What does everyone have for breakfast?



  • fce_woman
    I've found that for me I need to eat a breakfast filled with lots of protein and fiber, that way I'm not hungry again till lunch time. Normally my breakfast consists of a fat free english muffin (100 cal) with 3 egg whites or 3/4 cup of liquid egg whiles with green and red peppers scrambled in. Or if I'm in a hurry I've found Trader Joe's frozen steel cut oats hot cereal is quick and easy for only 150 calories and a piece of fresh fruit. Another great breakfast is a yogurt parfait. I make mine with greek yogurt (really high in protein) and layer frozen berries in it. If you want some crunch you can sprinkle some healthy cereal on top.

    When I was working out in the early morning I always packed a breakfast of a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread to eat after my workout, and I ate a banana before my workout. That way I had something in my stomach and didn't get shaky or sick to my stomach after a hard workout.

    Hope that gives you some ideas

  • abbie38
    abbie38 Posts: 128
    Okay, seriously, now I REALLY want steel cut oats! :) yumyumyum.
  • dtmarsh
    The fastest item to eat for breakfast for you I would think is a protein shake. I have time to cook, so I eat, 1 egg and 2 egg whites. sometimes with a little cheese, sometimes not. Sometimes with a piece of fruit, most of the time not. The protein lasts longer then a carb. breakfast I find.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I don't work out until later at night. But I have found that if I eat my dinner and then wait an hour before I work out I am fine. I was in a huge hurry on Monday and wanted to get my exercising in so I could play the Wii with my son and husband. So I didn't wait even half an hour before working out and I got 20 mins into it and felt sick to my stomach. So if you do eat give yourself enough time to digest the food.

    Oh and normally for breakfast I have a 100 calorie english muffin with some egg whites or peanut butter on it. Or if I am in a hurry I grab a packet of oatmeal and make that at work.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I usually either have quaker oats with different mix-ins (nuts, fruits, pumpkin, etc) and I stir in 1/4 cup egg beaters to give it a creamier consistency and added protein and to keep me fuller longer. Or I have scrambled egg beaters and bacon. Today I was not in the mood for either so I had a bowl of shredded wheat wiht 1% milk.
  • stella_star
    I always have to have breakfast before a weights workout (which is very rare in the morning!) but if I'm just going for a short run or doing some cardio I often only eat when I'm done. I've read a lot of good things about 'fasted cardio' for fat loss.

    Normal breakfasts are either small bowl of oats with skimmed milk and some dried fruit and plain nuts, sometimes a little honey or dark brown muscovado for sweetness. Thought I've started cooking the oats with finely sliced banana for sweetness instead - makes it lovely and creamy - much better when cooked on the hob rather than microwaved.

    Or I'll have a smoothie with almond milk, spinach and a banana, sometimes add a scoop of protein powder - this week I've been using plain milk and chocolate protein powder - tastes so indulgent!

    At weekends I'm more likely to make omelette or scrambled egg or protien pancakes topped with fruit and yogurt or nut butter.

    If I'm going to the gym it needs to be the protein pancakes or a smoothie in a bowl - thick smoothie with protein powder in a bowl topped with granola, fruit, nuts, yogurt - keeps me full for hours but is high in calories!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Some days i'll either have steel cut oats or another multigrain hot cereal.
    Other days...I'm much like you, eat veggies and naan or have some mango quinoa. I don't eat the 'traditional' breakfast foods, being a vegetarian I don't eat meat and I don't like eggs. And tea and water. :bigsmile:
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    This morning for breakfast/pre workout I had 1 cup of pumpkin with a scoop of protein powder mixed in and some all spice. It was something different for me. But it was pretty yummy!
  • Buzzkitty1
    My latest kick is to bring a hard boiled egg and 1/2 a multi grain bagle to work. I have a toaster in my office! Sometimes I'll have a clementine or banana mid morning as well.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Plain yogurt, frozen raspberries, and a bit of honey with a brown rice cake and natural peanut butter.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I have an english muffin with almond butter or peanut butter on it. I've tried the steel cut oats but I can't seem to get it sweet.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I am stuck on 2 poached eggs with a slice of weight watchers bread!

    That is what i usually eat, with a bit of light cheese whiz on toast, but I only eat the egg whites.
  • shannon128
    I had a yummy Acai Bowl from Planet Smoothie this morning. It is an acai smoothie with granola and a little bit of honey. It was a huge bowl so I only ate half of it- right under 200 cal.