Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just reading up on everyone's progress. Looks like some are off to a great start and others are a bit frustrated. Just keep observing and watching what how your body responds to different foods and exercises. I am not sure if this is true for everyone but my weight tends to be up the day after a hard work out. Someone told me it is because your muscles will retain water as they repair themselves so remember to mix it up, and work both the upper and lower body. And most important to give your body at least one day a week to rest.

    I am sorry I have not been checking in here every day, like some of your life can get a lot crazy. 2 weeks ago my son stepped on a nail while playing outside. We ended up at the doctor's office the next day because he was in such pain. Doctor gave him antibiotics so it would not become infected and crutches so he could get around while his foot was in pain. Last week we were back at the doctors because it was still very swollen and painful. Some blood tests and an MRI later we found out he punctured the joint in the ball of his foot (cause of so much pain). He is still on crutches, has a boot of his foot and another antibiotic. He was back at doctor's yesterday and the doctor thought it looked better. Now we have to wait for it to heal and get him walking on it again. It has been a stressful 2 weeks with lots of phone calls and running back and forth to the clinic. Hopefully this is getting better and our running will return to being for sporting events and not doctor's appointments.

    Back to the topic of not sure why our bodies respond the way they do.... I have not worked out in over a week (I was not feeling well last week and am just starting to feel normal again) My eating stunk because of stress and still....

    Starting weight May 1 185 lbs
    May 10 182 lbs Not sure how that happened.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    05/01/2011: 211.50
    05/10/2011: 207.25
  • mamacheryl3
    mamacheryl3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a little late for the challenge, but I'm up for it. 5lbs by May 31.

    May 9 187.2
  • brandiplla
    brandiplla Posts: 2
    I just started this today and already I am so motivated...thanks for these challenges!!! I'm Definatly in...I know I'm a little late, but I know I can do it!!! Goodbye bye 5 lbs. by May 31st....
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    May 3rd: 195.2 lbs
    May 10th: 190.4 lbs

    I had SO wanted to get to 189 today (then I would see that 60 lbs gone on my ticker). Today is my ONE YEAR anniversary of my new life. I haven't missed one single day on MFP. I am grateful to this challenge for helping me to get where I am today. I have been doing this challenge every month since I joined. Sometimes I hit 12 lbs lost in a month, and one month I even gained 3 lbs, but it keeps me in line & moving! I hope you all know how much I appreciate your support & inspiration. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Way to go. And congratulations on your new lifestyle.

    THANKS TERI! And CONGRATS on your loss this week! Funny how our bodies respond, isn't it? :laugh: KUDOS to you!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Just reading up on everyone's progress. Looks like some are off to a great start and others are a bit frustrated. Just keep observing and watching what how your body responds to different foods and exercises. I am not sure if this is true for everyone but my weight tends to be up the day after a hard work out. Someone told me it is because your muscles will retain water as they repair themselves so remember to mix it up, and work both the upper and lower body. And most important to give your body at least one day a week to rest.

    I am sorry I have not been checking in here every day, like some of your life can get a lot crazy. 2 weeks ago my son stepped on a nail while playing outside. We ended up at the doctor's office the next day because he was in such pain. Doctor gave him antibiotics so it would not become infected and crutches so he could get around while his foot was in pain. Last week we were back at the doctors because it was still very swollen and painful. Some blood tests and an MRI later we found out he punctured the joint in the ball of his foot (cause of so much pain). He is still on crutches, has a boot of his foot and another antibiotic. He was back at doctor's yesterday and the doctor thought it looked better. Now we have to wait for it to heal and get him walking on it again. It has been a stressful 2 weeks with lots of phone calls and running back and forth to the clinic. Hopefully this is getting better and our running will return to being for sporting events and not doctor's appointments.

    Back to the topic of not sure why our bodies respond the way they do.... I have not worked out in over a week (I was not feeling well last week and am just starting to feel normal again) My eating stunk because of stress and still....

    Starting weight May 1 185 lbs
    May 10 182 lbs Not sure how that happened.

    Have a great rest of the day.


    Sorry to hear about your son terri that sucks really bad I hope his foot starts feeling better soon good luck
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    May 3rd: 195.2 lbs
    May 10th: 190.4 lbs

    I had SO wanted to get to 189 today (then I would see that 60 lbs gone on my ticker). Today is my ONE YEAR anniversary of my new life. I haven't missed one single day on MFP. I am grateful to this challenge for helping me to get where I am today. I have been doing this challenge every month since I joined. Sometimes I hit 12 lbs lost in a month, and one month I even gained 3 lbs, but it keeps me in line & moving! I hope you all know how much I appreciate your support & inspiration. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Happy 1 year anniversary!!! :drinker: :happy: That stinks that you didn't get that 60 pounds gone for the day! Keep up the good work and its been great being here with you through all this!

