

  • Oh now I really want one! They aren't easy to get hold of in the UK and are even more expensive when you do find them! One day I WILL have one!!
  • Definitely a good idea to take measurements, it's often where I see the biggest loss. I would say on days where you are eating as little as1150 cals you need to make sure you eat more, same goes for exercising - I try to eat at least half of the extra cals earned, I prefer not to eat them all incase I have over-estimated…
  • Sounds like you should try eating more - but more good whoele/natural foods. Change up what you eat and play around with your exercise a bit - do something your body isn't expecting - do you do any interval training with your running? It's great for fat loss! I started to plateau after my first 15lbs but started eating…
  • I've hated peanut butter for years but o nce I started losing weight it became my best friend! Almond butter is my favourite though, followed by hazelnut butter. If you like banana you should try blending up a banana with a couple of tbsps of nut butter and spreading on an apple (or anything really) it's absolutely…
  • Agree you should try spreading calories more evenly throughout the day. I tend to go for 200-400 calories per meal and make the rest up with 3 snacks. You seem to eat a lot of these special K bars - we dont' get the ones you list in the UK but the special K bars we do get tend to be processed and full of sugar and not very…
  • A, I wasn't quoting you, I don't think I've made out in any way that I am quoting you "I don't like seeing things like this" I'm talking about the topic of "detox" in general. B, I have, it's pretty short
  • I don't think daily weighing is a good idea, so many factors cause your weight to fluctuate! I just do it first thing in the morning on the same day each week - I sometimes cheat an weight in between, I have no good reason for it and just make sure I don't take the numbers too seriously. if it goes up a little at TOM I…
  • I bought a microwaveable omelette maker for work - fits 2 eggs and plenty of filling - I use a little cheese, ham and plenty of veg, keeps me full for hours!
  • I'm not slating cleansing systems - I'm stating some facts. People should see both sides rather than just the posts saying how great it is. You may not want negative comments but you have to accept that as a consequence of posting on a public board. I don't like seeing things like this encouraged so I will say something.
  • What does it 'do'? I mean I know it's a fancy blender, but what does it do to make it worth all that cash? I see so much talk of them that it reall ymakes me want one - but I have no idea why!
  • some brands might add chemicals (but it's easy to check) they don't need to use chemicals to extract the bitterness, it seems to be commonly done by heating and filtering, but not adding chemicals. you can do it yourself at home with some pure alcohol, heat and filtering (alcohol is evaporated with the heat)
  • I did a bit of reasearch as I read a few American blogs where they use stevia but it's not available or legal in the UK so I wanted to know a bit more and as far as I've read it's all natural and no negative effects have been proven - there have been studies that have tried but they have been flawed and disproved too many…
  • I get wrist pain and there doesn't seem to be any real cause to it, I have found it's got better with some weight training as my wrists have gotten stronger. If it's really bothering you it is worth getting it checked out to make sure everything is OK. And don't put too much pressure on it if it is hurting as you may make…
  • 2800 does seem a lot - how accurate is your Zumba burn? I maybe burn approx. 500 cals in a one hour spin class - measured with a heart rate monitor. You definitely should eat all your calories and some of the extra earned from exercise - I aim to eat half of the extra. And I know it's hard, but get off the scales! Measure…
  • They are. Your liver does a pretty good job at detoxing by itself, there is no need for a "detox" diet. Far better of just cleaning up your diet and ditching processed foods and alcohol if you want to "detox"
  • I love almond butter! And hazelnut butter! My local supermarkets aren't much good for unusual foods but most health food shops sell various nut butters.
  • It took a long time before I began to see any difference in mine but it did happen! You can't spot reduce fat though so while doing extra leg work will help build muscle it's not really going to help shift that specific bit of fat. Are your thighs big because of fat or muscle? Mine have a fair amount of both so shifting…
  • It sounds like you may not be eating enough. Especially if you are frequently eating less than your daily amount! Through my own personal experience (I started last Feb and lost 2 stone by September) I find diet is the most important part of fat loss, followed by weight training and then cardio - for cardio I only do…
  • I should have added that I workout with a heart rate monitor and go by what that says rather than any calories burned provided by the site as I know my HRM is a lot more accurate. Actually my HRM has been the most useful tool for me losing weight, I couldn't cope without it now!
  • This is the main thing I took issue with - no it wasn't lies but I can't call it anything like honest - their research was just far too selective! They convieniently ignored anything that went against their own personal view points and that is why I don't see the booka s being honest, or informative!
  • I always have to have breakfast before a weights workout (which is very rare in the morning!) but if I'm just going for a short run or doing some cardio I often only eat when I'm done. I've read a lot of good things about 'fasted cardio' for fat loss. Normal breakfasts are either small bowl of oats with skimmed milk and…
  • I always try to eat at least half of any calories earned from exercise - mostly because the exercise has taken it out of me and I'd struggle to function without eating the extra! I never ate the extra at first but once I started to I found it easier to stick to my calorie limit because I wasn't as hungry and my weight loss…
  • This book also made me angry! I read a few chapters as I did like a lot of what they were saying but it annoyed me that it was just a go vegan book dressed up as something else and the reasearch really wound me up - they'd quite clearly just picked bits and pieces to suit what they were saying and were totally unable to…
  • I go for plain greek yogurt either with just berries or might add honey and flaked almonds. I prefer to add my own flavours and sweetness. Occassionally I have it with a scoop of flavoured protein powder mixed in which really works better with a plain yogurt.
  • My favourite is an apple or banana spread with either almond butter or hazelnut butter - i could eat these all day!