5 random/interesting facts about you



  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    1. I collect Rubber Duck's.
    2. Sometimes my middle finger gets realllllllly cold while the rest of my hand is normal temp.
    3. My right foot is a whole half of size bigger than my left.
    4. My hands get chapped in the winter... (right now) no matter what I do to fix it!
    5. I once had a WHOLE school bus as a play house.. my dad was always buying random vehicles.

    Oh and commenting on earlier about Peanut Butter and Chocolate together.. I can stand it but what I can't stand is jelly and peanut butter together!

    When I make P and J sandwiches I use THREE pieces of bread so one seperates them.

    Wierd huh?
  • avonchik
    avonchik Posts: 106
    I am very short and all my friends are tall ..even my husband.
    Im from Maine and hate Winter(Except i have to have snow on Christmas):bigsmile:
    I used to live in South Carolina and when i talk to my friends from there my southern accent comes back!
    I love Antiquing! ( i collect Tea Cups and Saucers)
    I have 4 kids and 7 grand kids. I love being a Grammy!:laugh: :bigsmile: :love:
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    1. Despite how healthy I look, I have Congestive Heart Failure.
    2. I could live on raw Salmon.
    3. I can drink a pot of coffee every morning.
    4. I love complete silence for about 30 min to and hour after I wake up
    5. I know just about every 80-90 pop-love song ever played!
  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    1. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. Glo Worm to be exact. He always travels with me, he went to college, he has been to grad school, and he will be joining me when I travel to London this summer to finish my masters.
    2. I have run a half marathon... and I would do it again.
    3. My huge downfall in dieting is Moe's Queso and Mt. Dew. I am addicted.
    4. In addition to being a teacher, I work at Starbucks.
    5. I have never been out of the country (US), and have only been out of my time zone once.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    1. I am a USA Army Brat.
    2. I lived in Germany for 3 years of my childhood and would do anything to go back.
    3. I was going to school to be a History teacher, majoring in WWII history, until I got pregnant.
    4. I love Tornado season in Kansas!
    5. I met my husband through a 800 number dating site! Best thing that ever happened to me - besides my children!
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm boring in comparisson to all of you, but here goes. If you don't think I'm that boring add me =D

    I broke my wrist, both bones in identical place, falling out of a single bed, not even a bunk bed.
    I'm doing a degree in Religion Philosophy and Ethics (and on this thread to put off my greek philosophy essay..)
    I spend waaay too much time on the Sims.
    I listen to a lot of rock/metal, but have a soft spot for Taylor Swift/country.
    My goal weight is the same I weighed at 13. I was such a fat child.
  • CharityPearce
    1) I drive a Jeep which I love so much - if I ever wreck it,it needs to take me with it.
    2) I used to faint if someone talked about blood around me, and am now in nursing school.
    3) the underside of my big toe vaguely resembles the shape of a cobra : )
    4) I am useless without at least 3 cups of coffee in the morning.
    5) I hate green peas with an unnatural passion! the thought of the texture of them makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

    This is a great thread,btw! : )
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    1. I have 8 stitches total - 6 of them in my baby toe
    2. I Graduated from a Baptist college BUT Im Catholic (NO Im not a bible thumper)
    3. I HATE scary movies, Halloween *kitten* where people jump at me I HATE to be scared...BUT yet Im doing a you know what Zombie run with my bestie in December - bc I Love her :) My BP is UP just typing this
    4. I also LOVE penguins and actually got to hold one in Hawaii in 2007 - I geeked out and LOVED it!!
    5. I can touch my nose with my freakishly long tongue
  • jennbriere
    jennbriere Posts: 63 Member
    1. I have 3 Rottweilers, a Border Collie and 3 cats...yes, all in the house......a real zoo, but I love it =)
    2. I broke my collar bone when I was about 2..the first night my parents took down the bed posts, I fell on the floor! lol
    3. I own a four wheeler and love going camping/fishing
    4. I love to play poker..and I'm good too!
    5. I've had a python around my neck once (my friend's pet)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    1. My Granda was a pig farmer
    2. Even the smell of tinned butter beans makes me gip, but I love Greek style beans
    3. I don't believe anyone should breed puppies while there are so many dogs in shelters
    4. I really want a new sofa
    5. I'm doing really smelly trumps today - sometimes being a lone worker has it's advantages.... :blushing:
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    1. I can not stand peanut butter and chocolate together. Just the thought of a Reese's cup makes me want to vomit.
    2. I work for a beer distributor, and it's pretty much the coolest/best job I could've ever hoped to have.
    3. I'm obsessed with musical theater. Anything musical theater, I love it. I even went to college for it and performed year round for years...until I learned I would probably never make a living doing it.
    4. I can tap dance!
    5. I love penguins. I just love them. If ever I got to hold a little penguin, I would freak out and cry like Kristen Bell did when she learned she was gonna get to hang out with a sloth for her birthday (if you don't know what I'm talking about, youtube it, it's priceless).

    CUTEST video clip EVER! I just love her!!

