Who Out There Loses Weight Without the Exercise



  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    When I initially lost all the weight years ago, it was just from diet. I never stepped foot in a gym. Of course, now I can't let myself miss a day.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I was able to lose weight without exercise years ago because my diet was so bad. But cutting out soda and fried food and eating smaller portions, I lost about 20lbs. But I got stuck about 10-20lbs above my ideal weight and sat there for a looooong time. My eating was still good I just needed to add exercise into the mix.

    Now I find I need to work out. My project intake for a pound a week is about 1300, which is just too low. I like working out because it means I get to eat a little more and I'm not as hungry.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I lost weight with just diet alone, but when I started exercising I started to lose more inches. I actually weigh more than I have in the past by just dieting but I am much smaller than I've been in years. I've resolved that in order to me to reach my weight goals I have to work out.

    I also thought that I didn't have time to workout but you'd be surprised how much time you have to workout when you make it a priority. I've found that working out in the evenings works best for me.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    No offense, but saying you don't have time to work out is just a cop out. A 15-20 min workout is sufficient. If the first lady can find the time, none of the rest of us have an excuse.

    You will look better if you retain your lean mass with resistance training and you will be an overall healthier person aside from the aesthetics! Give it a try! Doesn't need to be heavy weights, can just be bodyweight exercises or the like.

    Saying no offense, usually doesn't work. Just an FYI. ;)

    As for it being a cop out, I guess that could only be determined once you know me and my schedule. I work shift work, sometimes working 13 hrs a day with 2.5 hrs of travel. Once home, I'm not sure working out is the best for me, rather than getting rest due to 11 more days to go. Then I get my 2 days off.

    Anyways, as for resistance training, I have given it a try, I used to hit the gym every 2nd day when I was on a normal 40 hr week a year back.

    I was just curious to know, for a start anyways, if just the calorie counting would work just as well. Then once the pounds start to drop then start doing some resistance training.

    I appreciate all the input from all of you, it's inspiring, thank-you!

    Yeah, it never works but I try!

    As I said, if the first lady can fit it in, I think there are very few people who cannot fit it in. If you wake up 30 min early you can fit it in twice a week before your shower. Twice a week! Just try it, I found that I ended up getting more energy from working out!

    Well, for the record - I don't care if this causes offense (I'm not PC)...FactCheck.org reports that in 2009, our first lady's spokesperson reported that she had 24 people on HER staff. If I had that many people that I could delegate to, I promise you I would fit in time for exercise each day, as well.

    However, as a school teacher - I have no assistants, aides, or anything other than the occasional high school student to run copies or file for me. *sigh* Please quit already with all that the first lady can miraculously do...I could accomplish oodles with just another one of me! :laugh:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    A couple of years ago I lost around 40 lbs without exercise. Gained it all back very easily though. This time around I have very little time to exercise or cook between work and school, but I am still determined to do it right this time. So far I feel so much better even with only 9 lbs down! Seems losing 40 lbs without exercise didn't make me feel nearly as healthy and energetic as 9 lbs with exercise. Finding the time is worth it!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I started with calorie cutting but then I did add in exercise..maybe you could do a video at home..30 day shred, exercise channel..etc?
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I have been on MFP and being serious about getting healthy for a few months now. I lost about 20 lbs just counting calories and eating a pretty much clean diet. I know myself and if I had started the diet and excercise I would have given up. I am starting to excersize now cuz my weight has seemed to stall. Good Luck to you
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You can lose weight without working out.
    The question is, whats more important?

    Losing overall weight?
    Losing fat while maintaining lean mass?

    So would you say that 30 min of walking/running 3 times a week would be sufficient enough to keep some of the lean mass while losing fat?

    Imagine losing all the weight along with considerable losses in lean mass.
    you get to your goal but you have little strength as well as little muscle tone.
    You would probably be Skinny-fat (you look good in clothing but bad naked).
    You would then have to spend considerable time eating above maintenance with the chance of gaining fat back while rebuilding lean mass.


    My best recommendation is to get up 1hour early in the AM.
    Lift weights or do bodyweight workouts 3 times a week.
    Walk for mild cardio but anything steady could lead to more LBM loss.

  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    I did a few years ago. I'm 5'5 and at the time weighed about 165. I worked 2 jobs and have 3 kids and a husband, both jobs were desk jobs and the only time I had outside of work was to talk to my kids about their day while I ate dinner and then went to bed other than the weekend, I only worked 1 job but had to spend most of that off time shopping, cleaning and such. So sleep? Or exercise? Since I wasn't even getting 8 hours as it was, I chose sleep. I decided to see if I could lose weight just dieting, lost about 45 lbs in 3 months. Than a few months later when my life slowed down a little and I went back down to 1 job (well, 2 if you count family lol), I was able to fit in small walks with my kids, lost about 3 more lbs. I did gain a small portion of it back over a couple of years which is why I use MFP now. I have more time on my hands so this time I am doing weight training and cardio, I'm actually losing WAY slower, but feel A LOT better. I was happy with my weight loss by just cutting calories, but not the skinny fat look. I would suggest that if you don't have time, just try to cut back on calories and see where it takes you (be healthy about it of course), and if you find you have the energy and time for exercise, go for it, you'll feel a lot better. Hope everything works out for you :wink:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    OP yes you can lose weight with little to no exercise. It's ideal to exercise when losing weight as it gets you into a fitter state, but we don't live in an ideal world and all these people who are telling you to find the time clearly aren't reading what you wrote.

