

  • If you're working out you probably want to increase your protein intake and limit your carbs intake; at least that's what I do. I workout, primarily strenghth training, up to 4x/week and I try to get in at least 100g of protein and a max of 120g of carbs. It doesn't always workout but I noticed I lose inches if I do this.…
  • Try sitting down with them and talking honestly with them. Let them know that you feel blessed that they are "thinking" about you and want to "feed" you but also let them know how dear this commitment is to you and ask them to help you along the way. I had the same issue with my hubby and mom. My mom constantly kept…
  • Wow! Not only do you look great but, to me, it's so refreshing to hear/see that it sometimes takes longer. I read all these stories about how people loose a lot in a small amount of time (which is absolutely awesome), but it's taking me a lot longer. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who is at a slow, but…
  • Wow, I can really tell a difference especially in your upper body. Good job, very motivational!
  • I'm with everyone else who says it's ok to overdo protein. My trainer suggested I limit my carbs to 140g MAX a day, and even then she said that is too much. But that I should take in at least 100g of protein a day. It's also important if you are weight training because it feeds your muscles. Good luck, increasing my…
  • Thanks everyone for the tips; I will open up my diary so that you can see my intake; I eat approximately 1400-1800 cal/day. And, under normal circumstances, I workout up to 4 days a week with cardio and strengh training. I also see a trainer once every two weeks. For those who have lost more in a similar or shorter period…
  • Wow, good job. And it's only been 2 months! If you keep up you'll be looking even better; you go girl!
  • Hi Shellybum, I have the same issue; my trainer told me to step up my protein and lower my fat and carbs. It's not easy; and I decided to give up meat for lent so I can't have any meat. What I've been doing is choosing high protein snacks and mainly fish, shrimp, etc. for my main meals. If you would like, you can friend…
  • Hi there! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I'm wondering how you change your percentages to reflect on the diary? Is that what you did? Can you pass on how you did it? Thanks.
  • Hello Toofhairy! The right mind set has so much to do with losing the weight. I tried everything out there and I would lose but then I would gain it all back, I think it was because I wasn't mentally ready to make a life change. Now is the right time for me; it's not about looks anymore, it's about my health and feeling…
  • I am SO glad you posted your pics. I'm someone who needs to lose about 80 pounds and sometimes it just doesn't seem like I'll be able to. I started at 237 and today I'm at 232 after 5 weeks. I told myself that if I lost a pound a week I would be perfectly ok with it but I do get discouraged sometimes at how much I try and…
  • Wow! Those are amazing milestones, a lot better than what I've done but I'm hoping that soon I will be able to post something similar to your results. Congratulations and good luck on your journey.
    in Hello All Comment by zulunery March 2011
  • You could try some pilates moves like the reverse crunch where you lie on your back, bend your knees and lift the legs. You can also do the leg-hands pass with a ball. Start by putting the ball between your feet while laying on your back, then bring your legs, with the ball, up to above your abdomen and pass the ball to…
    in Help!! Comment by zulunery March 2011
  • I really do think it depends on your body shape. I have a pretty small chest and waist but HUGE butt and thighs. I can tell I've lost weight when my pants aren't so tight around my thighs. But, it's difficult for me because I have to buy a size that will fit my butt and thighs and it will be too huge for my waist so I have…
  • Wow! I love the idea of frozen banana and pineapple; I'm definintely trying that one. I also really like almonds but I don't have any self control over how many I eat. I like the idea of portioning them off and putting a sack in my purse. I find that if I don't have anything with me I end up having whatever fast food place…
  • I definitely gain. I know it's mostly water weight and it comes right off the week after my cycle but, it definitely can be a morale crasher. I don't even LOOK at the scale around that time.
  • Hi! Congratulations on losing 5 pounds! It may not seem much to you because you are stuck on your over-all goal of 40 but you have to recognize your effort over the last 2 weeks and congratulate yourself for losing 5 pounds. Everybody is different but, to me, losing 1 pound per week is ideal. Remember that if you deprive…
    in HELP! Comment by zulunery March 2011
  • I would recommend that you "listen" to your body around "that time" and don't take to heart the fluctuating scale. For me, I can range up to 7 pounds around that time so I've learned not to even look at the scale the week before and the week of. But I always look at it the week after because then it reinforces the work…
  • I didn't look it up but I would tell you to let it slide. If you start depriving yourself of everything and beating yourself up for going over your calories one day then you'll soon end up giving up. You can always replace one meal tomorrow with a protein shake and add some time to your workouts, but, to me, it's no big…