Friendly Monthly Period

Do we gain weight during our monthly cycle or do we weigh less? I was not a fan of what I saw on the scale this morning but it could just be me.


  • curlygirlyful
    I hate it when I get my monlthy period. I gain about 4 or 5 pounds. It's all water weight. My body during this time has a tendency to retain water. It's so frustrating!!!
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Typically I gain during my cycle - a lot is water retention and it goes away in a few days as long as I stay within my calories.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I wont come near the scale during my period. I can feel the extra weight.
  • Lexieberry
    Lexieberry Posts: 182 Member
    GAIN!! and of course, this is partly due to the fact that I want to eat everything in sight as well lol...
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    from what I have seen, it only affects my weight for 1 day.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    i HATE IT! TOM MESSES UP MY WEIGH INS! CURSES! However, I lost two pounds this week in spite of TOM!!!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I know I'm the odd one out but I usually lose 1-2 pounds.....
  • zulunery
    zulunery Posts: 22
    I definitely gain. I know it's mostly water weight and it comes right off the week after my cycle but, it definitely can be a morale crasher. I don't even LOOK at the scale around that time.
  • 4alison4
    4alison4 Posts: 54
    I wont come near the scale during my period. I can feel the extra weight.

    This has nothing to do with this topic, but I have your sweater! :)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm usually bloated and up a couple lbs the few days before, then go back to normal once I start.
  • purplespeckle
    I would suggest not weighing during your period. I gain and am usually bloated.