Team UK & Ireland - May 2011



  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Welcome new UK' ers, it's never too late to join, to set mini goals or just have a chat.
  • Treacle34
    Treacle34 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi All

    I'm new, a friend introduced me to this fab site last week - I'm from NW London and if anyone wants to me you're more than welcome :-)
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi from Scotland!
    I joined this website in 2009 and did quite well, then went downhill. There's people at my work who have joined so hopefully they will help with my motivation this time around! x
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Hey all!
    Feel free to add me, i'm from the UK and need some UK friends on here!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Hello everybody. I've been losing since Jan but only found this site in March. Look forward to continuing the progress with you guys.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    How's everyone getting on with their May goals? Only 2 days left in the month - yikes!

    I've had a terrible week last week but seem to be back on the wagon - was a high climb this time - so not sure how I've done, probably didn't reach target. I was very very close, but I reckon I've caused some damage last week (didn't brave the scales anyway). Not sure what causes me to keep falling off that wagon every now and then. Usually all's good, but when I do fall off, I do it in a proper ugly way! :frown:
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hi guys!
    I'm a uk gal too, I'm in Hertfordshire, not too far from London!
    I've had the mfp app for ages but didn't realise how helpful it really was until this year when I found the boards!
    I've got about 15-20lbs I'd like to loose but rather than concerntrating on the scales I'm hoping to drop a dress size and tone. I'm a 12 now, want to be a comfortable 10 in time for my holiday in september!
    I've not actually set any mini goals really. Hmmm may have to think about that one!

    Anyway that's about all from me, feel free to add me if you'd like!
    Good luck!!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all,
    Welcome to all the new UKer's!
    So it's the last bank holiday of may and it's raining!
    Considering all the bank hols and my birthday and husbands birthday i have lost 2lbs in may and a whole inch off my waist. So I am pretty pleased with myself!
    The downer this month has been having to buy new scales that weigh me 1lb heavier than my old scales! I am trying to get my head round the idea that the number on the scale doesn't matter it's how I look and how my clothes feel. Both of which are going in the right direction!
    I hope every one is still feeling motivated and that the Scales are heading in the right direction for you all.
  • rosebslim
    rosebslim Posts: 27
    Hi everyone

    Glad I've found this thread. I am from Buckinghamshire and am a young at heart ol' gal, mid 60's. Would like buddies 50+ - from UK/Ireland and Wales in particular - feel the draw as my mother was Welsh. Anyone else is welcome to add me also, thank you.

    I have been struggling pretty badly over the past months and am a long-standing WeightWatcher. I got to goal with them about 30 years ago after having my youngest child (she's now almost 31). I have been finding it difficult to get engrossed in the WW new plan, started off OK but faltered after a few weeks, and I found this site a couple of months ago, but never really used it much until I found that I could have the app on my new phone, which is a bonus. Therefore I am giving it a go and hopefully will make better progress.

    I noticed that you, Yvonne, have back problems - I too have that and have done since I was 25, so a long time. I also have arthritis now and my knees and hips play me up, but I am not as bad as some and do what I can to try to keep as active as possible, but it is very painful at times. My photo is of me participating in last year's Race for Life, but I was lighter then so have decided not to do it this year as I really knew I had done it last year by the end of it. LOL

    I had lost over 2 stones and had got down to a size 14, but have crept up over the past few months again and am now back into my 16s, so not a happy bunny - must get it back off and get into my smaller clothes again, some unworn. I would like to get enough off to be back in a size 12, but if my body settles at a weight that I am comfortable in a size 14 then I will not grumble at that at my age lol.

    We all have a journey ahead of us and the support that we find on these boards is invaluable, so please feel free to chat to me if you would like to.

    Good luck everyone.

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    How's everyone getting on with their May goals? Only 2 days left in the month - yikes!

    My main goal was no alcohol which I achieved apart from 1 cheat night that I allowed myself for the Eurovision song contest!
    As for more cardio, that didn't really go to plan, my new physiotherapist had different ideas and told me I should be taking it a bit more easy for a while. There's always next month to get back on track :smile:
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Has anyone started a June 11 thread yet?
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I'm pleased to report back that I certainly got through my plateau this month which was my main goal (I dropped 6lbs), failed on giving up fizzy drinks but have certainly cut down, instead of that I did cut out all alcohol for 2 weeks, and am still trying hard to eat clean 5/7 days. I also finished 30DS, and lost 4 inches off my tummy, 1.5 inches off my chest, and gained a visible waistline.

    A successful May!
  • pars1981
    pars1981 Posts: 158 Member
    HI there.

    Room for one more?! My names Lynne and i live in Dunfermline, Scotland.

    Been on here for a while, but starting to really get into it.
    I am down to my final 14lbs to lose, after having lost 2 stone just over two years ago. Since then I have struggled to reach my goal weight, and thought i would try this place out so that I have some accountability.:smile:
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    is there a june group?!
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Can't find a new thread here is the link to one I started, hope to see you all there......
