another helpful website to help: You can build your own nutritional labels to input your recipes into myfitnesspal. I just found it today and plan to put all of my recipes in to get a better guide for my nutrition. Hope it helps you too. Good luck.
  • Jenn329
    Jenn329 Posts: 5
    thank you for that info seamonkey. I will definitely check that out!! I am so in love with this website lol...i check it in between my patients all day!