Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    Still better than I expected, I really thought I would have gained this week, there was a lot of eating out, and not eating out at the best places. But no gaining, and no losing. So broke even, I can still make this goal though, I have already lost 4lbs this month. So time to step it up this week, my goal for this week, is to find the time somehow to burn at least 2500 calories. Its a super busy week, so it will be a challange, oh and no eating out.

    May 2 - 133
    May 9 - 131
    May 16- 129
    May 23- 129
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    5/01: 148.5
    5/08: 148. 0 - 1/2 pound lost
    5/15: 145.5 - 2.5 pounds lost
    5/22: 142.0 - 3.5 pounds lost

    Total loss month to date - 6.5 pounds!! :happy:

    I am please that I have met and surpassed the 5 pound goal for the month!! Now to just keep if off!! :laugh: Congrats to everyone else who has met the goal as well, and good luck for the rest of the month!!

    This challenge (along with the 360 min of exercise/week in May challenge) has really motivated me! I look forward to continuing on with the June challenge.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    5/01~ 176
    5/09~ 178
    5/16~ 177.5
    5/23~ 175 :blushing:
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Another 1lb off this week. So thats 2lb so far. Not going to make the 5lb in may but i will be happy with 3lbs.

    Well done to all of you who have made your target with a week to go!

    Keep up the great work to all who are still working on it!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Another 1lb off this week. So thats 2lb so far. Not going to make the 5lb in may but i will be happy with 3lbs.

    Well done to all of you who have made your target with a week to go!

    Keep up the great work to all who are still working on it!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Everyone is doing great! I'm in for a June challenge! June is going to be tough, because my daughter has 3 softball tournaments and consession stands are a real weakness of mine. Especially when you are at the ball fields all day for 2 days. But I am going to bring healthy snacks and work on getting exercise in between games. No reason why I can't run a bit too! Good luck to everyone.
  • fit4everyoung
    fit4everyoung Posts: 395
    May 1 ~ 115
    May 9 ~ 114
    May 16 ~ 113
    May 23 ~ 112

    I have exercise plenty but my reality is that I have in fact gone over my calories several times this past week. My goal for Monday-Friday is to remain at my calories or even better go 200 less calories. Linscave, don't worry keep changing things a bit and you will achieve better results. Come on everyone don't give up, let's knock those 5 lbs off if not at least a couple. Keep up the good work. Best Rosie
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Check in 5/01: 213
    WK #1 5/08: 209
    WK #2 5/15: 207
    WK #3 5/22: 209
    WK #4 5/29: ?
    Final weight 5/31: ??

    Gained 2lbs;

    I got sun burnt on Friday and am drinking way more water than I'm use to. I think I'm retaining most of it...I'm hoping the sunburn will ease off and I'll get the scale going in the right direction!

    I'm in for a June challenge as well!!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    May 1: 198.2
    May 9: 195.4
    May 16: 196.6
    May 23: 194.4
    = loss of 3.8 lbs

    I'm thrilled to see an actual loss for the first time in over two weeks! It's just been going up and down between 196 and 197 this whole time. Maybe I will reach the 5 lbs after all!
  • Didn't lose anything last week so I'm still at 1.6 loss for the month. :cry: It's nobody's fault but my own. I've only been staying on the program 50% of the time. I know I can do this I just don't know why I'm not putting much effort into it lately. How can I want something so bad but not do what it takes to get it?? :mad: :mad: SO FRUSTRATED WITH MYSELF. ugggghhhh!

    Congrats to all you guys that are doing such a great job. And for those that are in the boat with me...we have to keep at and not give up. We're not asking our body to do something impossible.

    Have a great week everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    May Challenge: Results so far:
    5/1= 129
    5/23 = 125

    So far, 4 pounds down for our May Challenge. Will I make 5? :drinker:
  • fit4everyoung
    fit4everyoung Posts: 395
    :flowerforyou: rosaliabritt: Wow! You should be able to do meet our May challenge. Sounds to me that you are just on track. Keep doing what you are doing as this created success on your part. I am 3 lbs down, and I need to remain focus on my part.

    Lisafrancis: You are true to yourself. Keep motivated and you will be successful!. Have a great week everyone. I am certainly challenging myself next month with 5 more pounds!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I hope you guys do this in June -- I'd like to particpate (I've recently joined) as I need all the motivational support I can get.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Well everyone I change my weigh-in day from sunday to monday because sundays im getting up at 6 am after only 6 hours of sleep and didn't think the scale would be accurate. WELL NOW I just keep forgetting. Monday Is my first day off after working doubles alll day long and sleeping for only 6 hours for 3 nights in a row:yawn: so now Mondays kick my butt!!!!!!!!!!:yawn:

    Today I woke up to my son watching cartoons and my sister saying hey im here to wash laundry just so you know.... woke up again an hour later and she had gotten my baby up and fed both of my kids breakfast. So ya im sooooo tired today. im just about to do my english homework and then cook dinner!

    Forgot to weigh in today so ill see you in the morning with my weigh in!
  • yvonnerab
    yvonnerab Posts: 21
    WOW! I really didn't think I'd get there - but I did it even before the end of May!

    May 1: 202
    May 8: 199.8 - down 2.2 pounds
    May 15: 198.8 - down 3.2 pounds
    May 22: 197 - down 5 pounds! :happy:
    May 29: ...?
    May 30: ...?
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    :flowerforyou: rosaliabritt: Wow! You should be able to do meet our May challenge. Sounds to me that you are just on track. Keep doing what you are doing as this created success on your part. I am 3 lbs down, and I need to remain focus on my part.

    Lisafrancis: You are true to yourself. Keep motivated and you will be successful!. Have a great week everyone. I am certainly challenging myself next month with 5 more pounds!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I am trying to stay on course and I am learning as I go along, what works for me.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Wow!! Great job. I would love to have 2 pounds a week weight loss?
    But, at this point, I am happy taking 1 pound a week.
    Great job on your part!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    05/01/2011: 211.50
    05/10/2011: 207.25
    05/16/2011: 208.00(!)
    05/23/2011: 207.50
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in to lose 5 pounds a month for the May challenge!