My husband won't diet with me

That sounds like a really whiny topic title, doesn't it?
Let me explain, I don't want to force my husband to diet with me. I believe in wifely submission, it's not my job to tell him what to do, or make him feel guilty. But it seems like since I've been eating less he's started eating more. He's gotten in the habit of just eating whatever's left after I dish out mine and the kid's plates. But with me eating less there's more left, but he still just piles it all on to his plate. The other night I had a scoop of ice cream and I asked him what he wanted and he say asked for 2 scoops with cool whip and hot fudge, he would normally just have the 2 scoops. It's like he's going out of his way to fatten himself up. He already weighs 370 and I'm pretty worried about his health. How do I get him to see how bad his choices are without nagging?


  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    there really isn't an easy answer for that. lead by example once he sees the results of your weight loss and feeling really good and energetic he might decide to jump into eating less with you. a lot of times that is the only thing that can make him see and not nag.
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    some men are intimidated when their wives start to lose weight, I say ignore this behavior as much as possible. You cannot make someone 'diet' if they don't want to. cook healthy family meals, eat what you need to eat to be healty and lose weight. So many times we ignore what is best for us as women (and sorry I don't believe in wifely submission but in equality but that is another subject)
    good luck
  • johnnylufc
    johnnylufc Posts: 39 Member
    well its easy just make less food that way he will eat less
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    You can't force someone to diet, and it should be a lifestyle change, permanent. If you do the cooking, you can at least control that much.

    Be an example, but at that weight you may want to talk about wanting him to be healthy so he'll be around a lot longer.

    I only cook enough servings we need, it saves on ingredients for future meals. So, if your portion size is smaller, don't cook it.
  • 999peanut
    999peanut Posts: 14
    One way to help would be to cook less, check and cook enough for the family without the large or left over portion... I do this and works well.

    as to the ice cream etc, I only keep in one topping at a time and will not buy more when it is gone until a set time... other items I too buy set amounts for the week. and when gone that is it..

    suppose this will only really work if you do the food shopping each week... works for me, he is losing now too, slowly,,, as I am eating less of the items he is too, but does ask for some items which I buy in moderation.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I am still trying to figure out what "wifely submission" means. Does he cook or shop? Portion the meals out and put the rest in a tupperware for lunch the next day so it's not available to get seconds.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Divorce the *kitten*. You deserve better.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Lose weight.

    Have an affair.

    That'll motivate him.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Cook less since you're eating less, then you're all still getting a propery sized portion. And who does the grocery shopping? If you're doing it, don't buy the hot fudge, then he can't eat it.

    Have you told him that you're worried about his health? Maybe sit down and talk to him about it, but in the end he has to make the choice. You can't force him to lose weight.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    mine won't either, then again, he really has to try to gain weight......

    another vote for making less, or you cold make the same amount and have leftovers already in the freezer when you're sitting down to dinner.
  • kaycepo
    kaycepo Posts: 42 Member
    Ok so I get that you are worried about his health but you can't care more about his health than he does it doesn't work that way. You have to focus on your health and just encourage him to go get a physical. Have the doctor tell him he needs to lose weight and then you can tell him you are not ready to live without him! And wifely submission WTF!!!!! I'm just saying there is only submission if that's what I am in the mood for that night!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    You had me at "wifely submission."

    ...No wait. Sorry, you LOST me at "wifely submission."
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Simple solution to the point where you mentioned he finishes everyone else's plates...

    COOK FRICKING LESS FOR EVERYONE! That way there's no real excuse there :devil:
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    There's nothing you can do. Sorry, but that's the truth. :ohwell:
  • nmensen18
    nmensen18 Posts: 39
    there really isn't an easy answer for that. lead by example once he sees the results of your weight loss and feeling really good and energetic he might decide to jump into eating less with you. a lot of times that is the only thing that can make him see and not nag.

    I agree with this! My husband supports my weight loss, but isnt all that serious about his own. All I can do is cook healthy meals (for the most part) so at least what he eats extra of won't hurt him much. Good luck!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    promise him a BJ for every pound he loses.... i bet he'll drop weight like nobody's business.


    LOL this would totally work for my hubby.

    Or just cook less and cook lower calorie items. Stop buying the junk foor. If it isn't there he can't eat it. Also try a heart to heart talk with him. At the end of the day you can only do so much to help him and if he doesn't want it, you can't force him to take it.
  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    For the longest time my husband wouldn't eat healthier and exercise with me. I told him that his health concerned me and that I wanted him to be healthy and around for a long time but he still wouldn't make the change. As hard as it was, I had to accept the fact that I cannot make him do anything he doesn't want to do. I do all the shopping and cooking because it is just easier that way with his job so I have control over what is coming into the house. I only cook enough for the two of us, I dish up mine and whatever is left is his. Now that I have lost some weight, he is starting to see my results and wanting the same things. He has since asked me to set him up with a MFP account that he uses solely for tracking, and is constantly asking for help with what things he can eat and how much. He has even started to workout with me. We go for a walk every night regardless of the weather outside. He hasn't seen big results yet as he just started but he is looking forward to them.

    Maybe try talking to him about your concerns? Make it clear that you aren't trying to force anything on him, you just want to tell him how you feel.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Lose weight.

    Have an affair.

    That'll motivate him.

    ^^ the affair part is bad advice. lose wieght and show him how it's done. Model a good example.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    That sounds like a really whiny topic title, doesn't it?
    Let me explain, I don't want to force my husband to diet with me. I believe in wifely submission, it's not my job to tell him what to do, or make him feel guilty. But it seems like since I've been eating less he's started eating more. He's gotten in the habit of just eating whatever's left after I dish out mine and the kid's plates. But with me eating less there's more left, but he still just piles it all on to his plate. The other night I had a scoop of ice cream and I asked him what he wanted and he say asked for 2 scoops with cool whip and hot fudge, he would normally just have the 2 scoops. It's like he's going out of his way to fatten himself up. He already weighs 370 and I'm pretty worried about his health. How do I get him to see how bad his choices are without nagging?

    How about brutal honesty? If that doesnt work call your lawyer and make sure you have up to date life insurance and will signed and ready. Obviously he doesnt care he is fat and by what you said he isnt interested in changing it. Submission is archaic, you are an individual (atleast you were before you married him and gave up those rights) start acting like one. No one has the right to take that away from you and you shouldnt so willingly hand it over. Tell his fat *kitten* to get his own damn ice cream and quit contributing to his issues. Maybe he will get the hint and if not at least you will be an individual again (divorce)
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I always put extras away before we eat so my husband knows what is left is his. We eat leftovers for lunch. I also prepare the plates so he gets all of his veggies :-). He feels special that I 'serve' his food. Also- don't offer to get him snacks. If I don't, my husband either just forgets about it or get his own. He knows fully what I am doing- I am honest about it. If he wants to slowly kill himself with food, that is his choice, but I refuse to help him. My father died in his 60s because of morbid obesity- I have some issues with that topic :-). That being said- I don't make him diet. If he wants a pizza, he will order one.
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