Hello from newbie in UK

stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
Hiya everyone!
I joined MFP on 22nd May and after a glitch with entering my starting weight (struggling with kg's v lb's!) I'm absolutely LOVING this site and the app. My job is really busy and I travel quite a bit so the app is constantly with me and I find it so easy to log everything.

I'm a single mum with a 17 year old son who has decided he would like to lose around 20lbs as well which is making meal planning a lot easier - we have completly changed our eating style!

My problem is exercise or should I say lack of it! I leave home at 7am and get back at around 7pm and during that 12 hours I'm either desk bound or driving so live a very sedantry life style. I know I need to start exercising but suffer from painful knee joints so may have to put exercise on hold until I've lost some weight or change jobs!

I don't look or act my age and feel that my weight may start to age me.... Oh and I've been single for 9 years now so it would be nice if losing weight would give me the confidence to go out and meet my dream man!

Any words of encouragement or advice (esp towards exercise) will be gratefully received! Good luck to everyone x x


  • Welcome!!

    I have just completed week 1 so would have joined at the same time as you..

    What you need to keep reminding yourself is that as you get lighter your knees will hurt less - in the meantime my first suggestion would be to try to go swimming at least once a week. Have you got a wii you could use at home?
    All I have been really doing is going for a half hour walk everyday (more when I have time) and also cleaning like a mad woman as this counts too!

    Good luck with it x
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the tip and congratulations on your superb weight loss!

    I've got this week off so have been walking quite a bit but like your advice on cleaning as well.

    Thank you!!
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    HI, I too started walking, Im a truck driver so spend / spent most of my time sat on my back side!! Now when im parked up for anything from an hour to 6 hours, and overnight, i go for walks, these walks have now changed into jogs, and ive even entered the Great South Run. Once some of the weight comes off you will feel the difference and enjoy the benefit.

    Hope you acheive your goals, feel free to add me as a freind

  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Welcome!! Good luck on your journey! :drinker:
  • AndH
    AndH Posts: 13 Member
    I also have a busy stressful and sedentary job . Here are a few ideas to build in exercise; I try to run up and down some stairs a few times at lunch, always try to take stairs two at a time where possible; whilst driving I pull my abdomen really tight for a count of 50 and then release really slowly -whilst at traffic lights or in a traffic queue.
    I have started to park 10 minutes away from my appointments so that I have to walk briskly; if I do this only 3 times a day I can add 30 mins of cardio to the diary which gives extra calories.
    All little things but they do help
    Good Luck
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Jeff

    Thanks for the words of encouragement - I've added you as a friend (my first one!)

    It's great to see how you've managed to increase your exercise - it's certainly something for me to work towards. Unfortunately due to my work I never get a lunch break so need to work something into my evenings. Joining a gym isn't an option at the moment due to the cost but son and I have been discussing buying a treadmill between us - so watch this space!

    Congratulations to you on your fantastice weight loss! wow!
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome to the site, i'm from the UK as well and have been logging in for just over a month. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. The people here are very friendly and helpful, which makes you wanna stay on track!

    In terms of exercise I would say start of easy on the X trainer, its very low impact. Once the weight starts to drop then hit up the treadmill.

    Good luck!
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    I also have a busy stressful and sedentary job . Here are a few ideas to build in exercise; I try to run up and down some stairs a few times at lunch, always try to take stairs two at a time where possible; whilst driving I pull my abdomen really tight for a count of 50 and then release really slowly -whilst at traffic lights or in a traffic queue.
    I have started to park 10 minutes away from my appointments so that I have to walk briskly; if I do this only 3 times a day I can add 30 mins of cardio to the diary which gives extra calories.
    All little things but they do help
    Good Luck

    Some great tips - thank you!
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I'm from the UK too, and new to the site within the last couple of days :smile:

    Good luck, everyone here is really helpful and supportive, and seem to be full of ideas to squeeze in exercise where it seems impossible! :wink:
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Hello I am from the UK as well, I have problems with my knees which resulted in surgery 5 years ago but one knee still not right and needs to be operated on again. With the advise of my GP to get my weight down before I go and see the knee specialist to get it sorted out I joined MFP. My GP advised me at first to just do brisk walking to get the knee joints used to moving and working again. Then after 4 weeks I bought Davina's work out DVD's Power of 3 and Body Buff, I work out to these every other evening and just take it steady. My knees are holding out so I try to do some of the high impact stuff but if I feel my knee is not right I just lower it back to low impact. Start slowly and build it up would be my advice but you could always speak to your GP for the best advice and plan how you will get back into exercise..
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Hi, I'm also from the UK
    How do you get too and from work, could you walk or cycle some or all of the way?
    Otherwise I use exercise DVD's when I can't get to a class. I've done the Jilliam Michales 30 day shred, which is only 25 minutes, and I just got up half an hour earlier and did it before work. Means you have it out of the way before you get on with your day rather that tring to fit it in at the end.
    Wii fit or wii dance games are also good run and get you moving.

