TrinaGoss Member


  • Hi Everyone! I am 35 years old, a wife and mom of 1, and very busy!! I work a full time job plus have a part-time business, I am a Girl Scout troop leader, and I go to college part-time online. I was doing really well on my weight loss journey for about a year, but then I "fell off the wagon" at the beginning of the summer…
  • I just joined this challenge today!! My starting weight is 173. Goal by December 25: 153 Ultimate goal weight: 140
  • Yes!! I also drizzle mine with olive oil, but then I sprinkle them with salt and pepper and bake them in 450 degree oven for about 20 - 25 minutes depending on how thick they are. I don't use any dipping sauce because they are wonderful fresh out of the oven!
  • Feel free to add me as well! I've been on MFP for about a year, but I recently started logging more consistantly. I also have about 30 pounds to lose. We can do this!
  • I'd love to join!
  • Ok, I'm back, I think. :smile: I really "fell off the wagon" since August, but I"m getting back in the swing of things. I gained back 15 of the 22 pounds I lost last year, which really bummed me out for awhile. I've decided this year I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to lose a certain amount of weight in a…
  • I kind of plan my dinners in advance. I find recipes on pinterest and fitness magazines. I have a few that I make fairly regularly, but I like to try one or two new recipes a week as well. I make a list of 7-14 meals that are healthy and easy to make, then I go shopping and buy everything I need. I try not to "schedule" a…
  • Great job, cindylu!! Sorry about being absent for awhile. I completely lost my motivation for a few weeks, but I'm getting it back now!! Current weight is 160.8.....that's down 1 pound from the start of this challenge and my goal was 1 pound a week, but like I said, I lost my motivation for awhile. I'm just glad I didn't…
  • I've set some new goals for the first 30 days of this challenge, so here they are. I decided to start today rather than Friday. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day Eat every 3-4 hours to avoid overeating during meals Limit of 1 wheat and 1 dairy product per day Limit of 2 fruit servings per day Create a well balanced…
  • My starting weight for this challenge is 161.4. I'm looking forward to getting back into a normal routine - I haven't excercised in 2 weeks because I've been sick and haven't felt like doing anything! Lame excuse, I know, because I might have felt a little better if I did something. But I have a good plan in place to stick…
  • So. . .I disappeared for awhile and was excited to see a new challenge on here this morning! I've been highly unmotivated the last couple of weeks, so I need something to kick my butt in gear! I'd like to lose 1 pound a week. I'll spend 6 hours a week (at least) to get there. I also need to get my diet back on track, so…
  • Good morning! My weight this morning was 160, so that's up 1.6 from last week. My food choices weren't the best this week, but I'm going grocery shopping tonight and I"m going to stock up on healthy stuff!! Today is a rest day for me, but I'm gearing up for my long run tomorrow. I'm supposed to do 7 miles!! YIKES!! My goal…
  • Well, I got my run in last night. I really wasn't feeling it in the beginning, but I was able to push through and got 4 miles in. When I was done I did feel pretty good - it had been a week since I worked out and it felt good to sweat again! Today I will either ride my bike around the lake (7 miles) or do 45 minutes on the…
  • I have seriously got to get my butt in gear. I haven't worked out since last Tuesday. Last week ended up being a VERY stressful week and I didn't have any time or energy to do anything. Despite that, I still lost almost 3 pounds last week - probably because I wasn't eating as much as I normally would. So tonight I'm going…
  • I've done really horrible this week when it comes to meeting my fitness goals. It's been an incredibly stressful week and at this point I just want to crawl in a hole and disappear for the weekend. :( But with all that said, I lost 2.6 pounds this week! I'm down to 157.4, so I'm extremely happy with that. I really thought…
  • I ran my 4 miles last night but didn't do any strength training. I decided I will do that on Friday, which is supposed to be a rest day. Strength training doesn't really feel like working out to me, because I really enjoy it, so I don't mind giving up a rest day for it! Tonight I will attempt to ride my bike around the…
  • Tonight I will run 4 miles and do 30 minutes of strength training. At the moment all I can think about is sleeping though. It's been a ridiculously crazy day and it's only 1:30 in Kansas!! I'll be glad when this work day is over! I went out for breakfast this morning with one of our directors, then my husband called and…
  • Today is a much needed rest day for me. I ran a total of 12 miles over the weekend (Friday - Sunday), and my legs are killing me!! Plus I'm having a problem with my arch on my left foot. It's feeling better today, but yesterday I couldn't walk without limping. I think it's because I ran 6 miles on Saturday in my old…
  • How did your 4 mile run go on Saturday?
  • Everyone is doing so great!! Keep up the good work, guys!! I didn't weigh in last week since I was out of town, but when I checked my weight Monday morning I was at 164.4. This morning I weighed 160.0 - so I had a 4.4 pound loss this week! I've very happy with that, considering I gained so much while on vacation (8…
  • I'm in for a 2 pound loss next week! I didn't get in my bike ride last night - I just wasn't feeling it so I chose to be lazy. My goal is to do it tonight instead, and I'll just shift the rest of my workouts up a day. Basically tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day, but instead I'll do what was supposed to be tonight's…
  • Tonight I will go on a bike ride around the lake. I'll also stick to my cleansing plan. The first two days weren't too bad, and so far I've lost 5 pounds since Monday morning! I had another MFP friend mention that is probably water weight from vacation, which is probably true, but no matter what kind of weight it is, I'm…
  • I'll do 30 minutes of strength training and run 3 miles this evening. I'll also continue doing the cleanse I started yesterday, which went pretty well on my first day. Have a great day!!
  • I am doing a cleanse for at least the next 5 days. It is the master cleanse, which I know can be controversial. I've done it before, and I don't stick to the guidelines of the cleanse. I eat fruits and veggies throughout the day when I get hungry, and I have a cup of shelled edamame for lunch to get some protein. Then I…
  • I'm up a little this week, but I'm not too worried about it because it's becoming the norm for me to go up and down a few pounds for a few weeks, then all the sudden I'll drop a little lower permanently! So I'm currently at 159.6. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow morning, and this whole week I've been gearing up for that.…
  • Well, I stayed motivated last night and got a work out in!! Tonight I'm going to ride my bike around the lake - 6.75 miles. And I'll try to do better with my food intake. I've been eating a lot of high calorie, high fat foods lately!! Have a great day!
  • I have to get motivated tonight!! I've taken the last two days off, other than walking around at the fair last night and the half mile to and from our car. Tonight I plan to do 30 minutes of strength training and a 3 mile run. I ate terrible for lunch today, so I'll probably just stick with a protein shake for dinner. Only…
  • So yesterday I said I was going to do my workout for today since I have plans this evening and won't be able to exercise. But that didn't happen, and today I won't have time to get a workout in. So I've decided I'm just going to shift my week around a little and do today's workout tomorrow, tomorrow's workout on Thursday,…
  • Good morning! I'm back at work this week in my normal office so I'm looking forward to my life getting back to a normal schedule - and packing my lunches for work!! Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I won't be able to excercise tomorrow, so I"m switching the days. So tonight I'll do 30 minutes of strength training…
  • I weighed in at 160 this morning, up a couple of pounds from last week. This week was terrible as far as food goes, but I did stick to my exercise plan. I leave for vacation one week from today, and I'm going to focus HARD on eating right and getting back on track before I go. Keep it up Die Hards! The hard work is well…