    My one year is on July 1st so its coming up here shortly and im really hoping to get past the 150's since I didn't by the end of the year and i didn't by my birthday that is the last chance and I would feel defeated if I don't get it by my 1 year
  • AngiLynn
    AngiLynn Posts: 7
    So I'm a little late but I'm totally psyched! I'm in! I've gotten a little off track lately trying to move to my new apartment but I'm completely ready for this. And I vow to actually start using my food and exercise journals! I'm starting off at 139.8!!! =]
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    I know I should avoid weighing myself every day but I couldnt help myself this morning and the scales are definitely going in the wrong direction! I even tried weighing myself on the scales where work which are calibrated regularly. apparently my scales arent wrong! :grumble:

    I have never really struggled to lose weight in the past (Yes, i know i am very lucky) but just trying to lose 6lbs and fit back into my size10 jeans (uk 10) seems to be so difficult.. i cant see where i am going wrong. i am exercising regularly, eating well, keeping under/ on my calorie goal.

    The worst thing is i just think, sod it i may as well eat as much chocolate as i like and be dammed, so really iI am asking for an on line intervention. please guys stop me before I hit the chocolate!!

    p.s I have just opened my diet diary up so you can see it. major anxiety feelings doing that!!!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    so today is the 11th of the month and i hit the 5lb mark!
    dont know how, i've been at a plateau for the last 8 months, but i am NOT complaining!
    just hope they dont creep back on tomorrow!!!

    SW: 133
    CW: 128
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi all!

    I weigh myself everyday which normally isn't an issue but this week - MAN - my weight is all over the board. Nothing dramatic has changed with my food, water or exercise so it's bizarre. What I need to do is stop weighing in everyday so a slight change doesn't have me scrambling with what I should change.

    Keep up your great efforts, everyone!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    What I need to do is stop weighing in everyday so a slight change doesn't have me scrambling with what I should change.

    Me too!!!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Same here!! I got a new digital scale and I can't stay off the darned thing!! :grumble:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gave myself a great NSV last night...went thru my "too tight" clothes in the closet and was able to move almost all of them into the "can fit" area. I'm down to only 3 shorts & 1 jeans that are still in the "too tight" pile. 4 months ago when I started MFP that pile was at least 3 dozen different articles. (How shameful!) :blushing: I can't wait until those last 4 articles move over.

    I weigh myself everyday which normally isn't an issue but this week - MAN - my weight is all over the board. Nothing dramatic has changed with my food, water or exercise so it's bizarre. What I need to do is stop weighing in everyday so a slight change doesn't have me scrambling with what I should change.

    Oh...and BTW...I weighed myself yet again this morning. But this time the scale is on the downward trend...so maybe I don't mind weighing myself everyday?? LOL :laugh:

    Have a great Thursday, everyone!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Trying to stay "up" on my routine and making sure I'm getting all of my protein and calories in. Feeling a tad discouraged today as I weighed in and gained 2 lbs. Ugh. :grumble:

    BUT, the end of last week, my trainer took my measurements and did a body fat analysis, and although at that point my weight didn't change (it was steady from the last time measured), I gained muscle and lost some body fat %.

    I do so want to see the scale head down, and til I do, I will do what I can to keep my chin up, keep on keeping on with avoiding junk in my diet (sugar, processed foods, etc.) and trying to kick up my workouts.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I can't stay off the scale myself.

    Issue: I want accurate daily readings, and sadly I think my scale is dying a slow death, it is playing head games with me. I can actually get different readings from it if I play around with it and have to take my best guess on what is accurate. It is really annoying, yet:

    I bought a new scale, and this one reads 2lbs less than the old one (when I get what I think is a valid reading on the old one). I have not wanted to switch to this scale, even though it seems more consistent, because much as I want to lose weight, I simply do not want to possibly artificially inflate my numbers, and want to stick with the old scale. For now I am sticking with old scale for weight, new scale for BF%, muscle mass% readings.

    I tested both scales with 30lbs and they both read the same exact correct weight. Next step is to drag my 75lb dumbbells up and see if inaccuracy comes in at a higher weight. If so I will try to compensate accurately if need be.

    For the purpose of this 5-lb challenge I will do my best not to inflate or distort the numbers in any way, but this scale issue is a challenge.

    That being said, at least the one constant is a general downward trend, regardless of the accuracy issue with weight readings, they are at least trending lower =)
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    First Challenge on MFP: 5 Pounds in May ...............
    So far: .....................................................................................
    Weight as of 5/1/2011 = 129 lbs. Start.......................................

    Weight as of 5/9/2011 = 128 lbs Week One.................................

    Weight as of 5/16/2011= Week Two .............

    Weight as of 5/23/2011= Week Three ...................

    Weight as of 5/30/2011= Week Four = Final.....
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Ok I didn't weigh in on Monday because I had gone a little well ok a lot carb crazy over the weekend and was up 6lbs. Started Atkins on Monday. Weighed in today and I liked the number so much I figured I post it. Hope this trend keeps on because boy do I LIKE those numbers

    sw- 271.5
    5/12/11- 270.2
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Dave you are thinking way too much about this... There has been a few of us already in the 8 or so months that I have been a part of this challenge that have gotten a new scale and yes the number is different sometimes but take it and go with it. Its the downward trend that counts the most. you cant count on that old scale to be accurate if you step on and off the new one two or three times and get the same number then don't worry about inflating numbers and take the two pounds lost for what it is. : )
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    woohoo- got a compliment from a woman coworker this morning "Wow Tori you really look good. I noticed the other day when you were wearing the black lacy shirt how much weight you've lost. Keep it up girl"

    There is no motivation like a complimetn for me!!!