

  • I hated water forever too. My husband bought some distilled water one day and it wasn't gross because it didn't have taste. So now I drink either distilled or natural spring water, I also drink it room temperature most of the time. If I drink it cold, I only drink small amounts. But I also know someone that can't drink it…
  • I would suggest trying a different exercise routine. Find something you really enjoy doing, and listening to music you love, or an audio book or possibly watch a tv show (depending on exercises) helps too. Play around with healthy foods, you can make really delicious dishes. Maybe you are eating boring food. There are…
  • You probably have a more athletic type body where it just comes easier for you. If it's too easy, you can increase the intensity of the workout and get more of a challenge.
  • If you cut out sugar and simple carbs like white bread, the cravings should go way down or disappear after a week or so. You might be surprised to find out that if you cut it out completely for a while, things might taste a lost sweeter when you re introduce them and you might not enjoy them anymore.
  • I'm pretty sure it depends a lot on your body type. My thighs only touched at my heaviest and when I started to lose weight the gap came back fairly quickly. Others I know don't have a thigh gap even though they aren't even really considered overweight. Is it possible to get one no matter what the body type? Not sure, but…
  • I did a few years ago. I'm 5'5 and at the time weighed about 165. I worked 2 jobs and have 3 kids and a husband, both jobs were desk jobs and the only time I had outside of work was to talk to my kids about their day while I ate dinner and then went to bed other than the weekend, I only worked 1 job but had to spend most…
  • I do this to see how many calories I have left, it helps me decide what I should/could eat for dinner. Or if I know my dinner will be higher in calories, I can make sure to eat a lower calorie lunch or snacks. When I don't add my calories until the end of the day I have usually consumed too much or too little.
  • I could lose weight much faster when I was younger. Needed to lose 5 lbs real quick, no problem. Got over weight after being married, lost over 45 lbs in about 3 months. Gained some back, only had about 17-18 lbs to lose, been at it since January and still have 13 more to go. I have been working harder than I did before,…
  • I was stuck at a plateau for about a month and a half. Tried changing my diet etc.....didn't work. I upped my calories and started weight training after doing some research because I was so frustrated, lost almost 2 lbs the first week! Hope this helps!
  • It's probably the grease.
  • I'm not sure if I binge (not sure what EXACTLY that can entail), but I have my days where I seem to be a lot hungrier. If I'm hungry, I eat. I try to always wait at least 15 to 20 minutes after eating something to see if I'm still hungry, and if I am I still choose healthy. I might end up eating a variety of food like…
  • I took out most breads from my diet, (was eating quite a bit even though they were whole grain), still eat them, just not all the time. I also added heavy weight lifting. So far so good, lost about 2 lbs a week so far. I might gain some back from the lifting or I might not, but I'm losing inches too.
  • I'm not sure how zumba works on the Wii, but I have done it with Xbox knect and it works good on there because it captures the entire move of your whole body. Even including if your feet are in the correct position.
    in wii zumba Comment by jbakerak March 2012
  • Awesome!
    in NSV Comment by jbakerak March 2012
  • This is true. I've helped someone diet and they had a severe sweet tooth, and they also had diabetes. We cut out ALL sugar (including complex carbs that turn into sugar), they ate mostly meat and veggies, drank coffee or water, and 2 weeks later their craving for sugary sweet things was gone, along with their craving for…
  • That is awesome and very motivating!
  • 1. oatmeal - with milk, butter and sugar 2. toast - with cream cheese, peanut butter and honey or butter/butter and jelly (ok, toast yummy) 3. ice cream sundae - cream flavored ice cream with blueberries, bananas and pineapple 4. frozen yogurt - whatever sounds good at the moment 5. popcorn (flavor) - movie theater pop…
  • It really depends on age, gender and height/weight. I work out with someone and they always burn more calories than me no matter what the work out. Once she gets down to where she wants to be, we will probably burn about the same.
  • Yes. When you are that out of shape it takes a while to build up strength and stamina. Me and my sis-in-law started at only 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer. We slowly pushed ourselves 5 minutes more each workout. Now we do 30 on the treadmill, 15 one the stair stepper and 33 on the elliptical. We have also recently…
  • Well done! I agree, don't listen to the scale and keep on keeping on! Your body doesn't always agree with the scale!
  • Thumbs up! This really isn't a diet, but a new life. Eating right and exercising. Feeling better and getting stronger. Thin and flabby or fit and sculpted. I'm glad that your friend (even as unspoken as it was), realized that maybe you are doing the right thing! Way to go! She will probably enjoy how good it feels to work…
  • Good job! I bet it took a lot of work!
  • You can still enjoy some casual drinking while trying to lose weight. Aside from the obvious that if you drink too much it seems to make the next day's work out really tough (but you still stick to it), just try and make sure you don't go over your calories. Sometimes I will work out a little extra if I know I'm going to…
  • Not too sure, but you could try cutting certain things out of your diet now that your weight has gone down. I don't have too much more to lose, and have been having difficulties as well. But I can't seem to lose weight if I eat breads, pasta's, potato's etc., or I won't lose any weight (this includes hot and cold cereals…
  • I agree with a lot of what has been said here. I had mine removed about a year and a half ago I think. Had a hard time tolerating fat, milk products, heavy breads and certain peppers (mostly pickles jalapenos). My doctor said my body should return to normal in about a year. For the most part, it was. Still can't eat too…
  • Mine went away after day 3. Expecting to feel sore again after moving up to level 2 though lol