5 random/interesting facts about you

I thought it would be fun to have a thread like this. Instead of just, where you live, how old you are, etc...try and list a few funny/random/surprising things about yourself, some things to make us have a giggle I'll start off!

1) I think I could live off on pasta if I had to
2) I think badgers are awesome
3) I can't imagine not living in the UK
4) I love stationery
5) I broke my hand when a house number sign fell onto it off of a bookshelf - it was one of those ones with a 3D border collie face on it, the dog's nose hit my hand, then a massive thick book fell onto it after.


  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Here goes ...

    1. My toes are like fingers :bigsmile:
    2. I cannot pass a cat in the street without trying to make friends with (I like dogs too)
    3. I don't eat meat, poultry or seafood but could not live without fish
    4. I love zombies even though they still have the capability to scare me
    5. I love West Ham United football club even though they regularly break my heart :brokenheart:
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    1. I can do a split
    2. Despite my appearance (slightly overweight, stocky frame) I can run 2-miles without stopping
    3. I LOVE unique locomotives (Think GG-1, GTEL, Double-Diesel)
    4. I like to study cruise liners (I've been all over the Costa Concordia ordeal)
    5. I have a beautiful Stratocaster that I can only play a few scales & chords on

  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    1. I am a leftie.
    2. I changed my college major from computer science to accounting at then end of my 2nd year.
    3. My gaming characters are always guys; I play as a tank.
    4. But I'm really a girly girl through and through.
    5. I usually keep my toenails painted black.
  • leanmachinedream
    1. I have around 120 bottles of nail polish and blog about my hobby. I now have almost 80 followers and I've only been around for about a month.
    2. San Francisco was my favorite place to live and I'd love to go back.
    3. I don't like dogs. I won't deny their cute factor but I don't like them.
    4. I used to vend for the 49ers.
    5. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be sushi.
  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    1. I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night to be a human.
    2. I am almost 6 months off of hormones and antidepressants and I am me again!
    3. I teach baton, dance and cheer on the side.
    4. I want more kids. I would seriously have six and love every second of it.
    5. I recently stopped biting my nails.
  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    1. i talk to animals like they are people ( i kinda think im dr dolittle! haha)
    2. i always have cold hands and feet!
    3. i seriously dont care what i look like when im dancing or what im dancing to music wise
    4. i like to be naked as much as possible i have no idea why
    5. im a real country bumpkin born and bred! love everything about the countryside and its where im happiest (at uni in london and i hate it i miss my hampshire!)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    1. I can not stand peanut butter and chocolate together. Just the thought of a Reese's cup makes me want to vomit.
    2. I work for a beer distributor, and it's pretty much the coolest/best job I could've ever hoped to have.
    3. I'm obsessed with musical theater. Anything musical theater, I love it. I even went to college for it and performed year round for years...until I learned I would probably never make a living doing it.
    4. I can tap dance!
    5. I love penguins. I just love them. If ever I got to hold a little penguin, I would freak out and cry like Kristen Bell did when she learned she was gonna get to hang out with a sloth for her birthday (if you don't know what I'm talking about, youtube it, it's priceless).
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    1. i broke my collar bone when i was 4 by flipping my bike with training wheels
    2. i sat down next to a rattle snake once i never knew i could run so fast
    3. im a steak and potatoes kind of girl
    4. i dont like living in texas, im a florida girl through and through
    5.i work for a vet and i always talk to the animals
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    1) I am afraid of practically everything...no really, my fears hold me back!
    2) I have recently discovered just HOW yummy Bok Choy really is....
    3) I can't imagine not living in Canada!!
    4) I love the smell of new magazines, freshly cut grass, an extinguished candle, and matches.
    5) I loathe peas so much that I often lie and say I am allergic to them...even though I am allergic to nothing (that I know of anyways).
  • chrissy10taylor
    1. Being from Pittsburgh, I bleed black and gold. Steelers, Pirates or Penquins, doesn't matter.
    2. I have 2 tattoos, got my first at age 30 and I am saving for another one.
    3. I sell adult diapers for a living! It can be a hazardous job, old people get really angry when their diapers do not arrive on time.
    4. I am addicted to Storage Wars ... have seen every episode! And I wish Barry Wiess was my uncle!
    5. I am very proud to say my parents are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in April! I celebrated my 20th in October and I hope we will be celebrating our 50th some day!
  • vickygaunt
    1. Im a third year at university studying forensic science, and trying to get back to pre-uni weight
    2. I love animals, apart from ones that have more than six legs
    3. I rock climb, but on top of tall buildings i still get scared of heights
    4. A cup of tea solves everything
    5. I love vegetables but not a fan of fruit
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    1. Drowned when I was 5 (fortunately my dad worked SandR so he was able to rescusitate me)
    2. Became a Marine Biologist at the age of 50
    3. Am a gamer (my kids love to tell their friends their mom did LARP)
    4. Was in a 4 seater airplane that crashed during a landing. (And walked away)
    5. Total technogeek, latest tech toys, MMO's, computers,whatever, :)
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    1. I have been to the Jr. Olympics in 2 sports- Riding horses and Shooting Guns
    2. Although I love animals, I have no interest in having them live in my house
    3. I have the mind of a fat person- even though I have never been fat, I think about food ALL THE TIME and could eat chinese until i pop.
    4. I almost died from an eating disorder about 5 years ago, but am now in full recovery (see above!)
    5. I have a touch of OCD and NEED to clean the house at least twice a day.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    1. I've got 4 Siberian Huskies
    2. I can walk on my toes kinda like chimps walk on their fists
    3. I used to have an OCD about eggs which would frequently leave me in tears (mostly over it now though)
    4. I would love to own an E-Type Jaguar at some point in my life - need money and some engine know-how first
    5. My favourite colour is green, because it was my Dads favourite
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    1. I can not stand peanut butter and chocolate together. Just the thought of a Reese's cup makes me want to vomit.
    2. I work for a beer distributor, and it's pretty much the coolest/best job I could've ever hoped to have.
    3. I'm obsessed with musical theater. Anything musical theater, I love it. I even went to college for it and performed year round for years...until I learned I would probably never make a living doing it.
    4. I can tap dance!
    5. I love penguins. I just love them. If ever I got to hold a little penguin, I would freak out and cry like Kristen Bell did when she learned she was gonna get to hang out with a sloth for her birthday (if you don't know what I'm talking about, youtube it, it's priceless).

