5 random/interesting facts about you



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    1. My dad changed our last name because it was 17 letters long and too "annoying," so now we have a different name compared to the rest of my family!
    2. I drink a MINimum of 128 ounces of water each day
    3. I know more sports trivia than most men
    4. I have a high school state championship ring for playing golf
    5. I share a birthday (June 1) with Marilyn Monroe, and I idolize her :)
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    1. I have a wicked jump shot with both left and right hand...
    2. I have never seen a Star Wars movie (not old or new)
    3. I'm a kick *kitten* shower singer (or maybe I'm tone deaf but I think I'm amazing. haha)
    4. I'm 1/2 mexican (The whitest mexican ever, but its there!)
    5. I am one of 8 kids (4 brothers and 3 sisters)
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    1. I am a full blown leftie. I cannot do anything with my right hand. Learning to drive was a pain in the *kitten*.
    2. I am studying for a degree in Biomedical Science. Nobody knows what that is but I can 99% guarantee a biomedical scientist has played a big part in your life.
    3. I've played the guitar since I was 11. I'm pretty **** at it, but, it's something I desparately enjoy doing.
    4. I can speak and read French, I wouldn't say I was fluent but I'm the next best thing.
    5. I am wheat and gluten intolerant. I won't explain how that affects me :P
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    1. another leftie,..only one in the family.
    2. love thrill rides.
    3. reality tv junkie.
    4. never had coffee until my first son was born 17 years ago...total addict now!
    5. love, love spicy food.
  • coop1973
    coop1973 Posts: 29 Member
    1.) I'm a leftie
    2.) I broke my tailbone when I was 13 falling out of a tree having a bottle rocket fight
    3.) because of #2 I can't have natural childbirth
    4.) I can't spell or use grammer
    5.) I'm 6'0 tall and no one has ever came close to quessing my weight...I use it to my advange at carnivals and on bets!
  • 1. I clench my butt together when I do my makeup & recently noticed that I do it while cooking or doing something while standing for a long period of time.
    2. Both of my middle fingers are crooked. The left one goes to the left and the right goes to the right.
    3. My belly button is as deep as the first knuckle/bend in your pointer finger.
    4. I have a small freckle on the inside of my pinky and my pinky toe.
    5. I played varsity volleyball in high school and one time this girl tried convincing the ref that I stepped over the line while jump serving, which I didn't (they watched the tape and saw I didn't, she was trying to get us to lose) so I spiked the ball down right on her face. Broke her nose, woops. I guess you could say I'm a tad bit competitive.
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    1. I'm family related to Grace Kelly ( her dad is my grandmother dad's cousin, the Kelly family moved to the USA and my great grandfather's family moved to Canada).
    2. I know how to knit
    3. During law school, I was a bartender.
    4. I love wine!
    5. I wear dresses all the time, except in winter!!!!
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    1. I am a carbolic
    2. I have been to over 30 states but have only left California 4x (I live in California)
    3. I have so many things I want to do with my life as a job, that I don't know where to start.
    4. my body hides weight well, while most people it only takes them 10lbs to go up a pant size it takes 50 for me.
    5. I have a strong personality which makes it hard for me to make close friends.
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    1 I married my first boyfriend. I was 15yrs nearly 16, he was 20yrs when we met.
    2 I have a baking blog.
    3 I am a Yorkshire Miner's daughter
    4 I love Rocky horror
    5 I met one of my best friends in a infertility chatroom.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    -I once beat Boys to Men in a talent show. I got to go on Showtime at the Apollo and they became Boys to Men…who really won???
    -I’ve had a craniotomy to remove a brain tumor.
    -I met M. Night Shyamalan on flight to the UK.
    -I cry like a baby at all things sappy…it’s embarrassing but I'm still bad sob, lol
    -I like to drink single malt scotch…..
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    1. I've lived in more places than I have fingers (all in Canada however). Hoping to someday make it overseas to live.
    2. My husband gave me the best honeymoon ever - a trip to Ireland that I'll never forget! I can't wait to go back!
    3. My family tree shows me to be related to both Jackie O. and Jean LaFitte (the pirate!)
    4. I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue in under 30 seconds.
    5. Once sang back-up for a friend on a benefit compilation CD.
  • bordereiver
    bordereiver Posts: 13 Member
    1. I was born in Wales, brought up in Scotland, moved ot Ireland for a bit before settling in England as a grown up(allegedly!!) so a true Brit!
    2. I lost my broad Scottish accent after just 6 weeks at the age of 18 when I joined the Royal Air Force! (probably because it wasn't a naturalised accent!)
    3. I have a strange attraction to cold places with snow - I dislike hot warm countries!!
    4. I can juggle....! But don't ask me to use more than 3 balls......
    5. I can do without sweets, but I can't do without a cup of tea!!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    1) I was concieved in Germany when my father was stationed there, and my mom went to visit him.

    2) I hate spiders

    3) I almost drowned when I was 11 years old and just overcame my fear of water a couple of years ago and just joined the 100 mile club at my local pool.

    4) I married the same man twice (and am very happy)

    5) I have 5 children only 1 biological and the rest of them are step (but they are still mine) and we have them full time.
  • Oooooooh this looks fun! :D
    1. I'm here to lose weight yet I plan on eventually going to school to be a pastry chef (lol that'll take some HARD work to avoid temptation)
    2. I naturally have white blonde hair (though everyone in the past has seemed to believe I was a natural redhead from my green eyes and freckles)
    3. One of my favorite healthy snacks is a cup of strawberries with a sprinkle of sweet n low
    4. I never realized how much I enjoyed exercising until I started doing it everyday
    5. I love to be outside now that I've changed my eating and exercising habits

    Nothing super special but, hey, I'm only 18. Nothing very eventful has happened in my life just yet xD lol. Nice to get to know everyone :3
  • Im a MARINE wife
    Im adopted
    Im under 5 ft
    I have freckles
    I love gardening
  • I love snakes

    Was a exotic dancer for 7 years
    (before the weight gain lol)

    Would like going to a nudist colony


    Enjoy fixing anything around the house, Im the handyman :-)
  • bordereiver
    bordereiver Posts: 13 Member
    Very well, where do I begin?

    1) My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery.
    2) My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.
    3) My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
    4) My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets.
    5) When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn *kitten*, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.

    FANTASTIC - Best yet by a mile. Congrat's my friend, wish I could have come up with something like this!!!
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    1. I wish I could be a drift racer.
    2. I know american sign language.
    3. On long road trips I take my right shoe.... and yes, only my right shoe.
    4. I enjoy cleaning - want to procrastinate homework? I clean. Stressed? I clean. Happy?? I probably just cleaned ;]
    5. I like to work on cars.
  • 1. I am a classical pianist.
    2. I am at least more than 1/4 Puerto Rican.
    3. I absolutely LOVE french fries, ice cream, tomato-based Italian foods, and peanut butter.
    4. I was accepted to more than ten colleges at the age of sixteen.
    5. I have cross-modal perception.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    1. I am TERRIFIED of bugs. All bugs, and I have no idea why because I didn't used to be.
    2. I've been a mother since I was 15 and I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything.
    3. When I was younger my top 5 dream jobs were: stripper, porn star, assain, nun, and foster parent (not always in that order). :smokin:
    4. I like to cook rich, decadent food and I won't serve anything I haven't tasted.
    5. I'll be graduating college this year after starting 14 years ago and switching my major 4 times.