    Good luck
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    another uk newbie, i started may 30th and im loving this site, i have never been able to be so intune with the choice of foods i have eaten. i previously did ww and it was a matter of pro points so evene things like kfc was ok within limits, however ever know although i maybe abl to have it, im becoming more attached to the amont of calories. its only day 3 and i feel so much better. exercise was also a no no for me, but im home for 3 weeks before i go back to my clinical area so im just walking, right now cleaning my house THROUGHLY, moving furniture, and started doing Gillian 30 day shred its only 20 mins an can fit that in as soon as i wake up or before i go bed.

    this site is great and good luck on your journey there is a vast amont of support here. feel free to add me.
  • lollypop30
    lollypop30 Posts: 10
    Hiya, this is going to sound silly but when I lost weight last year I tried to fidget more during the day lol. I know it sounds crazy but I have read in a few places that people who fidget are generally more slimmer than people who don't. I figured I could make fidgeting a habit and to be honest it worked! just little things like when your making a cup of tea or standing at the cooker doing dinner, just stand from one foot to the other and doing other small movements... I know this sounds like a load of rubbish but I really think this is a good way of getting used to moving about a bit more and it really does become second nature to just be a little bit more active when your doing things... you might look silly but its worth it just to get moving about :) xxx
  • Carol_s
    Carol_s Posts: 73
    Hi, I'm in the UK, not a newbie, but fairly new!

    Good luck with your journey, the support on here is fantastic, and there are some truly inspirational stories.

    If you'd like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so.

    Take care
    Carol x
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes I've received! It's difficult to reply to everyone but if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do so and a big thank you to those who have added me as a friend.

    I work 23 miles away from where I live so car is the only option plus altho I live in Bristol I have to travel to London, Kent, etc throughout the week so walking or cycling isn't an option.

    Some great advice re DVD video's and short effective workouts.

    I only posted for the first time this morning but I feel really welcome and am loving this site!

    Thank you!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there,
    Welcome. I am from the UK and have been using this site since january everyone is so supportive here.
    I work in the NHS and spend most of my life giving healthy lifestyle advice. The best advice i can give is. Keep tracking your intake through MFP and do anything at all that gets your heart rate up as often as possible! Swimming is great if you are struggling with joints. Even if you only make it at the week end.
    Who do you work for? do you get a lunch break? If not why not? Take the lunch break and go for a walk. even if it is just round the office and if there are staircases use them! If they are a forward thinking company see if they might be interested in the health of their employees. I have heard of companies allowing fitness classes in the lunch breaks and setting up a gym in the building. Healthy employees take less sick time and can be more productive!!!

    The NHS has a great website called start for life and they talk about just changing small things can make big differences. Have a look at the website for extra suggestions.

    Good luck
    P.s have friended you now!
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Linscave, I never seem to be able to schedule a lunchbreak in - there's always something going on which seems to need my attention ;-/ We have recently moved to lovely new offices which don't have a lift so I'm using the stairs on a regular basis and getting quicker at the way I use them. Swimming at the weekends is definitely an option as well.

    Thanks for your advice - although I'm totally motivated regarding my food, I definitely motivating with regards to exercise! I'm heading off to the start for life website now..... :-))
  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    ; whilst driving I pull my abdomen really tight for a count of 50 and then release really slowly -whilst at traffic lights or in a traffic queue.
    Some what lurking around and I just had to say what a good idea. Sitting here at the computer I tried, I can only get to around 20 count. I cound use strength in my tummy area.
    Welcome Miss stoli2812, I am new here, also been about a week for me. Everyone is so very nice and helpful.
  • I hear ya on the app part! I have an ipod and I LOVE the app, I can add everything right away :) GoodLuck!!!