    Here are mine:
    1. When I was in the third grade I fell off a tower at my elementary school and bit a huge hole in my tongue. I had to get stitches...it was horrible!
    2. I've never dyed my hair...its about the only part of me that is still considered "virgin"...LOL
    3. When I'm eating Doritos (or any other seasoned chip) I look at both sides and always put the more seasoned side facing down so it hits my tongue when I put it in my mouth. My sister does the same thing. We're weird like that!
    4. I have a HUGE family...my 97 year old grandmother (still going strong) had 9 children who in turn gave her 30 grandchildren, 56 great-grands, and so far 36 great-great-grands! This is all on my dads side. We call her "Queen Bee" and she's the BEST!
    5. I'm about as low maintenance as you can get...I don't go to a salon to get my hair done (the hubs just trims it for me), I've had one pedicure in my life (the day before my wedding), and I take about 30-40 minutes from start to finish to get ready. I also hate shopping, hardly ever buy shoes, and am not a big fan of getting fancy jewelry or fresh roses. I'd rather spend that money on a night out with the hubs or fam.
  • Pamela259
    Pamela259 Posts: 74 Member
    1 i have 4 tattoos
    2 i have an orange corn snake (callled jaffa)
    3.i cannot touch kiwi fruit im terrified lol
    4.i hate getting out of bed in morning
    5.my fav food is jacket potato
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member

    1) I have 2 tattoos and have plans for the third. Everyone in my immediate family (mom, dad, brother) has 3, so I'm behind :)
    2) I have finger-toes... they're really long and have great dexterity.
    3) I didn't have a furry pet until I was 18. I had a lizard, a turtle, and a whole slew of fish. My hubby and I plan to get 2 dogs, and we know their breeds and names already.
    4) I'm a townie by choice. I live in the town I grew up in, married a guy I had a crush on in high school, and we're the resident caretakers of the town's oldest home. But I still threaten to move to Colorado.
    5) I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I studied PR but work in marketing and left another marketing job to work in a bakery (wanted to open my own). Still might pursue baking/food though not in a retail location, but I also want to do yoga teacher training, learn more about nutrition, and want to study sustainability (was looking at Masters' programs the other day). Really, I can't wait to have kids.
  • Molly_Louise
    1. I'm a leftie
    2. I'm going to study for my nursing degree from September
    3. I'm petrified of clowns
    4. My favourite animal is a giraffe.
    5. I don't know my biological father. I pretend it doesn't bother me, but it does, I think.
  • Jessie_Dawn
    1. I LOVE all of the Madea movies... Tyler Perry is awesome!!
    2. I'm a Rap/Hip-hop lover, but have a secret affinity for Type O Negative (Peter Steele was gorgeous!!)
    3. I seizured and almost died while having my tonsils out when I was 6... that resulted in a stay at the Ronald McDonald house, whic was awesome! LOL
    4. I want to be a school teacher, but it's not in the cards for me.
    5. I absolutely detest mushrooms.. loved them until I was pregnant with my daughter, now I can't stand them (and that was over 4 years ago!!)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    This is fun reading!! Here goes....

    1. I am left-handed, but can only use scissors with my right hand.
    2. My grandfather died the same day/year as Jerry Garcia. It was a VERY sad day for me.
    3. I am habitually LATE. It has caused quite a few problems in my life.
    4. I live in the South (US) and I am currently trying to cut my sweet tea habit!
    5. I make jewelry and accessories, sell them online and at craft shows.

  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    1. I love to bake cookies.
    2. Favorite clothing: my jammies.
    3. I'm a slot machine junkie.
    4. I've never broken a bone or had any surgery.
    5. Halloween is my favorite holiday!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    1. I come from an Olympic family. My grandfather and uncle both played in the 1936 Olympics in Germany. They were also part of the World Cup before it became the World Cup (soccer).
    2. I know the Dixie Chicks personally.
    3. I'm deathly afraid of heights. I start to shake violently when I'm on a 2' step ladder.
    4. I'm a sports fanatic. I need to be watching something sports related or have access to sports.
    5. The one thing in life that I haven't yet achieved is becoming a mother. And I hope to. Because I think I'd be an awesome mom.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    1. Both of my pinky fingers curve inward slightly. Everyone thinks they've been broken but I was just born that way. Inherited from my father's side.
    2. I really hate my job (home daycare)--I just like being able to stay home.
    3. I can eat A LOT of food in one sitting. More that the average female thinks of as "a lot" and more than my husband.
    4. I am REALLY bad at managing money....I don't even have a credit card in my name.Oops...
    5. My husband owns his own concrete contracting business and I have a huge building and about 12 huge trucks literally in my back yard.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    1) Have a soft spot for animals, my ultimate dream is to start an animal rescue focusing on older animals that nobody wants anymore :(
    2) People think my husband and I got married by a JOP because I was pregnant and we didn't want to wait until after his deployment.... truthfully, i have never wanted a "wedding"...spending all that money on one day is the most ridiculous thing to me.
    3) I absolutely adore my job even though, after 4 years, i am not quite sure what my job description is. They call me Girl Friday because I sort of just float between all of the departments helping out... i LOVE it, i am never bored here.
    4) Met my husband when my roommate at the time tried to pick him up at a bar... he wants interested and instead slipped me his number. We have been together since!
    5) I HATE dancing... nothing about it is fun to me, probably because i have zero rhythm :)