yellowsnowdrop Member


  • THIS is the post I've been waiting for. Today i have to go and eat with the family (Sunday lunch) and have been getting a tad freaked out about it however I've been under my calorie goal eveyday this week so I guess in the grand acheme of things one Sunday lunch won't ruin things. THANK YOU.
  • You walk past the wine aisle in the supermarket because you know how long you have to walk to earn those calories in just one glass. You worry about going on vacation in November because the hotel doesn't have a gym.You work out how many calories are in a family Sunday lunch before you eat it. You dream of cheese salad…
  • SORRY but I'm up there with the 'love them' camp just add a touch of salt and loads of black pepper and YUM. My gorgeous sister in law on the other hand cooks exactly 1 sprout for each family member at Christmas time as no one else likes them. Maybe you're born with a stand of DNA that makes you either like or loathe the…
  • I think that's EXCELLENT advice. It sure isn't rocket science this loosing weight thing it's all about eating less and moving more and that's it in a nutshell. I think it may be worth adding in these tough economic times that a gym membership isn't all that necessary just a commitment to walk/cycle/swim as often as…
  • I started at 'morbidly obese' and now am merely obese!!!!(HOW I HATE that word) still a way to go to just be overweight but I now have a goal, to loose 32lbs by December of this year so I can have surgery on my back. By then I'll be top end of 'normal' weight. I'm the same height and weight as you right now and I think YOU…
  • Feel free to add me if you like. I'm recovering from some recent and very unplanned surgery, I have quite a bit more than you to loose and was actually doing O.K. until the surgery thing happened. Back now and raring to go.
  • I think unless you take that first step outside your front door, and believe me that IS all it takes, you're never going to feel better about yourself. Self esteem/motivation goes out of the window BIG style when you gain weight but you HAVE to be prepared, however scary it sounds, just to step outside of your front door…
  • My name is Helen and so far I've lost 18lbs with about 50 to go (my slider says less than that I think but I've set my goal weight about 14 lbs above what I'd like to be) I have worked as a registered nurse for most of my adult life but have worked in the Medical School of our local Uni for the last 5 years. I have chronic…
  • I joined MFP at the end of February and was given a 1200 calorie allowance daily (I'm 54 and 5'3) I was at my all time highest weight ever due to inability to exercise due to back problems.I've lost 18lbs Sao far with very few problems sticking to my allowance.Make smart choices and all will be well.My favourite meal is…
  • I used to work shifts and could never look at food before lunchtime a habit I still sadly carry with me.My hobbyists annoyed with me but some days I just can't eat until as late as 3 p.m.and then it's usually just a piece of fruit or a reduced calorie biscuit.My evening meal always has been and will continue to be the…
  • 5ft 3 16lbs down (actually 22 as I'd lost a few pounds before I found MFP) down from a U.K. 16 to a 14 in SOME things my size 14 jeans are still a BIT tight but I can do them up. I NEVER think it's all totally about clothes size tho, at my lifetime heaviest I was still a size 16. My lovely mum in law couldn't believe how…
  • I gave up diet coke when I started my healthy eating plan ( i drank 2 litres a day!!) and replaced it with Carbonated Water. I don't miss the diet coke at all and feel better for having lost the habit.I put lemon jusice or lime juice fresh squeezed into my water and that way I'm getting some vitamin C as well. You will…
  • Haven't seen the stuff in AGES (we shop in Asda and Tesco) sorry I can't help.
  • I'm on here everyday and meet some of your criteria (!! Handmade, I make jewellery, essentil oils, I have a diploma in aromatherapy, Walking , I walk most everywhere as I don't drive,candles, had a go at making those too (and soap) but live in England. feel free to add me if you like I'm usually lurking around and able to…
  • One of my fave curries has just the spices mentioned (onions, ginger, garlic and chilli) add potatoes and some wilted spinach which I'm HOPING will be in budget and a lovely sag aloo appears (think thats it anyway) or alternatively Tarka Dall is just the same basic spices with Lentils ( I use plain red ones because I like…
  • Plenty of inspiration here. You look AMAZING (liked the Sagrada Familia pic in Barcelona) WELL DONE YOU:flowerforyou:
  • U.K too, North east near Newcastle. Add me if you like tho it looks like you're pretty inundated with friends now. H
  • I use an olive oil spray and always log even tho it's just 1 cal per spray.I guess those calories have a nasty way of creeping up on you when you just aren't looking!!
  • Small steps make a H U G E difference and you're proof of that. You look AMAZING and give others hope that just by watching what they're eating a doing some walking their goals are achievable as well. Thank You H:flowerforyou:
  • Almons and raisins.
  • I've just eaten some low fat hummous(60gr) and veg sticks(celery and red pepper) and a satsuma, absolutely yummy.:smile: and around 200 cals. cut the hoummous down to 30gr and it's obviously gonna be even less. A recipe I got from Pinterest is sweet potato crisps (simply slice thinly a sweet potato, spray with low cal oil…
  • People just have the best of intentions and probably the meal was his way of showing how much he loves you, good food with people you love =:smile: This road to healthy eating we've all chosen is full of potholes, pick yourself up out of your current pothole and just move on.
  • :flowerforyou: HOW amazing are you both x HAPPY HAPPY anniversary
  • My lovely sister in law is doing it and I was just thinking about it earlies (I have a book on my Kindle about it) 500 cals days could be a limited amount (about 28gr) of cereal with skimmed milk for breakfast, low fat hoummous and veggie sticks for lunch and then a poached egg on 1 slice light toast. Just interested to…
  • I have mobility issues also and have lost 8lbs in the past 2 weeks just by counting my calories, making friends who support me on MFP and walking when I can. I lost weight on a 500 cal liquid diet spent ££££'s on the stuff (it was NASTY) looked fantastic for about 3 weeks and ended up on MFP ......... NEED I SAY MORE:smile:
  • I did WW many years ago and all it really taught me was unhealth eating habits. I used to 'save' my points so I could eat what I wanted in the evening without having the worry that I would be over my points for the day (a habit I still have some 25 years later and find extremely HARD to break) I also lived on just…
  • 10/3 75 mins brisk walking 3.5 kph 11/3 75 mins brisk walking 3.5.kph 12/3 Back Pain is bad so I'll have a rest day.
  • Chris, I work (ed) for Newcastle University and can't imagine that they'd mind if you got in touch to ask if they'd let you use the Bod Pod. I imagine they must use it for clinical studies if you can find it's location (department/school) it's in and email the person (or technical manager) in charge they can only say no…
  • Mine started as just snowdrop, I joined end of last month when the snowdrops were just coming up here and that means spring is on the way. Snowdrop and whitesnowdrop both taken so yellowsnowdrop it was.