lovingangel4uau Member


  • I commend you for keeping on track. Clearly it’s a tough road for your BF and I can understand that. He enjoys cooking and eating and obviously loves to share that with you but now that you aren’t on the same road as he is probably feeling a bit lost. Perhaps one compromise could be you both enjoy one meal he makes on the…
  • The gastroenterologist on The Doctors program recommended Psyllium this can help relieve both constipation and diarrhea, and is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. Psyllium has also been used to help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and can lower…
  • Ok I've been where you are and telling you don't give up now! What I found when I didn't put down my food in here which kept me accountable and knowing where I was, I didn't put on weight right away but slow over the last 3 months I have put on 8Ibs but that isn't as bad as the inches. When you think your not taking weight…
  • Honestly there are very few woman that are perfect in every way inside and out. I think you need to look deeper. All pictures in mags are edited so you can knock those women out! The amazing thing in life is there is only one of you in the whole world and will never be another. Be the best you can be inside and out and…
  • This explains everything you will need to know and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM
  • Bump might need this recipe lol I've taking a ton of calories off sweet treats by using Norbu its sugar from the Monk fruit. Tastes good none of that yucky sweetie sickly taste. Just use a 1/4 of what it says for sugar in the recipe. Only like 0.2 cal per teaspoon. Roughly 16 calories for a cake. Its awesome for your sugar…
  • Extensive studies done on Atkins Diet to see why it worked wasn't the fat but was the protein that keeps people fuller longer and not looking for food. Plant based protein a lot better for you than animal for long term general health.
  • USA/China Study. Debunked indeed. Each to his own.
  • umm having worked out the reply thing but that's my answer: Yes Cancer unfortunately its around us and most people have someone they know who has died from it for me it was my mum. It is out there and there are causes. Industry would like to leave our heads in the sand. Anyway there is plenty of information out there its a…
  • I'm lucky haven't found haters but I don't know why people want to be friends then you don't hear a peep out of them.. what's the point!
  • Years ago I miscarried using Herbal life. The woman who use to sell told me it can happen with it.
  • I like milk but hardly drink is as I found makes my asthma worst so have cut out dairy to a large extent and feel better.
  • Aldi sell ChocAir little chocs only 57 calories taste good and gets the choc craving. But wouldn't go for choc if I didn't feel like it. A little cheese will keep you full longer. All protein has been proven to cut hunger. Then again don't over do protein because other tests that have been done..(have web sites if anyone…
  • Latest studies conducted by Professor T Colin Campbell Phd done between USA and China found our recommended protein levels are way to high. Increase in cancer rates. The findings are in a lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDXxo5Sussk Good to have information then make up your own mind.
  • You obviously didn't hear this lecture by scientists to Drs and scientists, who actually have done studies. This doesn't mean you give up meat or protein altogether just less of the amount we are told by the FDA who are run by most industries namely Monsanto's. Tell us what to have. Interesting that. Most of the board…
  • Also great book to read about all of this is.. Crazy Sexy Kitchen
  • You might like to hear this before putting up your protein. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDXxo5Sussk
  • Welcome Bernie, this is the best thing I've found and have tried a LOT, even lapband. Stick to it and weight will come off no doubts about it. We all have our down times but pick ourselves up hopefully and keep going. Cant wait til summer its damn cold lol.
  • Thanks for your honest answer and info. At least I know it can be done! Your amazing! :)
  • Excellent effort I'm sure you feel so much better. I'm 260 at the moment. How long did it take you to lose all your this weight?
  • Sugar is a drug we really crave it and lets face it can make things taste pretty darn good. I haven't cut all my sugar but I try to find things with less sugar. I've come across Norbu which is sugar made from the Monk fruit a teaspoon is .5 of a calorie apposite to normal white sugar which is 16 huge difference when you…
  • I found I cant breathe with it as I'm allergic to preservatives in diet and non diet sodas and many other things. Taste discussing when you don't have it for years. I guess just like a non smoker doesn't like the smell of cig smoke. Anyway some other info for you. http://www.infowars.com/food-the-ultimate-secret-exposed/
  • Wow that is tremendous! Honestly honey now you are looking your age totally amazing and very well done. I know its not always easy day by day but you have been doing it and are really succeeding. You should be very proud of yourself for this huge commitment to yourself. You have given me some inspiration today. Keep up…
  • Counting Calories that way not limited in eating what someone else is telling me. I pick the foods I like. Gain knowledge of what's in the foods we eat and what our body really needs and some will power :) It works.
  • For sure organic as long as the purse can afford it. For those that like to know more of what's in their food, knowledge is the key. Here are a few YouTube vids that you will find very informative and interesting. If nothing more will help you to make informed choices.…
  • Maybe at least when you are speaking to him, give him the attention he requires then do what you like other times because its helping you. As long as it doesn't become an addiction all is good. I find I'm on here a lot of my day as well putting food in working out cals and emails of course these little posts lol but its a…
  • If that's how you feel go with it. The guy you want will respect your judgement and go with it also for love of you. Your worth waiting for and he will know it. I think sometimes feelings get a bit all mixed between sex, lust and love. You can have them all for the right reason just sometimes it can confuse some people.…
  • Just worked this out by the book :) On the Nutella site for Australia, not sure if they are diff anywhere else. Re did the calculations: Based on 280g Nutella, 2 medium eggs, 62g of self raising flour. 12 cupcakes per cake equals. Calories: 149 Carb: 16.5 Total Fat: 7.92 just over a 1/3 is saturated fats (bad fat) and from…
  • Sounds like you have made the first step to getting seriously getting back, as you said your a smart girl. I would suggest seeing this youtube lecture about sugar. I have found knowledge is a strong motivator. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM My other suggestion is to LOVE YOURSELF not food. You are worth being…