Humans are not designed to drink cows milk



  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    And? That document clearly states that there is Code of Practice to follow to stop this? If a farmer fails to abide by that Code they will get prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering.

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    And? That document clearly states that there is Code of Practice to follow to stop this? If a farmer fails to abide by that Code they will get prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering.

    Each year, this is the fate of around 800 000 bobby calves in Australia. Because they will very soon go to slaughter, bobby calves often do not get the same standard of housing, cleanliness, care or attention as the valuable replacement heifers or the bull calves being reared for veal.

    Wait what? Did you read that part where it states they dont get the same standards? Or did you miss the part where the female cows are kept pregnant right at the start? That start part proves my whole point. Nah does not happen...I was told by sooooooooooooo many in here that it does NOT happen at all. Yet there is the proof from the RSPCA themselves that it does indeed happen... yet contradicting story from someone who knows someone who works in the animal welfare industry?

    You can see that they are recommending 10 days old...yet they state most are killed at 5 days old. Just like I said in my original post.

    Nope does not happen in Australia at all though right? Can't have it both ways.

    I stated how the cows were kept pregnant (then I was called a liar) then I stated what happened to the girl calves (and called a liar) then what happens to the boy calves (and once again called a liar).... yet there it is written EXACTLY what happens. Potins proven ty very much I am outta here cause I know you lot will say it's still not true.

    Enjoy your friggen milk.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    And? That document clearly states that there is Code of Practice to follow to stop this? If a farmer fails to abide by that Code they will get prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering.

    Each year, this is the fate of around 800 000 bobby calves in Australia. Because they will very soon go to slaughter, bobby calves often do not get the same standard of housing, cleanliness, care or attention as the valuable replacement heifers or the bull calves being reared for veal.

    Wait what? Did you read that part where it states they dont get the same standards? Or did you miss the part where the female cows are kept pregnant right at the start? That start part proves my whole point. Nah does not happen...I was told by sooooooooooooo many in here that it does NOT happen at all. Yet there is the proof from the RSPCA themselves that it does indeed happen... yet contradicting story from someone who knows someone who works in the animal welfare industry?

    And did you miss the part where they state there is a Code of Practice to stop this? Did you also look at all the other stuff on their website describing other incidents of animal cruelty - where when they occur the RSPCA prosecute. Just because it can happen does not mean that it routinely does. Nowhere does it state that 800,000 calves are all kept with lower standards just that it can. When it does they breach the code and get prosecuted.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    so unnatural, do you think cows put out 1% and 2% milk? NO it's processed, probably with chemicals

    Wait. Didnt you say you drank almond milk? How did the milk get from the almond to the carton? If it wasnt processed then its just magic?


    They are dissolved in water, no chemicals needed
    Right, because water certainly isn't a chemical...

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    And? That document clearly states that there is Code of Practice to follow to stop this? If a farmer fails to abide by that Code they will get prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering.

    Each year, this is the fate of around 800 000 bobby calves in Australia. Because they will very soon go to slaughter, bobby calves often do not get the same standard of housing, cleanliness, care or attention as the valuable replacement heifers or the bull calves being reared for veal.

    Wait what? Did you read that part where it states they dont get the same standards? Or did you miss the part where the female cows are kept pregnant right at the start? That start part proves my whole point. Nah does not happen...I was told by sooooooooooooo many in here that it does NOT happen at all. Yet there is the proof from the RSPCA themselves that it does indeed happen... yet contradicting story from someone who knows someone who works in the animal welfare industry?

    And did you miss the part where they state there is a Code of Practice to stop this? Did you also look at all the other stuff on their website describing other incidents of animal cruelty - where when they occur the RSPCA prosecute. Just because it can happen does not mean that it routinely does. Nowhere does it state that 800,000 calves are all kept with lower standards just that it can. When it does they breach the code and get prosecuted.

    The Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Cattle ( recommends that bobby calves should be transported for a maximum of 10 hours and then slaughtered on the day of arrival at the abattoir. The RSPCA believes these conditions are not always met.

    The code of practice is for the TRANSPORTATION ONLY. Not for how they are treated before that. It DOES also state that this is the fate for 800,000 calves. Read again.

    The Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Cattle ( recommends that bobby calves should be transported for a maximum of 10 hours and then slaughtered on the day of arrival at the abattoir. The RSPCA believes these conditions are not always met.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    My uncle was a dairy farmer in Louisiana for all of his adult life. Every summer when we went we "helped" or just got in the way or something.

    Cows had to have BEEN pregnant to START producing milk, however like with all other mammals, once you're producing milk if you keep "stimulated" to produce more you continue producing milk FOREVER.

    I'm sure there are dairy farmers who are cruel, however once you start milking a cow, that being said - it's not cruel to simply milk a cow, you have to milk them every 4 hours otherwise the cow is in SERIOUS pain!!! Just like with humans when you're breast feeding, if you skip a feeding / pumping, then your breasts become sore. Cows feel the same way.

