So really really down.



  • DONT GIVE UP!!!!! You can still lose the weight without working out!!! Keep your mind on your goal!!! Counting calories and exercising is great but we also have to remember to keep a positive mind and a positive attitude. What we are doing and accomplishing takes a lot of will power and a lot of hard work! So we can't be hard on ourselves, instead of letting obstacles and negative thoughts creep in lets remind ourselves it takes a very strong person to set a goal and accomplish it and we all got it in us to reach our goal! SO REALLY REALLY DOWN...keep going! you can do it :D
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    I understand your back pain and your depression. Keep in mind you are here and we are here for you to chat. Chin up and there was someone who said "exercise for fitness and calorie control for weight loss" ...soooo true. Watch what you eat and ask yourself if it is the best choice. Rest well and hope you feel well soon! Chat us up anytime!

  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    As you can see you are not alone. All the other posts are right and true. But I bet it's hard to believe you can do any of these things when you're deep into a depressive episode. Are you taking anti depressants? often they do not help you to lose weight although they should make the depression lift.

    I know this because I suffer from depression and although Anti-depressants help to lift my mood they also make me not worry about things including what I am putting into my body. Currently I am unable to exercise because I have post viral fatigue, in fact I can't do much of anything which is why i have been eating quick fix sugary foods to make myself feel better. which is why i have had to re set my ticker and have another go at changing my eating habits.

    What i am trying to say is, don't beat yourself up if you feel you can't exercise or you make a wrong food choice, just go with the flow and make the right choice next time because you don't need anymore guilt to beat yourself with. Your back will heal and you will exercise again, it won't be forever!

    You will do this, honest!

    Good luck with your journey.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    exercise for fitness, calorie control for weight loss.

    you can lose weight without lifting a finger, it just takes longer, break the loop.

    THIS and walking is excellent as well. And you need a positive mindset that you can get through this. I may get flamed for this, and it's a shame, but for me I know that the devil plays mind tricks and causes people to believe they're not worth success in whatever they do, and it's a lie. we're all worth it, none of us are in too deep that we can't be successful in all things with God's help and his grace, his mercy and his favor. All battles are hard, but we'll win the war. God Bless.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    You have to take control, say you CAN do it and you WILL! If you aren't able to exercise then adjust what you eat, and when you are feeling a little better start off slow and build up to a good workout.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: