I'm here, now what? :)

Hi all,

Last week - on the 25th of June - I had a realisation that it was 6 months until Christmas, which of course is Summer here in Australia.

So I figured, if I just lose 100 grams per day (3.5 ounces), I could drop 18 kilograms (Almost 40 pounds) in that time. That's not hard at all.

A friend of mine told me to sign up to MFP, so here I am and to be honest, it makes life that much easier. So I have started - and so far dropped 5 pounds in a week.

And I will be using this page to keep me motivated when I feel like giving up.

Bernie Mc


  • d1meshel
    d1meshel Posts: 12 Member
    Christmas is summer?? Wayyy wierd. Although it is mild in Alabama, USA. Just starting is the hard part!! Now get some friends and keep going!! :bigsmile:
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome! Now just start looking around the forums/groups and friend request those you feel drawn to. It's great to have a group of people you have similar interests with in your corner. You're welcome to add me. If you do, Also look at some of those on my friends list and add them (just add a message where you found them), I'm sure they would love to have you (All are great, but the guys you'll really like).
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! I hope you find all the support here that you need
  • Maxbert_SA
    Maxbert_SA Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the Welcome, welcomes.

    Yes, Australia is a topsy turvy place where it is currently cold, but on the positive, the days are getting longer for us, whereas you poor Northern Hemisphere people, the days are getting shorter.

    I also think I should change my profile pic - it isn't the best photo of me getting around. Kind of look like an Albino Shrek.

    Anyway, feel free to add me if you like.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    QLD'er here! Welcome to MFP. Log everything you eat, weigh and measure as many things as possible, make sure you are eating not too little and not too much and if you want another Aussie you can add me or just ask questions if you get stuck.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    You are in the right place. The motivation here is tops. the people here are tops and we all came from the same place, over weight and discouraged. and we have all dropped tons of weight. if you need a friend go ahead and add me. Thanks Gordon
  • juul76
    juul76 Posts: 20
    Welcome. I also have just been using the forum a bit in last couple of days. I am living in WA, originally from Europe so I guess our 'cold' here, is lovely for many Europeans!
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome Bernie, this is the best thing I've found and have tried a LOT, even lapband. Stick to it and weight will come off no doubts about it. We all have our down times but pick ourselves up hopefully and keep going.
    Cant wait til summer its damn cold lol.