    That being said, I can't drink milk anymore. Or if I do - I get to pay for it in the potty.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    My uncle was a dairy farmer in Louisiana for all of his adult life. Every summer when we went we "helped" or just got in the way or something.

    Cows had to have BEEN pregnant to START producing milk, however like with all other mammals, once you're producing milk if you keep "stimulated" to produce more you continue producing milk FOREVER.

    That being said, I can't drink milk anymore. Or if I do - I get to pay for it in the potty.

    For cows to produce milk, they have to give birth to a calf every year. Most calves are separated from the cows within twelve hours of birth to reduce the risk of disease, and most do not stay on the farm for long.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    And? That document clearly states that there is Code of Practice to follow to stop this? If a farmer fails to abide by that Code they will get prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering.

    Each year, this is the fate of around 800 000 bobby calves in Australia. Because they will very soon go to slaughter, bobby calves often do not get the same standard of housing, cleanliness, care or attention as the valuable replacement heifers or the bull calves being reared for veal.

    Wait what? Did you read that part where it states they dont get the same standards? Or did you miss the part where the female cows are kept pregnant right at the start? That start part proves my whole point. Nah does not happen...I was told by sooooooooooooo many in here that it does NOT happen at all. Yet there is the proof from the RSPCA themselves that it does indeed happen... yet contradicting story from someone who knows someone who works in the animal welfare industry?

    And did you miss the part where they state there is a Code of Practice to stop this? Did you also look at all the other stuff on their website describing other incidents of animal cruelty - where when they occur the RSPCA prosecute. Just because it can happen does not mean that it routinely does. Nowhere does it state that 800,000 calves are all kept with lower standards just that it can. When it does they breach the code and get prosecuted.

    The Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Cattle ( recommends that bobby calves should be transported for a maximum of 10 hours and then slaughtered on the day of arrival at the abattoir. The RSPCA believes these conditions are not always met.

    The code of practice is for the TRANSPORTATION ONLY. Not for how they are treated before that. It DOES also state that this is the fate for 800,000 calves. Read again.

    The Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Cattle ( recommends that bobby calves should be transported for a maximum of 10 hours and then slaughtered on the day of arrival at the abattoir. The RSPCA believes these conditions are not always met.

    Not always met. Meaning they they are at least sometimes met. I would guess met most of the time, otherwise the wording would likely be 'not often being met'.

    So there are some bad dairy farmers not treating their cattle properly. I don't think anyone is denying that it happens SOME of the time. But does that mean we should never drink milk again even though most dairy farmers are treating their cattle according to RSPCA guidelines? So there is less profit in milk as a whole making it less affordable to keep bull calves under recommended conditions?

    Or does it mean we should, as consumers, find out more about where are milk is coming from and refuse to do business with those not following guidelines?

    Which method would make the bad treatment of cattle less profitable?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    But I was just TOLD that it does not happen PERIOD.

    Either it does (and according to all sources it in fact does happen ALL the time or according to those who choose not to see the truth even when it's there it does not.

    Seems as though I was more than right all along, yet I'm still being called a liar? RSPCA lie now as well?

    Damn there is no hope in here. You are all set on destroying me along the way it seems.

    I'm out.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    But I was just TOLD that it does not happen PERIOD.

    Either it does (and according to all sources it in fact does happen ALL the time or according to those who choose not to see the truth even when it's there it does not.

    Seems as though I was more than right all along, yet I'm still being called a liar? RSPCA lie now as well?

    Damn there is no hope in here. You are all set on destroying me along the way it seems.

    I'm out.

    Define ALL the time. Isn't saying it happens ALL the time calling the people who don't see it happen liars too?

    it clearly ISN'T the norm, and boycotting all milk and milk products isn't a realistic way to address problem dairy farmers that breach the guidelines.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    But I was just TOLD that it does not happen PERIOD.

    Either it does (and according to all sources it in fact does happen ALL the time or according to those who choose not to see the truth even when it's there it does not.

    Seems as though I was more than right all along, yet I'm still being called a liar? RSPCA lie now as well?

    Damn there is no hope in here. You are all set on destroying me along the way it seems.

    I'm out.

    Define ALL the time. Isn't saying it happens ALL the time calling the people who don't see it happen liars too?

    it clearly ISN'T the norm, and boycotting all milk and milk products isn't a realistic way to address problem dairy farmers that breach the guidelines.

    No? we can then just tell them they been bad & not to do it again right? I assume then that people who don't like a service they get go back & not protest by not spending $$$ with them? Same applies with this. Vote with your $$ for change.
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    That would be from the RSPCA right? Nah does not happen here at all. :yawn:

    I understand this is a very emotional topic for you (regarding cruelty to animals on dairy farms). I also get it that you receive most of your 'knowledge' from the internet considering you are a city folk. If it means so much to you I don't understand why you wouldn't make this much effort to go visit a few farms regardless of how far away they are.