    Don't know what your break schedules are like at work, but if you can try the body weight exercises three/four times a day (5-10 minutes each) It will help you gain health, which is the main reason for exercise anyways.
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    It is doable, I lost 60 pounds in a year with diet and 30 minutes walking a day. It all came back, but that was more because I got slack with both walking and portion sizes. Like the others said though, you'll end up skinny but flabby, while exercise will give you a more toned and healthier body.

    Anyway, perhaps try and find exercise you enjoy, so it becomes fun and a way to relax rather then a chore. Don't like running or lifting weights? Perhaps check out Zumba, or any other type of dancing. Go swimming, or kick-boxing, whatever floats your boat.
    If you prefer doing something quickly at home, there are several 20 minute exercise videos out there that can give you a good workout during the week when you don't have time for anything else. Just find one that looks like fun, that you'd enjoy. Even if you only do them 2 or 3 times a week, it will help.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you need to lift heavy weights to keep your lean mass.

    How "heavy" is heavy ? If I pick up my daughter's 8 pound exercise weight thing I can wave that around or pump my arm 20 times easily. I can lift a 44kg bag of coal without struggling, so how heavy are we talking about for a 5'-10" 175lb 50+ guy ?
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I have arecent back problem (L3 spinal disk burst and is pressing on nerve). Between pain management, doctor's instructions, working full time, p/t, required p/t exercises (which take over an hour a day), I can no longer do the exercise that I once did for at least a year. At first, I was very concerned about both the potential to gain wait and my loss of strength. Now I am just greatful to keep moving. I have not gained weight and I am now trying to lose again. I just try to make healthy food and activity choices. I advise doing what you can do now in the way of exercise and keep a vision of utilizing extra time as it becomes available to incorporate more exercise or activity.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    What I really wanted to say was, don't not try to lose weight just because you can't exercise. There are many important health reasons to take off the weight including reducing pressure on joints, lowering blood pressure, improving your cardiovacular system, etc.. Do try to stay active. Do try to eat healthy. Do try to take the weight off. I value the advice to exercise and build strength in a thoughtful manner and believe strongly in doing it when you can for a host of reasons well beyond appearance. However, do what you can to live a healthy lifestyle, starting in the place you are at. You can lose weight and you can improve your health. You can position yourself better for unexpected health challenges.
  • TheHaunt
    TheHaunt Posts: 4
    I was previously on another weight loss program, but find that I am unwilling to pay them for it anymore. I have lost 65 lbs with only walking about 30 minutes a day... normal walking, not power walking.

    My weight loss is slowing now, though, so I will probably be increasing my excercise. I have some physical issues that limit what I can do. Weight lifting, running, jogging, anything that pounds at the joints is out, so I'll maybe try some gentle excercises and isometrics.

    Overall, for me, it's about weight loss first. I have a lot to lose and a life that doesn't allow a lot of free time or added expenses.

    There's my 2 cents worth... take it for what it is.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'd rather find time to incorporate exercise in to my daily life and life an all over healthy life (this is a lifestyle change, it's not JUST about losing weight - and until someone, anyone, makes that connection and comes to that realization, any weight loss will not be permanent, or healthy).....
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    you need to lift heavy weights to keep your lean mass.

    How "heavy" is heavy ? If I pick up my daughter's 8 pound exercise weight thing I can wave that around or pump my arm 20 times easily. I can lift a 44kg bag of coal without struggling, so how heavy are we talking about for a 5'-10" 175lb 50+ guy ?

    Depends on the person. You keep adding weight until it's challenging to complete 5-8 reps for 3-5 sets (with 1-5 minutes of rest in between sets).
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    If I had to chose between eating less and exercising .... I'd take exercising every time. I love the way it makes me feel. I love the extra energy! I love being able to eat what I want. I love feeling 20 years younger. : )
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    The first 6 weeks of MFP I didn't exercise. Like me, you will eventually hit a plateau. Your body will adapt and be able to sustain your weight on only 1200cals per day, thus affecting your weight loss.

    Anyway, start with just the calories. When you see it stops working, add exercise.
  • Rockstar_sister
    Rockstar_sister Posts: 65 Member
    I started out the same way. I sit behind a desk all day long (40 hours a week) then, after work, I'd come home cook dinner, eat and go to bed. I had a gym membership and met with a trainer who told me: 80% is diet and 20% is gym. You have to eat right to lose the weight. I lost a lot without exercise, but as time went on, I wanted to exercise to help me speed up my metabolism. When I exercised, I would get up before work, go to the gym (by myself, no trainer), shower and get ready from there then go to work. It worked for me. I was headed out to go to the gym one Sunday afternoon when my husband and his friends where playing basketball at the courts as I was heading out. I thought I'd play for a few minutes before I went to the gym. I injured my knee (tore my ACL and shredded my mensci - which I just recently had surgery on and it will be 6 months before I am able to get back into the gym or do that type of exercise again). I have been sitting on the recliner with my leg propped up for 3 weeks now and still counting my calories ( a lot of times I am going over out of boredum) and I am still losing - it is definitely slower than I lost before, but I am still losing. I am frustrated with myself for getting hurt, but anyone can it without exercise. You will eventually hit a plateau and WANT to exercise. Not to mention, your exercise gives you more calories so if you eat more than what you are allowed, you can make it up with exercising! Good luck on your journey! We are always here to help and encourage! Feel free to send me a friend request!