How to cut sugar?

LeihaS Posts: 48 Member
I'm trying to cut most sugar out of my diet but I'm not sure how to go about it.

This is mostly because in the last couple of years (mostly during my last pregnancy actually,), I have gotten a lot of cavities and I believe it's from too much sugar (and being lazy about flossing- ew i know)

Any tips for me?


  • KindredSouls
    KindredSouls Posts: 188 Member
    1 part sugar ... 1 part baking soda ... cook @ 350 deg. for 30 min
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I guess take a look at your normal food consumption and see what are the sugary things you're eating. Start by limiting those, especially sugary snacks and candies. Follow with juices, then fruits, although I, personally, wouldn't cut back that much on fruit.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I'm trying to cut most sugar out of my diet but I'm not sure how to go about it.

    Stop putting it in your face...? :tongue:
  • KSfitgal
    KSfitgal Posts: 59 Member
    I just went cold turkey because I think I have an addiction to it. I want to eat it all the time. Use splenda or truvia, don't use real sugar. Stick to sugar free everything. Some food have naturally occurring sugars - like fruit, dairy and so on. Stay away from added sugar. Also, limit your soda intake - especially no regular soda. Coke Zero I think it a great alternative to diet coke, and is sweet without sugar, calories or fat. Eat sugar free candy. I prefer that anyway, cause I can't stand the feel of plaque on my teeth. Go to the dentist on a regular basis too, and brush your teeth after you eat or drink anything with sugar in it. Acid and sugar eat away at your enamel. That's when you get cavities and sensitive teeth. I've only had one cavity in my back molar and it was due to not flossing so my tooth completely broke. However, cutting out sugar has helped me overall feel better, eat better and lose weight! Good luck, I know for some people it is a hard thing to do, but you can do it and your body and mouth will thank you for it! DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH your teeth & floss everyday at least once a day!!
  • KSfitgal
    KSfitgal Posts: 59 Member
    Some fruits have lower sugar content than others. Berries (Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) apples - all have a lot less sugar in them than Bananas, oranges, pineapple and so on.... The sweeter and more tasty the fruit - the more natural sugar it has!
    I guess take a look at your normal food consumption and see what are the sugary things you're eating. Start by limiting those, especially sugary snacks and candies. Follow with juices, then fruits, although I, personally, wouldn't cut back that much on fruit.
  • makibird
    makibird Posts: 9 Member
    I always drunk sugar free fizzy drinks instead of full fat to try and keep my sugar low and teeth healthy. And ate/drank my 5 a day to try to keep the rest of me healthy. This didn't work, I had the same dental problems as before. So instead I cut out the highest sugar fruits and juices, and totally cut out fizzy drinks. Six months later, my dentist said that there was a huge improvement.

    he fizzy drinks have done more damage than the sugar ever did :/ However, cutting down on the high sugar fruits did help a huge amount.

    There's an old saying that goes "gain a child, lose a tooth". While this isn't necessarily true, my sister's dentist told her there are links between pregnancy and tooth loss. From what I've read, there are lots of theories being batted around by various scientists, but one of the factors they all seem to agree on is the change in nutrient absorption during pregnancy, possibly due to hormone changes.

    My sister lost a tooth for when she was pregnant with first child and had dental issues with the second.

    There's a list of high/low sugar fruits here :)

    Good luck with the teeth!
  • LeihaS
    LeihaS Posts: 48 Member
    what would that be for?
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i need help with this too :(

    i've heard that going cold turkey is prob best!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    Sugar is a drug we really crave it and lets face it can make things taste pretty darn good. I haven't cut all my sugar but I try to find things with less sugar. I've come across Norbu which is sugar made from the Monk fruit a teaspoon is .5 of a calorie apposite to normal white sugar which is 16 huge difference when you put a cup or more in a cake recipe. Just an example made a fruit bread pudding would have been 1560 calories of sugar with Norbu was 55! And tastes the same use half of what sugar is in the recipe. No after horrible taste like Stevia or Nativa which is made from the sugar plant.

    Besides all that knowledge is a great tool if you would like to watch this youtube video tells you off the effects of sugar and a few other things.

    Good luck you can do this :)