    As for animal cruelty...quit knocking the entire industry. In every industry there are bad practices and I applaud the people working against them in order to raise animals in a safe and happy environment. I am a huge animal lover, always have is my entire family for generations. And shocker- I was raised on a dairy farm. They were not kept in tiny stalls, they were never kept from seeing sunlight, or slaughtered at 5 days old. They were raised as members of our family. They had hundreds of green acreage during the summer months and free-roaming stalls with lots of good quality hay and a warm building during the harsh winter months. They received more attentive care than most family dogs and cats did. They willingly (on their own) walked to the barn when it was getting close to milking time, and we worked almost around the clock in order to care for these animals and make sure they were healthy AND happy. As a farmer's daughter, I visited NUMEROUS dairy farms growing up...I even did an internship with a large animal vet who visited farms. The good practicing dairy farms are the majority...the bad ones are few and far away (as in, I have never been to one in all my years dealing with and doing business with neighboring farms in the maritimes). This is an emotional topic for me as well. It is frustrating when people with little knowledge about the industry that you've revolved your entire world around fly around barking all these lies and exaggerating every 'tip' they hear to people that don't know any better.

    If you believe what you believe, fine. If you are going to try and stop the bad practices- great. But don't bash an entire industry because you believe everything you read. Go to a farm and get the knowledge for yourself. We aren't as cruel and disgusting as you are making us in your fact, we love, appreciate and respect animals I'd have to say- more than you and the rest of PETA.

    Moo on :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Is this thread still going?????

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you all need to just sit back and chill with some creamy swiss...

  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    I like milk but hardly drink is as I found makes my asthma worst so have cut out dairy to a large extent and feel better.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Each year, this is the fate of around 800 000 bobby calves in Australia. Because they will very soon go to slaughter, bobby calves often do not get the same standard of housing, cleanliness, care or attention as the valuable replacement heifers or the bull calves being reared for veal.

    Interesting selective perception....the document says that some of the male calves do not get the same standard as other male calves, nor does it state that the standard of care constitutes maltreatment. (Interesting use of language - the ones sent off to slaughter are "bobby" calves, the others bull calves)

    It does not unequivocally state that all male calves are being maltreated whereas in PETA's black and white view of the world they are.

    On the subject of annual calving I'm surprised that PETA doesn't suggest we boycott the Serengeti as wildebeest calve annually and we should really do something about those nasty lions and leopards who ensure that a relatively small number of calves survive to adulthood due to predation.

    Compared to life in the wild I think domesticated cattle have it pretty good, they're fed and housed and protected from predators (I'd take a bolt gun in the head over being torn apart by a pack of wolves) in exchange for milk , meat & leather. And, the vast majority of farmers tend to the needs of their cattle very closely as healthy cattle are productive cattle - not only is it humane, it's good business.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    But I was just TOLD that it does not happen PERIOD.

    Either it does (and according to all sources it in fact does happen ALL the time or according to those who choose not to see the truth even when it's there it does not.

    Seems as though I was more than right all along, yet I'm still being called a liar? RSPCA lie now as well?

    Damn there is no hope in here. You are all set on destroying me along the way it seems.

    I'm out.

    Define ALL the time. Isn't saying it happens ALL the time calling the people who don't see it happen liars too?

    it clearly ISN'T the norm, and boycotting all milk and milk products isn't a realistic way to address problem dairy farmers that breach the guidelines.

    No? we can then just tell them they been bad & not to do it again right? I assume then that people who don't like a service they get go back & not protest by not spending $$$ with them? Same applies with this. Vote with your $$ for change.

    You seem to be willfully ignoring my proposed solution - to demand animal products that have been produced with animal welfare in mind and to eschew products that don't treat their animals right.

    Because not ALL of the dairy farmers have bad practice boycotting ALL of the milk isn't the answer.

    Use your money to shift the demand to ethically produced animal products.

    People are mad at you because you are saying all milk production is horrible, and if you drink milk at all you are contributing to this practise. People in here that know where their milk comes from and know they come from happy cows are rightly pissed off at this assertion because they drink milk, but do not contribute to bad factory farming practices.

    Just the act of drinking or not drinking milk without regard to where it comes from will not do a bloody thing.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am going to have a nice glass of milk and a big fat steak. afterwards i am going to put on some makeup that was tested on monkeys while i go club a baby seal for some fine mittens.

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Back in for 2nd roll!

    Anyway, I thought we were talking about humans not being "designed" to drink cow’s milk???

    Forgetting the part that humans weren't designed, but evolved, let’s think about it.

    Humans evol...uh were designed with intelligent brains. These intelligent brains made it possible for humans to do all sorts of things that we weren't physically "designed" for (i.e. fly, communicate over very large distances with copper, light and fiber). You could make the argument that some things aren't as healthy as others, but saying we weren't designed for something is silly. The very fact that we can do it negates the argument.

    However, it is true that some people cannot handle milk so you can say they weren't physically "designed" for it. Also, if you prefer to not drink cow's milk, that is perfectly fine and I (as well as most people) could care less.