teamryan90 Member


  • I had great sucess using the guide as a reference. I did not follow it 100%. When I was hungry I ate. There were some days I went over my calories but several days I was under. The main thing is to eat healthy. I would say 80% of your results will be based on how healthy you eat. Your calorie intake is based on your…
  • Hi Yevmonster. Your are comparing different packages. The 21 day fix is available in several different combos. The Essential Package is $59.85. The Ultimate Package is 119.85. There are also upgrades available for added costs. I am not sure what package she is charging you for but is possibly an upgrade. If you let me know…
  • I agree with Jess that it is a personal thing. Everybody is different. I only ate back half my workout calories and I got to my goal weight with no problems. I have seen success with eating calories back and not eating back. It is important to make sure your body is getting enough calories. It can take some fine tuning to…
  • If you have done both before then I would do a combo to switch things up. Either way both are great programs.
  • It is great to have you back. Good luck. You can do it. I am glad you are back at it. When I am depressed a good butt kicking working tends to help me out alot and get my mind clear of things bothering me.
  • I never was a shake person myself either but after successfully completing P90X and have 1 shakeology a day I ended up with results that were beyond my expectations. Shakes are not necessary to have great results. Eating healthy will give you great results. Eating healthy and exercising will give you greater results. I…
    in New! Comment by teamryan90 May 2014
  • How do you like turbofire so far? I have heard it is a great program.
  • Alex, Wow. Great job to you on your awesome weight loss and beginning P90X. 85 pounds lost is awesome. Keep bringing it.
  • Awesome job Alex. You are a machine. Over 80 pounds lost is awesome and more importantly, you have you health back. Way to go!!!!!
  • Great job Alex. You are doing awesome. Over 80 pounds lost is a huge accomplishment. You are rocking it!!!
  • Awesome job Alex. I knew you could do it. You are doing great. Are you doing P90X next? I know you mentioned it several times but you decided to stick with Power 90 for a few rounds. Keep it up. Almost 80 pounds lost is very nicely done. You worked hard for it and earned it. Nice to see you back Jessa. We all tend to reach…
  • I had great results from P90X. When I started P90X I was extremely out of shape and over 40 pounds overweight. If you eat healthy and do your best you will see results. Listen to your body and do not over do it. Do not try to keep up with the instructors as you could injure yourself. I lost over 30 pounds and lost several…
  • I smoked for almost 20 years. I have been smoke free now since 9-15-2011. I started out as a light smoker and only smoked when I was at the bar. The next thing I new I was addicted and smoking 1 to 2 packs a day. I quit with the help of Chantix. A few years before quitting for good I tried Chantix but I was not serious…
  • Yes it is available and it is $119.95 and if you order through a coach you get a free bonus DVD and you may also get a free P90X baseball cap while supplies last. It just became available for sale today.
  • Hi Stacy. Yes you can still do the complete P90X program if you struggle at push ups. You will get stronger. Tony Horton has a few videos especially made for those who struggle with push ups. He shows you a different method to try out which will help you with regular push ups. It will get easier.
  • Thanks for joining us and great job on week 3. Keep up the awesome job.
  • Awesome job completing Insanity. You did great. Way to go!!!
  • Great job way to go. Make the last 5 days count. You are doing great!!!!!!
  • I agree that according to the math you should be losing. You do not want to eat too few calories because that can be just as bad as too many calories especially if you are working out to high intensity workouts. Your body needs the extra calories to actually burn calories. I have been maintaining my goal weight of 155 now…
  • Great choice on getting a heart rate monitor. You may be estimating your burned calories too high. Make sure before you buy a heart rate monitor you read the reviews. There are a lot of crap ones out there. Polar is a great brand. Your coach should know all your information about you since you are in a challenge group. I…
  • Most of the time it all comes down to what you are eating. How is your carbs and sugar intake? I only weight myself once a month now. The scale is not a good way to check your progress. My weight changes 1 to 5 pounds throughout the day. Photos and measuring are great. My last month of Insanity I gained weight but lost 2…
  • Good luck with the T25/Asylum hybrid. Let me know how you like Asylum. I have that on my to do list soon.
  • Awesome job. You earned that shirt. Wear it proudly. Only 6% of people who start the program complete the whole thing. Way to go!!!!!
  • Hang in there. You can do it. Max interval plyo is a killer. You will get stronger and it will become easier. I remember how hard month 1 seemed at the beginning. Month 1 seems way too easy now. You are doing great.
  • I am glad you enjoyed the T25 program. I am looking forward to it to. I was hoping to have completed it by now by my Insanity journey got set back when I injured my shoulder at work. I am completing my last week of Insanity and I may do a hybrid of T25 and P90X. Gamma is awesome according to several of my friends. Great…
  • Great job to you too. I love the stretches too. I had some joint pain early on but I changed my shoes to some cross trainers and the pain went away. The only pain I have is from my lymes disease and some other medical issue I am getting tested for. I still feel better than I did a year ago. I am looking forward to T25 soon…
  • Hello Jessa, As Becky says protein is very important to get back in your body after each workout. I try to always eat a preworkout snack or meal depending on what time of day I am working out. If a snack then I have a protein snack about an hour before a workout, If a meal then about 2 hours before the workout. On days…
  • I would do Asylum next then Les Mills. There is really nothing out there than can compare to the intense Insanity workouts. Asylum is like Insanity on steroids. You will still get intense cardio with it, plus there is an athletic performance element to it. You will be breathing hard, sweating, and will wind up sore after…
  • Wow Alex that is great. Way to go. 67 pounds lost is amazing. Keep up the hard work. Do you plan on doing P90X next? I know you asked me about P90X before. Way to keep pressing play every day. Great job to everyone else too. Keep it up.
  • I have done both but not an hybrid. I know many who have done hybrid with success. Tony can be a bit irritating but P90X is awesome. I really miss it. I did P90X first then did Insanity. P90X is much slower paced compared to Insanity. I am going to do a T25 and P90X hybrid next. I miss the dumbbells and pull ups and ab…