Not sure about my trainer's nutrition advice?



  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    You've lost 14 pounds since March. Looks like you know what you need to eat or not eat. Getting in more exercise is good though because there is no downside to burning more calories or getting toned.
  • CoachDreesTraining
    CoachDreesTraining Posts: 223 Member
    I'd get a new trainer.

    I would do this ^^^

    Some fruit and fruit juices can be "bad" if you consume tons, but I've never seen an obese person that eats a lot of fresh fruits.

    Dairy can be bad for you depending on how you digest it, but again not necessarily a "bad" food.

    You're safe eating the rest.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I joined a new gym and they gave me a complimentary session with a personal trainer. She walked me through a nutrition plan this morning, to basically "jump-start" my metabolism and get it running as fast as possible. Nothing on the "good foods" list surprised me, and obviously "no-nos" like fried foods and soda weren't a surprise either.

    What did surprise me were some of the other foods on the "no-no" list:
    - most fruits (like mangos, berries, and apples)
    - dairy, including yogurt and skim milk
    - any nuts except raw almonds
    - carrots
    - tomatoes

    Those foods have been big parts of my clean eating diet (esp yogurt and tomatoes), and I have been making good progress the past few months - 14lbs lost since I started MFP early March.

    Should I start cutting out these foods as well, or do you think it's unnecessary? Thanks!

    i disagree as well. you don't need to eliminate ANYTHING from your diet, even the ones you claim to be obvious no-nos. create a moderate calorie deficit and you will lose weight. lift heavy to retain your LBM.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member

    You can safely disregard that advice, imho. There really isn't any reason to change your diet, unless it is really bad (excessive fried foods and saturated fats), you are training to be an Olympian or something, or you have severe allergies or a medical reason. Just eat less of whatever you are eating now, if you need to lose weight. No reason to increase protein, eat like a cave person, get rid of wheat, etc. Eat less, move more. It isn't rocket science. Of course, if you want to try that stuff, knock yourself out! :o)

    Good luck!
  • NaomisGonnaWin
    NaomisGonnaWin Posts: 34 Member
    It might be interesting to try the suggestions for only a week or two, to see if there is any difference. I don't know how I'd live without apples and berries, though!
    I'm unsure as to why berries and apples are on no-no list - usually they're at the top of the 'yes' list because of their fibre content. Mangos are high on the glycemic index, and dairy can affect digestion, so I get that. Was it a detox diet that she gave you?

    Yes, I think it's meant to be a detox diet.... basically "do this for 8 weeks, then after 8 weeks we'll adjust" though I think that even after 8 weeks are up, I'm only supposed to be allowed to eat these foods in small amounts, as treats.

    Her advice really didn't sit well with me.
    What does say you are detoxing from?

    Nothing in particular... she was just saying that this is to "jump-start" my metabolism to get the weight coming off quickly.

    Thanks everyone for confirming my suspicion... I've been enjoying the foods I've been eating these past few months, I feel healthy and like I'm getting stronger, and the weight is coming off at a good safe pace. I think I'll disregard her advice and keep on chugging the way I've been doing so far. :)

    Again, thank you everyone!!
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I also disagree with your trainer. As opposed to cutting out certain foods, I advocate calorie control and IIFYM.

    What he said.. you shouldn't cut anything out. All in moderation.
  • Ahmed_Gul
    Ahmed_Gul Posts: 3 Member
    "Those foods have been big parts of my clean eating diet (esp yogurt and tomatoes), and I have been making good progress the past few months - 14lbs lost since I started MFP early March"... You said yourself you've made good progress eating these foods so cutting them out shouldn't even be an option, carry on eating them & disreguard what has been said as half of these personal trainers out there these days don't have a clue.