gluten and dairy free need help

Hi guys

hope everyone is well feel free to add me btw.

im a bt stuck on the whole been gluten and dairy free. both have caused major illnesses with me and i am no longer allowed to eat them.

im new to this new diet i have to have. its hard and im not sure what to do about it really because what the dietician said sorta didnt make sense.

does any one have any recipees or know of any good recipes that dont contain gluten or dairy but are not going to limit me on calories. been on what i have been eating is seriously cutting my calorie intake down and i dont want to starve,

any websites would be useful

thank you :)


  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    One of my favorite breakfasts (in fact, I am having it today) is amaranth "oatmeal." Instead of oats, which are usually contaminated with gluten, I cooked amaranth in half milk and half water until it was creamy. Since you can't have dairy, try soy milk or almond milk for this. It's about a 3:1 ratio of liquid to grain. Then, I drizzle in a little agave nectar, sprinkle on some nuts and some fresh fruit, and I'm off to work.
  • jaymae22
    jaymae22 Posts: 8
    Hello, I have the same problem . Gluten free, Lactose free, and no gassy foods. It's tough to find enough calories to eat. I pretty much eat fish and rice. I am still working on finding some good recipes as well.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    This blog is written by a woman whose children have multiple food allergies. She has lots of recipes and tips on here. I know it's geared toward feeding children, but the recipes are healthy and delicious. Check it out.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Being gluten and dairy free definately does not have to limit you, or even keep your calorie count super low. You can add in grains like quinoa or brown rice, and of course your meat and vegetable possibilities are endless. Although I'm not strictly gluten free, I do try to minimize the gluten in my diet. One great website ive found is
    The writing is simple and cute, and they have a dairy free (and vegetarian) section. All the meals are full of flavor and, while not terrible for you, also will help you keep up on your calorie count:)

    If you are in a bind and need more calories, try adding simple things like avocado, banana, olive oil, and nuts to your diet. They are all good for you and provide a good amount of calories :)
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    Lara bars are an awesome snack and sometimes breakfast!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Do you have a membership to a coeliac society. If you are in the the uk we have coeliac uk which do a codex containing all foods you can eat being gluten free.
    My best friend is coeliac and lacto free. She found it hard to begin with but now eats really well and has lost loads of weight without trying.
    Eat lots of fruit and vegetables meat and fish. There are lots of gluten free breakfast cereals available now. And gluten free oats are readily available in the uk so you could make a granola and have that with soya yogurt or milk. I have made lots of cakes for her which are gluten free when it is her birthday. Doves gluten free flour is great stuff and Xantham gum ( Available in free from section in supermarket) helps when baking. as it does what the gluten should and stops cakes etc being crumbly. Doves flour even has recipes on the back of the packet!

    good luck!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    p.s if you want a recipe for a great carrot cake just message me!
  • Dawn1084
    Dawn1084 Posts: 17
    I have Celiacs so I am all gluten free, One of my favorite grab an go foods are Soy Joy Bars and Lara bars (the peanut butter and Jelly ones are the best) I also do alot of protien, grilled chicken, fish, peanut butter on a slice of gluten free bread. There are some good snacks if you are like me and need a crunchy treat every now and then. Tostitos chips and even cheese queso are gluten free. Hormel Pepperoni are gluten free and I sometimes will put a few of them on a slice of gluten free bread with a little cheese for lunch. As far as dinners I usually make some kind of meat with rice or a casserole with rice instead of noodles for the family and me, if I ever make them pasta I will either eat the tomatoe sauce and meat on top of a piece of homemade gluten free garlic bread or I sometimes make gluten free pasta but thats a rare treat because of how pricy it can be. I try to stay away from buying alot of "gluten free" products though because they tend to be higher in calories then the gluten containing counterparts. I am actually a little glad sometimes that I can't just grab a doughnut at our monday meetings or a piece of cake on someones birthday because I don't need it so its easy to say no when you know what the consequences of eating it are!
  • mahanya
    mahanya Posts: 2
    You might try amaranth cooked with apple juice. For a 1/2 cup of amaranth I add 1 1/2 cup of liquid (half water and half apple juice). When done, add some sliced apples and enjoy - very yummy.
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    Although it's actually a vegan site, these are vegan (no meat/dairy/animal products) and gluten free. It just launched but has been helpful for me:

    good luck!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    You may want to take some recipes fromthe following websites... They follow a paleo lifestyle which means no grains or dairy. This helped me a lot

    Also just gf sites (you can make the appropriate dairy substitutions)

    Also a recipe site where you can enter your allergies or dislikes and it let's you know if the recipe contains them

    Keep in mind there are tons of great substitute products available so if a recipe calls for something you cant have odds are you can sub out that ingredient with something else.

    Also a reminder that gluten is sneaky... It hides in so many things you wouldn't think about... like soy sauce, some lunch meats, even certain seasonings. Start reading lables and good luck. Once you get the hang of it you'll realize your world isnt ending and it will be second nature. :)
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump for later
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I have a yummy gluten free/dairy free/soy free mini brownie recipe if you want it. Just message me! I've had to eat VERY allergy free for the last 6 months and it has been completely restrictive so I've had to try lots of interesting recipes out.