

  • Hey! I was so excited to see this post! I've been doing the Les Mills Combat workout since July I believe. I LOVE IT! I mean, its working out so its hard, but I feel so great afterward. Feel free to friend me! I try to alternate them every morning so I'm not doing the same workout 2 days in a row.
  • HungryGirl put out some info on calories for popular Halloween candy. This helps a ton!! It lets me have 1 or 2 pieces if I feel like I HAVE to have some. http://www.hungry-girl.com/biteout/show/2754
  • We all have our bad days or week! Just remember every day is a new day!! You've come so far so keep at it!!! Inspiration to all of us!
  • I took Healthe Trim for a couple of months (whatever the supply was for 2 bottles they sent). I took 2 pills in the morning when I got up. I had gotten interested in it because of the local radio station talking about it every 5 seconds lol. It is safe - all natural - some people experience a boost of energy (although I…
  • I love this post! Thank you! This is exactly what I was referring to. Reshaping my body in areas like my hips, legs, arms and not worrying about the number on the scale. From previous comments, I get that none of us are doctors. However, there are hundreds of MFP users that are using these forums for questions about their…
  • Thank you to those who responded - but all I can say is WOW to the comments like this: "Concentrate on having a healthy baby and not being selfish thinking of a number on the scale. " I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. When I got pregnant with my first child, I gained over 50lbs during that…
  • I have always wondered about this! Saw a couple Groupons for it and considered it, but decided to save my $$. Curious to see if people have done this!
  • I think everyone who's posted before me are giving great responses. I think it truly depends on YOUR body! For example, I'm 26 and I have one kiddo. My lower stomach does have some sagging from having my son and I dont know if there's really much I can do to get rid of it all - but like someone else posted, I'd rather have…
  • I've given up all soda - and anything carbonated for that matter. I mainly only drink water, coffee, unsweetened tea, and milk. I also measure EVERYTHING, especially any condiments, dressings, coffee creamers, etc. I still eat at some fast food locations, even McDonald's, but I get a Happy Meal or I plan ahead to know what…
  • I run/jog everyday, but my main workout is the Les Mills Combat program. Polar FT4 or FT7 work well for that? It seems like a lot of the feedback I'm getting suggests its mainly used for running/walking/swimming or straight cardio- but would it track accurately for all the different movements in the combat workout or other…
  • Thanks for all the comments. I think I will go ahead and make an appointment. I'm always tired, no matter how much coffee I drink and these burning patches on the side of my tongue can hurt! - even worse if I eat something acidic or spicy. Nope not vegan btw.
  • I'm currently taking Healthe Trim. Its only been a week since I started taking them and tracking through MFP - I'm not sure if its helping yet or not...or if I'm just losing weight because of the changes in my food choices. I dont have any negative side effects, like the jitters or nausea.
  • 25 from Minnesota!
  • HA! I was just about to post something for this. Yes! Please share no cal/min call snack ideas!! Here's a link I found - http://fitbie.msn.com/slideshow/20-healthy-zero-calorie-foods
  • Multiple times a day!
  • Plain and simple - I want to enjoy life without my weight or self esteem issues holding me back. I want to wear a bikini and look GOOD! :)
  • LOL I've stopped buying it as well - I was finding myself sneaking spoonfuls.
  • I agree with this! My husband supports my weight loss, but isnt all that serious about his own. All I can do is cook healthy meals (for the most part) so at least what he eats extra of won't hurt him much. Good luck!
  • I LOVE crockpot recipes. My favorite is to put in a rump roast in the morning before work along with a bag of baby carrots, cut up red potatoes, a seasoning packet, can of light beer (to tenderize the meat), a little water, and a can of stewed tomatoes on top. Otherwise, I recently tried this Pinterest recipe and although…
  • Looking great!!
  • The website set the calories for me to lose 1 lb a week. I was surprised by the amount it allotted me and makes me wonder how many I was consuming before!