This is my biggest issue! I'm doing some at-home kickboxing, and also just plenty of walking outside. I walk without music, and actually enjoy it as a way of listening to what's happening around me, and get lost in my thoughts a little. But I may not be able to exercise for the full 9 days... I'm starting to run out of…
Whoops, I meant "greek yogurt" instead of "green yogurt"! :)
I actually make my own "Green yogurt" by simply buying a big tub of plain nonfat yogurt, and then letting it strain in the fridge in a coffee filter-lined sieve for a full 24 hours. Just as delicious as Greek yogurt, but much cheaper. :)
When I don't eat meat (which is often), I substitute with beans and quinoa for protein. Not too much of an issue.
I like to roast chickpeas and have those to snack on. I also loooove kale chips, wish I had a dehydrator! :) And I totally agree about watermelon, it's delicious!!
These are all really good suggestions, thank you everyone! I did day two of C25K today, it was really challenging but somehow I managed to push through and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. But I do think that better shoes will make a big difference - I found it challenging to get into a "groove" when running, and I…
I'm completely obsessed with argulua, and it's even more amazing if you chop it up before putting it in the salad bowl. A Shabbos salad that I like (I chop everything up really small, to make this into a kind of fancy Israeli salad - it always get TONS of complements): Chopped arugula Chopped parsley Red bell pepper…
Nothing in particular... she was just saying that this is to "jump-start" my metabolism to get the weight coming off quickly. Thanks everyone for confirming my suspicion... I've been enjoying the foods I've been eating these past few months, I feel healthy and like I'm getting stronger, and the weight is coming off at a…
Yes, I think it's meant to be a detox diet.... basically "do this for 8 weeks, then after 8 weeks we'll adjust" though I think that even after 8 weeks are up, I'm only supposed to be allowed to eat these foods in small amounts, as treats. Her advice really didn't sit well with me.
Thanks for responses so far... I think the primary reason she was advocating dropping them is because of their glycemic index... basically, that I should cut them out because of their natural sugars. But I thought that sugars were fine if they're natural sugars, not processed sugars, right?
Perfect, thank you all for the advice on the Roman Chair - I think I understand what it is now and how to use it safely, so I'll try to give it a go at the gym today! I still a little confused about the first one, though... it sounds like you're saying it's meant for a kind of sit-up where you're almost upside-down, with…
I second pretty much everything he said! Invite friends over, prepare or purchase healthy snacks. Watch movies, play group video games, Texas Hold 'Em or board games, or invite friends over for an evening/afternoon of sports or other outdoor games in the backyard. Provide snacks, barbeque, fruity drinks, etc. Another idea…
So if I'm doing a yoga routine as well, would you recommend that I start it off only once my body is hot?
Thank you, this is really helpful! I usually find myself "bouncing" so I'll defintiely try to check myself whenever I'm doing that. And I'll check out the Youtube channel when I get home today. Thanks again! :)
What's amaranth, I've never heard of it?? After much consultation with my mom, some of the recipes we'll be planning are Nicoise salads, Cauliflower paprikash, Quinoa-pesto torta, Ratatoille, Sweet potato galette, and various salmon and chicken recipes.
My parents had been telling me for years that they were worried about my weight gain, but I never saw it when I looked in the mirror, though I could see it plainly in photos (I guess it's a good thing that I didn't see it in the mirror - always nice to have a positive self-image, right?) Anyways, my "final straw" moment…
Hi Whitney, I am *totally* on the same boat as you. I'm a little embarrased to admit that up until about 2 weeks ago, I literally never worked out. Ever. Then two things happened: my doctor had a little chat with me about taking charge of my weight - that scared me. Then the next day, a coworker told me about MFP, and I…
Haha, I LOVE your attitude!! At first I was nervous about going home and all the food I'll be facing, but I had a discussion with my parents about what I'm trying to do, and they are totally on board! Bring on the delicious veggies!! On another note, I've realized that it's much easier to eat healthfully on Pesach when…
Amazing, congratulations!! Have you been doing cardio/weights as well, or did you just make it to this milestone counting calories? Congrats again, you should definitely feel proud. :)
Bumping, just to try once more... any Kosher peeps out there?
Love anything and everything that Joss Whedon ever directed :) That probably pegs me as a geek....
Thanks so much for all your quick responses! I'm new to all of this - (serious) dieting, strength training, etc. This was really helpful!
Got it. So if I want to log the calories, I need to log it under the cardio section?
I just joined yesterday and I'm excited to get started!!! It's so inspiring seeing all these 20-somethings working towards similar goals. :) I'm 27, and am hoping to lose 60 lbs. I'm using MyFitnessPal, the Runtastic Pedometer, and the GainFitness app (which I don't think syncs to MyFitnessPal). Anyone else using other…