linscave Member


  • I was always slim then put on 35lbs when pregnant. lost a bit of it then got PND gained some more then managed to lose all of it 3yrs ago. This year have been diagnosed with CFS which stopped me exercising so I started comfort eating. So here I am again hoping to get healthy again but this time sadly without the exercise!
  • AS someone who reached their target and so stopped using the site. Due to ill health I have seen a huge change in my activity level which meant I started to gain weight. Now I have come back to MFP because I realise I now need to look at my diet as i was eating to compensate for the exercise I used to do and when i first…
  • I can't believe it. I start a chocolate Fast yesterday and then find out that Chocolate will help me get slim. Ah well I may as well go and have a bar of chocolate rather than that apple! :happy: :wink:
  • As you can see you are not alone. All the other posts are right and true. But I bet it's hard to believe you can do any of these things when you're deep into a depressive episode. Are you taking anti depressants? often they do not help you to lose weight although they should make the depression lift. I know this because I…
  • 1 I married my first boyfriend. I was 15yrs nearly 16, he was 20yrs when we met. 2 I have a baking blog. 3 I am a Yorkshire Miner's daughter 4 I love Rocky horror 5 I met one of my best friends in a infertility chatroom.
  • if someone will tell me how to upload a photo to this thread I will do it!
  • Am I the only person who has Wine as my number 1 must have in the fridge? it's the one treat I cannot forgo after a day at work and the second shift as housewife when I get home! Wine organic eggs skimmed milk flora lightest carrots
  • oooh, I want to know the answer to this too!
  • Anorexia is a creeping condition. I don't have Anorexia but I have been very close on several occasions and every time it has been a passing comment from a friend that has snapped me out of it. I know i am slim, but i don't see a slim person in the mirror. i see the bits of myself i don't like. I have struggled with this…
  • Latex allergy is quite common. Any itching or redness, or irritation, swelling may be symptoms of a latex allergy. You can buy latex free condoms. Even so I would have an STI screen done 1st to rule out any infection and if that is clear it may well be a latex allergy! Good Luck
  • The what plan? Never heard of it! What's it all about then?
  • This site definitely works best with friends! Have added you now! :happy:
  • Didn't post weight last week. but down a 1lb this week. so now 123lb. I have just signed up for a 10k run in july. This will be the furthest I have ever run. Rather scared, so better get my running shoes on and get practicing!!!! Hope everyone is having a good week. Keep up the amazing efforts! Start 1.6.11- 124 7.6.11 123
  • p.s if you want a recipe for a great carrot cake just message me!
  • Do you have a membership to a coeliac society. If you are in the the uk we have coeliac uk which do a codex containing all foods you can eat being gluten free. My best friend is coeliac and lacto free. She found it hard to begin with but now eats really well and has lost loads of weight without trying. Eat lots of fruit…
  • Hi there, Welcome. I am from the UK and have been using this site since january everyone is so supportive here. I work in the NHS and spend most of my life giving healthy lifestyle advice. The best advice i can give is. Keep tracking your intake through MFP and do anything at all that gets your heart rate up as often as…
  • Going to go generic now! Nice weight loss!!!!!!
  • Clearly the broadband speed in the sticks is not up to scratch as usual!
  • Nice pecs!!!! :wink:
  • I am in the same situation. Except I moved 4 area's in 3years and have been living in a really rural area for 5 years now. Because we are so remote and i work 18 miles from home. i have work friends but no one to socialise with locally. I am quite shy so find making friends difficult. I have worked very hard to maintain my…
  • I'm in Again! Only managed 2lb loss in May but as I only have a small amount to lose I know it won't just fall off! The great thing is I am snacking less, I am exercising more and eating more mindfully so the weight loss is a side effect I suppose. Goood Luck everyone and thanks Terri for starting us off again! :happy:
  • Hi all, Welcome to all the new UKer's! So it's the last bank holiday of may and it's raining! Considering all the bank hols and my birthday and husbands birthday i have lost 2lbs in may and a whole inch off my waist. So I am pretty pleased with myself! The downer this month has been having to buy new scales that weigh me…
  • r Wow what a B****! She clearly wasn't worthy of having a decent guy!!!
    in Men... Comment by linscave May 2011
  • The nicest things my husband has ever done for me have generally been free and not for any occasion. He used to leave songs that I loved ready to play on the cassette deck in my car. So when I got into it to go to work I would turn on the stereo and a favourite song would start. Once he bought me home a hanging basket full…
    in Men... Comment by linscave May 2011
  • I have not heard that before. Definitely worth perservering with the exercise during TOM!
  • Wow, thanks guys! Nice to know it's not just me! This is what i love about this site. Ask a question and someone is always able to jump in your boat and make you feel less alone in the journey to good health and fitness!:flowerforyou:
  • Another 1lb off this week. So thats 2lb so far. Not going to make the 5lb in may but i will be happy with 3lbs. Well done to all of you who have made your target with a week to go! Keep up the great work to all who are still working on it!
  • Another 1lb off this week. So thats 2lb so far. Not going to make the 5lb in may but i will be happy with 3lbs. Well done to all of you who have made your target with a week to go! Keep up the great work to all who are still working on it!
  • I weigh every day-ish. my official log weight day is saturday morning. 1st thing always in birthday suit! I do weigh on monday morning to see whar damage the weekend has done! This weekend will be a bad one. Friends to stay= drinking til late, yummy puddings and food. I cant help it I am the hostess with the mostest!!!…
  • So much more useful than Facebook, but just as addictive, in a good way!