What does everyone have for breakfast?

I always have trouble with what to have for breakfast. I teach a Zumba class most mornings for an hour, and have read everything from "don't eat before working out" to "eat breakfast!!" My goal is to maximize fat burn, I suppose. Any ideas? Fanx :)



  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I personally have no clue but I've walked/ran without eating, didn't go well. I used to faint. But I always allow 30 minutes between my cardio and food. I wouldn't go empty to a class. Then again I've never done zumba or know what it is!
  • abbie38
    abbie38 Posts: 128
    Sorry :) It's a cardio latin dance class :)
  • LisaNBorchers
    Today's breakfast is 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and feta cheese.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    Oh, sorry forgot to post mine! I'm having a tofu fruit smoothie. I'm a light eater before noon.
  • jumiles
    I am stuck on 2 poached eggs with a slice of weight watchers bread!
  • rgodfrey
    rgodfrey Posts: 1 Member
    I usually have atleast a lowfat yogurt..
  • kloverchick
    Well you NEED to eat before you do any kind of strength training work out, cardio is a differnt story, If you do not eat and you do any kind of strength training work out you have no carbs in your body to burn, so your body will start to burn protein as fuel (your muscle) and that is something that you dont want, always make sure you eat some kind of food before you do any strength training, something as easy as a protein bar is great. Personally when I do my cardio in the morning I do not eat before. When you are doing cardio your body burns your fat. So if it is cardio in themorning it is okay to not eat until after your class, but make sure you eat breakfast every morning. :) Try something with lots of protein like egg whites and cottage cheese to be sure you dont get hungry through your day
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    If I exercise in the morning, which isn't very often. I have to eat a little first or I feel weak when working out.
    Pretty much every day I eat eggs and turkey bacon on a whole grain british muffin.
  • mctipton
    Depending on how many calories I want for the remainder of my day I'll either have 3/4 c of Honey Nut Cheerios w/ 1/2 c skim milk (150 calories total). If I want more calories for breakfast and less for lunch/dinner than I'll splurge and have the Egg Whites and Cheese on a English Muffin from Dunkin Donuts (270 calories). The DD breakfast is very filling and can usually sustain me until about 11:30, which is when I have my first snack. You should definitely eat before working out. You'll need the energy that breakfast provides to get you through your workout. Drink lots of water throughout the day too!! :) Good luck on your weight loss journey! :)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Almost every day, 2 fried or scrambled eggs on a slice of wheat toast. half a cup of coffee. I find that this gets me some protein and keeps me from snacking in the morning.
  • gazholt
    gazholt Posts: 3 Member
    50g of Porridge
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    One egg and one egg white, and 1/2 cup (measured before cooking) oatmeal. I feel VERY full after eating this, but it helps me keep the cravings down almost all morning. If I don't want eggs, I eat toast with Adam's peanut butter instead.
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I like Quaker Oat Low Sugar OR Weight Control Maple and Brown Syrup instant oatmeal. It's easy, 120 or 160 calories (depending on which one I eat), and it's very filling. I can also have an Atkins Advantage shake (Vanilla is 10 calories less than Chocolate - I think like 150 or 140.) and that holds me over without weighing me down. That might be a good idea before doing cardio in the morning.
  • faithcmom1
    Instant maple and brown sugar (with fiber) oatmeal. Or a weight loss shake.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I always have trouble with what to have for breakfast. I teach a Zumba class most mornings for an hour, and have read everything from "don't eat before working out" to "eat breakfast!!" My goal is to maximize fat burn, I suppose. Any ideas? Fanx :)


    Youe teach ZUMBA! i love zumba! Do you have an idea how many calories you burn during each class? And in the morning I start off with an extra large coffee from dunkin with skim milk and splenda and then like around 10:30ish i eat an english muffin with I cant believe its not butter srpay on it. And i know its bad but sometimes I dont eat anything.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    gotta have my eggs every day.......one food I will never get sick of
  • abbie38
    abbie38 Posts: 128
    I honestly have unorthodox meals for breakfast. Growing up in a West Indian household we ate a lot of cooked veggies and flatbread for breakfast. This morning I had a handful of rice pasta, some sauteed veggies and chick peas, along with 7 brazil nuts. It felt very indulgent and with a big glass of water, it was filling :) (I don't work out until the afternoon today, so I just have my typical breakfast)

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  • tigger2009
    Almost everyday since it is so cold I eat Low sugar maple flavor oatmeal. I use to put a touch of milk in it and now I don't put anything else in it. Plus a cup of coffee with Int'l delight creamer. I can't seem to give up the creamer. I have tried but ended up putting sugar & more milk in coffee. I have tried the no fat or low fat creamer and can't get past the taste. So it is one indulgence I keep. Plus I don't put any sugar in it as it already has it.

    On weekends at home is when I have time to make eggs or just some cold cereal.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm on a big kick of steel cut oats. I add in either dried cherries or cinnamon and brown sugar. Always with a little flax seed. It's SO yummy and filling!
    I like to have a toasted low fat peanut butter and turkey bacon sandwhich. Full of protein and will keep you going a long time. Sometimes I go all the way to 1:00 before I get hungry. I think it averages about 250 calories depending on if you use 1 or 2 TBS of peanutbutter.