Diarrhea from reintroducing junk food?

I've lost a grand total of 9 pounds in 3 weeks. I have my cheat day every Sunday. Last week my cheat was a Reese's cup and I was fine. Today I had a 3 musketeers and combo pretzels with my turkey sandwich for lunch and immediately got gassy and stomach pains along with diarrhea. Could it be coincidence or is my body simply rejecting the high carb sugary food? I've been eating rather healthily over these two weeks and was curious as to why this happened or if anyone experienced something similar. I also only drank about three cups of water today, so possibly I'm dehydrated? Feedback would be awesome :)


  • Brennaohh
    Brennaohh Posts: 47
    This has happened to me before, especially with dairy products.

    And if I'm reallly hungry then have a meal which isnt so healthy (pizza for example) the same thing will happen.

    I dont know many facts about this situation but figured I'd share that you arent the only one :p
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    This has happened to me before, especially with dairy products.

    And if I'm reallly hungry then have a meal which isnt so healthy (pizza for example) the same thing will happen.

    I dont know many facts about this situation but figured I'd share that you arent the only one :p

    Definitely good that I'm not all alone lol! It kinda ruins the cheat day. Either that or my body is telling me in a pretty direct manner that I shouldn't be having cheat days.
  • bmblair041
    bmblair041 Posts: 35 Member
    I wasn't even dieting, but after I hit 21, any foods that were greasy generally ripped my insides apart and got nasty. So, it's another reason I'm trying to cut out fast food.
  • proulx5
    proulx5 Posts: 1
    I hit my mid 20s and junk food began its evil revenge. I have been eating better for a little over a month and now the taste of sweets is too much. I think your body is telling you it likes the changes you have made! Keep up the good work
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    I am the same!! I have been eating fairly 'clean' for the past month. NO fast food. Minimally processed foods. And on my cheat days, which are usually Fridays and Saturdays...I get kinda sick. :ohwell: If I eat potato chips with lunch or have a candy bar...I get gassy and crampy. I think we should listen to our bodies :)
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    It's probably the grease.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Fattier foods make my digestive system totally freak out in exactly the same way as that.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I've lost a grand total of 9 pounds in 3 weeks. I have my cheat day every Sunday. Last week my cheat was a Reese's cup and I was fine. Today I had a 3 musketeers and combo pretzels with my turkey sandwich for lunch and immediately got gassy and stomach pains along with diarrhea. Could it be coincidence or is my body simply rejecting the high carb sugary food? I've been eating rather healthily over these two weeks and was curious as to why this happened or if anyone experienced something similar. I also only drank about three cups of water today, so possibly I'm dehydrated? Feedback would be awesome :)

    Lol I went out for chinese food yesterday For a celebratory dinner with my family and I have been dying all day today! Glad I'm not alone.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I had a large meal of fatty pork Korean BBQ last night and woke up with diarrhea and abdominal pain. I'm guessing my system isn't used to all that fat anymore. The green chile peppers probably contributed to the pain.

    You are definitely not alone!
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member

    Eat healthy, you get a wonderful schedule goin on.... Eat bad and it's WW3

    I've always had stomach problems, but eating healthy made it go much better :)
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    sounds like you all could use more fiber in your diet:bigsmile:
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I have Crohns so any greasy food sends me straight to the bathroom! But, I do find after eating clean for some time, that when I eat out or have something completely unhealthy (chips, cookies, etc.) then I feel nauseous, tired and just all around crappy. it's takes almost the whole day for me to feel better. So now I just try to avoid eating lots of junk.....easier said than done ;) lol.
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    I eat sooo much fiber...not a problem for me. Its the grease and sugar.
  • jtjdt
    jtjdt Posts: 4 Member
    This happened to me for the first time as well. I think it has more to do with what the body is used to. When I first switched to a healthy diet with lots of veggies and fruits my body didn't like it but I slowly got used to it. Now, I'm used to the healthy diet thing and had a cheat day and the same thing happens haha!
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I can still eat sugary treats, but anything greasy makes me ill unless it is in a very small amount.
  • elpiper
    elpiper Posts: 183 Member
    if i eat terrible horrible i get this. and by terrible horrible i mean pizza or like cold stone ice cream. if i practice moderation its not so bad, but when i eat more than like 3 slices of pizza.....my insides declare that it is on like donkey kong.
  • pikaseu
    I've been eating pretty clean for the past 2 months, and I usually treat myself to a "cheat" meal once every two weeks. However, even my cheat meals never consisted of deep-fried or greasy junk foods, so when I had chocolate candies and a meal from McDonald's today, my body DEFINITELY reacted similarly to how yours did. It's just not used to that crap anymore, and to be honest, I'm happy that it isn't. I'd much rather carry on eating healthy and treating myself to tiny bits of chocolate or treats here and there rather than eat full-on junk food meals. Our bodies really don't need the grease and sugar, so it's just reminding us not to get used to that sort of bad eating!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    sounds like you all could use more fiber in your diet:bigsmile:

    Or you have all been subjects of a mild form of food poisoning.
  • MayMomma2006
    This just happened to me today. I have been eating "clean" for 3 weeks and Grandma brought the kids some doughnuts and a Tim Horton's coffee for me (a large Regular). The doughnut and coffee totally wrecked havoc on my intestines only a few hours after consuming them. Guess it is a sign to keep to the better choices! I don't think i could look at another doughnut for a long time :)
  • hookemhorns2013
    I can't handle greasy or very sugary stuff anymore. It gives me a terrible stomach ache now.