    What?!? PB and Chocolate is the BEST idea EVER...lol I love PB and Chocolate together...haha

    Now, Mint and Chocolate is gross. That makes me want to vomit...haha

    And I agree...penguins are adorable. The march of the penguins makes me cry... :(
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    1. I love Buffalo, NY
    2. I know how to play a Viola
    3. I have 2 sets of children - age 2, 4 and 29, 31
    4. I own and ride my own motorcycle
    5. I can sing christmas songs in German
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    -I once ate a full pot brownie without knowing it for hours. I thought I was having a stroke.
    -A trip to India convinced me to have kids and to never go back to India
    -I can catch anything thrown at me. My husband has been trying to surprise me for 11 years, and has failed
    -I have a tattoo of a gecko. Got it bc the guy I liked at the time was getting Captain America across his chest.
    -I can almost beat my husb at arm wrestling.
  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    1. I love to Perform (Acting Dancing, Singing)
    2. I love the paranormal/Paranormal Investigating
    3. I love to read and write
    4. I used to be homeschooled (Best Years of my lifeee<3)
    5. I'm on the Junior Varsity Dance/Drill Team @ My school(:
  • wendylee01
    1. I design highways during the day and teach dance during the night and on weekends
    2. My grandchildren are my favourite people to be with
    3. I love to read in a bubble bath listening to Enya
    4. I just built a house with no money up front
    5. I am thankful for sunshine, flowers, and fresh breezes
  • PokerChris
    PokerChris Posts: 120 Member
    1) I once had a job as a human mannequin in a mall
    2) I've tried out for Jeopardy 3 times
    3) I've never made it past the first round of Jeopardy try outs
    4) I would love to live in Las Vegas
    5) I hate dogs (sorry!)