melissalanggin Member


  • Target has it. I have seen it there a few times :)
  • My weight just doesn't want to get off my body. I have been killing it with workouts and eating right but my body has decided it likes this weight! In fact it likes it so much it made me gain .8 lb. Could be muscle or something normal but I just can't stand it! Hopefully my body will decide to just "let go" I gained .8…
  • Ok so know i already put in a recipe but i just wanted to say that I found an alternative to PB!! It's called "just great stuff" its an organic peanut butter powder.. I put it in my breakfast shakeology and LOVED it!
  • Hahahaha we call this Chinese salad at my home.... and WE LOVE IT TOO.. will def be trying your switches to it :)
  • Happy Friday Everyone..... This week was a good week.. Started off a little on the bad side and I even gained about .6 through out the weekend however everything was logged and on Sunday and Saturday I had about 34-64 oz of water each day.. Monday through Thursday I stayed true to eating cleaner and burned almost 300 cals…
  • Live in BA ............ Work in BA......... Workout in BA....... Church in BA...... Yea I think I don't ever leave BA either ....... hahaha JK JK
  • Hey everyone.... So last week was AWEFUL... I got sick and then had no appetite so instead of losing weight my body held on to everything.. I can't remember for the life of me what I weight last week I think it was the same as this last friday (255.8) Feeling a little bummed that I can't seem to get back on track.. I do…
  • Hey Everyone, Sorry I haven't been on here to update. Got a stomach bug and just laid low for a while. I maintained from last week. Which just makes just irritated as I kick rear..... O welll I guess.. Since I was out due to sickness I have been waiting to start back up on working out.... Hopefully tomorrow I can get…
  • Great initiative........ Challenges are good to keeping the group going. I know WATER is key to weight loss. When someone is eating healthy and they are exercising water is the key to keeping it all together. I know when I am on point and working my rear and keep at least 12 glasses of water part of my diet I see weight…
  • I start this Saturday.... So Excited. I'll buddy up with you to help keep at it :)
  • Thanks everyone.... New Challenge started 12 weeks to "lose it" for Labor day... Hope to see you all there :)
  • Hey everyone... I almost hit my goal for this challenge YAY..... SW 251.2 EW 242.6 YES almost 10lb down..... Thank you to everyone who participated :)
  • Hey guys, Sorry for the late post.... Things have been crazy for sure.... I was so busy this month with my brothers biday (18) then his graduation ... Now my daughters graduation is this week and we have been also dealing with crazy Oklahoma weather (tis the season of May in Oklahoma)... I ended up gaining about 2lb this…
  • I stayed the same this week...
  • Still here Had a great week 5.... Starting: 255.0 Week 1: 251.4 Week 2: 253.8 Week 3: 250.8 Week 4: 249.0 Week 5: 246.2... Excited for what is to come this week and bust it hard in the gym :)
  • Here is my info for last week: SW 251.2 W1 252.2 W2 251.4 W3 253.8 W4 251.2 W5 249.0 W6 246.2 Almost to 245... YAY this week I plan of working hard in cardio and getting in my strength and eating healthier :)
  • Sorry for the late post.. SW: 255.0 W1: 251.4 W2: 253.8 W3: 250.8 W4: 249.0 (Yay... Finally out of the 250's) So far I am already down .4 on the scale and plan on staying strong.. Have an awesome rest of the week everyone
  • So happy for you :) I am supposed to do my couch to 5K today but I may be stuck on the couch with my lil one (he is way beyond blocked up and is in alot of pain)
  • Great topic starter.... I hate to think this but this is the last challenge I will be moderating.. I think right now I am still at a point in my weight losing journey where I just need to focus on me.. So for the next 5 weeks I am just going to do that... Focus on me.. If people feel they want to weigh in then that is…
  • Hello everyone.... I weighed in on Friday but was sooooooooo busy with The Color Run and prepping for my mom's scentsy party that I just didn't have time to log it.. SW 251.2 W1 252.2 W2 251.4 W3 253.8 W4 251.2 W5 249.0 So far in 5 weeks I have lost 2.2lb... I would normally go pout, but I just went through my closet and…
  • Hey guys... I have been getting in about 8-10 glasses of water per day (except 6 glasses yesterday) ... Lately I have been getting in over30 min a day of cardio and working with weights... squats too...
  • My NSV was finishing my Day 2 of Couchto5K with out even a feeling like dying... I am finishing up my week tonight and I really want to hit it hard .... MY NSV for sure is better stamina on cardio :) Great group discussion.. It really helps us notice other things besides the scale (6lb by memorial day is totally doable…
  • Will mixed vegetables count in this challenge?? I am making a great dinner in few days and will be using a mixed veggies (brocoli, cauliflower, and carrots)
  • PHEW ... that is good to know... LOL... I am doing Day 2 today after work. I did a small weight work out that included 60 squats.. I think by end of Saturday I will be unable to move lol..
  • Update: yesterday I did 30 min on the treadmill (Day 1 of Couch25K) and then did 30 min working with weights... in that I did 50 squats... (my bottom will thank me later :) )
  • Had a great Week 3... Finally busted out and lost my easter weight :) SW 255 W1 251.4 W2 253.8 W3 250.8 *I weigh in on the weekends normally* Have an awesome week 4... I just signed up for the Couch25K.... Day 1 was great and I am ready for day 2
  • Yes mam..... I put it in the description.. Great thinking :)
  • That is an awesome NSV for sure... Keep up the great work :)
  • I understand where you are completely... I did the same thing last week, but I got back at it and lost it all plus a smidge more LOL... I did gain about 1.2 over this weekend.. but I am glad to say with a good workout and eating right it's back down :) I am def ready for what the week will bring :) Just focus on the day at…
  • Hello White Team..... My Name is Melissa. I am a 25 year old mother of 2. I have been slowly losing weight since March of 2012 and have got about 53-54 lb off... I currently/try to work out 5 -6 days a week, working cardio (30 min treadmill sessions) and weights... I normally do Zumba on Saturdays.... My goal is to get…