

  • This is how I built up my distance too. Started walking, then slowly added in some running, and eventually the running overtook the walking, now I don't walk at all. After your 20 min, walk for a bit, then jog some more then you'll be up to 25 min before you know it.
  • thanks for the good info, all. I will start adding to my miles per week starting tomorrow! I'm sure after awhile my times for 5K and 10k will will go down. I'm just going to add some weight work and push ups every other day countered by my sit up routine. Here's to progress!
  • Really, really, really, amazing! Well done. You look great!
  • You've really transformed yourself! What a gift you've given to yourself!
  • You look amazing! You are amazing!
  • Congrats on your weight loss. As far as the 5K, I want you to remember that you are only running against yourself, not others. Most of the other runners have probably been running forever and have done many 5Ks. Also don't make the mistake of starting toward the front. When I did that, many runners passed me up and I got…
  • Congrats on your weight loss. 35 lbs makes a huge difference!
  • Congratulations on your success! You look great. You look good in all your pictures, before and after.
  • I might not like someone telling me I need to lose some weight, but I'll tell you, it's one of the things that will motivate me more than anything.
  • My girlfriend has the Firm workout tapes. Cardio, body sculpting and ab workout. Are these effective? Would you recommend I do one tape per day, then repeat? Almost an hour per tape. Can't wait to do ab workout for 55 minutes...ugh. I'm used to doing 30 Day Shred the last month for only 20 minutes of cardio, strength and…
    in The Firm Comment by 24man December 2011
  • That's the question I always ask myself...and others. What is the trigger in your brain to 1. get motivated enough to actually start working out and eating better....and 2. What's the trigger to stop those good activities. I'm sure the answer is different for everyone. Not only that but for me the answer can be different…
  • Wonderful, amazing transformation in half a year.
  • I want to do Ripped in 30 after I'm done with 30 Day Shred. Just started level 3 in 30DS..super hard
  • Whatever is the motivation....go with it. Both looks and health will benefit. I'm not sure of the percentages, but it's pretty close to 50/50 look good vs. health benefits for me. I have some issues that run in the family that I really want to get a handle on if I can but I want to look sexy as hell too : ) Since I've…
  • Pictures will do it everytime. I have thought looking in the mirror...yeah, I look alright...but then I see pictures and eeek! Congrats on your remarkable success!
  • I wanted to do 30 days straight...but tomorrow morning I have an early 5K to run, then home, get ready for thanksgiving festivities. I can possibly work out tomorrow night if I get home early enough. Guess I can't get that upset if I miss a day. One day off won't kill me.
  • All I can say is that is fricking amazing. Well done. That takes so much work and dedication. I just have one question....where did it all go?
  • I've done 10 days on level one and 6 days on level two. I'm loving the workouts. Level 2 really kicks my butt. I'm way more pushed and tired and sweaty than on level one. Can't wait to bump it up to level 3 in 4 days. I want to do P90x in January. I would also like to get Jillian's Ripped in 30 and also her 6 week 6 pack…
  • Excellent work. I am aiming for around 160. I am 5'8" Anything less than that and I think I will be getting too thin. I, too, was about 155 my senior yr in High School. But that's ancient history. I will remake my body to even be better over 30 yrs later.
    in I did it! Comment by 24man November 2011
  • Congrats on your weight loss and just as important, your maintaining that loss. Nothing wrong with a 5 lbs window. I've lost weight a couple times and haven't been able to maintain the loss. this time I have to come up with new goals and keep myself at the numbers I want to be. Cholesterol, body composition (body fat), and…
  • Today is my first day of doing the 30 DS. It wasn't bad. Not too easy but not too hard. I'm just not sure when to move up in levels. right now my plan is to do Level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and Level 3 for 10 days. I haven't looked at the other levels yet. Are they different exercises or just more intense?
  • I have a lot of pants sizes 32, 34 (most) and 36. I never throw them out. I guess because I don't want to buy new clothes if I revert back to the sizes. My 36s now are way too big and the 34s fit quite comfortably and I can fit into 32s now but not quite comfortable yet. I'm taking my 36s out of the rotation but do I throw…
  • Getting in running shape. Getting my 5k time down significantly, running up to 6.5 miles without walking or stopping. Also just getting into my smaller pants. I was in 36 pants but even got into some 32 pants easily yesterday. Not roomy enough to wear yet, but def. by end of year. My watch is notched to the 4th hole now.…
  • Awesome job! You look great
  • Don't let it get you down. It happens to many people who lose weight. My sister lost 82 lbs and her hubby told her she looks sick and old, some of her friends told her to stop losing that she looked sick. Believe me, she did not. She was about 130 lbs at 5 ' tall. She looked so great. Spectacular and she felt on top of the…
  • Yes, I expect too much from family, friends, etc. too. I finally realized nobody cares too much about my success. they care about themselves. Misery loves company, so they like to see others fail. I lost 40 lbs a few years ago and nobody in my family said a word. Jealous I guess. So I will be happy for myself for my new…
  • What a difference! You look great!
  • That's a good time. On August 20th I ran a 5K and got 32:30. So, in less than 2 months I got my time down almost 9 minutes. Just keep running and running. Adding distance. Your time will keep coming down.
  • You look just super. You are an inspiration!
  • What a transformation! What determination and fortitude you had! You can do whatever you put your mind to. Congrats on your success!