5 random/interesting facts about you



  • -My day job is in the accounting department of a manufacturing company (overflowing with conservative folks!), but my "real" identity is a fusion bellydancer, martial artist and more recently, a sword-wielding member of the local SCA battle group. They have no clue!
    -I'm Pagan
    -I have been a vegetarian for six years, but to me, bacon IS a vegetable ;-)
    -My sorta secret wish is to dress up and be the drag king to my bestie drag queen.
    -I love cod-pieces.
  • jjpe
    jjpe Posts: 28 Member
    1. I can't smash any kind of bugs, spiders, or flys. It makes me gag!! I have to kill them will some sort of hosehold cleaner.
    2. I have back up disease...basically if I'm in a car and someone puts the car in reverse it makes my stomach do flips.
    3. I always have a dirty car and bedroom. ( I like everything else clean and expect my kids to keep a clean room)
    4. I always tell stranges I'm a year older so...I can tell them I was 20 when I had my first child instead of 19 to avoid the teen mom stereo type. (it works!)
    5. I once told my boss I didn't want to hang out with her and my co workers because I didn't need any more friends...( I don't get to spend the time with the ones that I love enough to begin with) She was offended.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    1. I love movies & reading.
    2. I went on a cruise by myself. Never flown, or traveled alone before. Had a blast!
    3. I am afraid of: snakes, the dark & clowns. Really don't like Holloween. Creeps me out totally to go into a costume shop!
    4. I have been on a movie set & met Hugh Jackman & Shawn Levy (director) Real Steel. It was filmed at my work location.
    5. I don't consider myself a "sports fan" really, but I have been to the Super Bowl, MBA playoffs, World Series, Stanley Cup (touched the cup!), drag race nationals, and the Kentucky Derby (twice!)
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    1. I love to ride horses
    2. I have "flinstone feet"
    3 I can wiggle my ears
    4 I am the only one in my fam that has hazel/green eyes
    5. Best job I had was working in a nursing home, weird but I loved to help the cute ols people
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    Wow!! I am loving reading all of these posts. Everyone has something so interesting to share!!

    Okay, here are 5 interesting facts about me:

    1. I was born blind. My vision was restored when I was 6 weeks old.

    2. My favorite animal is a giraffe and I get all teary when I see one, even a photo of one.

    3. My husband, daughter (23) and son (18) are all huge Disney lovers. As a matter of fact, three years ago, my husband and I did a vow renewal at Disney - a full-blown wedding with the wedding gown, tuxedos, etc. with our daughter as my Maid of Honor and our son as my husband's Best Man. It was the most fun day of my entire life, and all of our guests got to dance with Mickey, who was dressed in formal wear to attend our reception.

    4. For nearly ten years, I had a potentially fatal heart condition that no one had ever survived. I had four heart surgeries and was finally cured in January 2005 in a surgery for which there was no protocol and which is now taught all over the world.

    5. I told my friend I was going to marry my now-husband when I first saw him across a room and we hadn't even met yet; I was unofficially engaged (no ring yet) to someone else at the time. We just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Bump for later!
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    I hate the smell, taste, and texture of peanut butter.

    I talk to my pets (4 cats and a dog) like they can actually understand me. Don't worry, there's no baby-talk.

    I flew over the Rockies in a 2 Seater Cessna Airplane. It. Was. Awesome.

    Though I eat them, fish freak me out.

    I am a Certified Fraud Examiner.
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    1. I collect Breyer model horses and have around 2000 of them and they have a room of their own aka "The Breyer Room". (That's one in my weight ticker.)
    2. I have 6 horses and 1 pony
    3. I'm short (4'11")
    4. I still have the first rig I bought..a 1967 Ford F250.
    5. I've lived in Washington state my whole life
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    1. I can't stand coffee or mint in any form - including ice cream flavors.
    2. My absolute favorite vacation place is Iceland. I go every chance I get, even if just for a day. I have a tattoo of the word "happiness" in Icelandic on my wrist.
    3. I listen to country music almost exclusively. Occasionally I'll mix in some Adele or something for awhile, but I've pretty much only listened to country music my entire life and just don't have much interest in anything else. And not just popular country. Everything from awesome throwback 90's stuff to Texas roadhouse. I'm from Boston so this proclivity is just not typical and drives my friends crazy.
    4. I'm allergic to the cold. No joke, I know it sounds strange, but if I'm outside in below freezing temps for more than say 30 mins, my skin breaks out into itchy burning hives.
    5. I'm an awesome driver. I'm the only one of my friends who can drive a stick.I'm comfortable driving in any conditions, in any city or country. I have a dream of someday going through the Audi Master driving course.
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    1. I am from Kathmandu, Nepal.
    2. I have an unhealthy obsession with cilantro.
    3. I don't like it when cabinet doors are open.
    4. I used to sing opera in High School.
    5. I am learning how to play chess, and I LOVE it!!
  • 1. I LOVE all of the Madea movies... Tyler Perry is awesome!!
    2. I'm a Rap/Hip-hop lover, but have a secret affinity for Type O Negative (Peter Steele was gorgeous!!)
    3. I seizured and almost died while having my tonsils out when I was 6... that resulted in a stay at the Ronald McDonald house, whic was awesome! LOL
    4. I want to be a school teacher, but it's not in the cards for me.
    5. I absolutely detest mushrooms.. loved them until I was pregnant with my daughter, now I can't stand them (and that was over 4 years ago!!)

    Oh my goodness! Whenever I say that Peter Steele is my dream man (which has been since high school) no one ever knows who I'm talking about! So glad to see someone else with impeccable taste.

    Here's my five:

    1. All of my favorite foods are smothered in cheese (mac & cheese, grilled cheese, pasta with tons of fresh grated cheese)
    2. I have never kept a plant alive longer than a year (even kill-proof plants, like bamboo)
    3. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have a husband who embraces my absolute weirdness (just last night I was dancing in the supermarket and he gladly joined me. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.)
    4. The best concert I've ever been to was Tom Waits in Columbus, OH a few years ago.
    5. There is nothing more fun to me than game nights with my family.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    1. I hate feet (other people's disgust me, and I don't even particularly care for my own)
    2. I can meow and sound like a real cat, so I must always meow at them when I see one (and they usually meow back at me, staring at me like I'm some large, weird bald cat)
    3. I use to be a RentRat (I would sit for 8+ hours outside in the cold for front row tickets for the musical Rent....boy the stories I have about that time in my life!)
    4. I own the entire series of New Kids On The Block cards, which I keep in a baseball card case and have held on to, and will continue to hold to, for years. I know SOMEDAY they will be worth something.
    5. Before my current job I use to be a proofreader at a newspaper. I will read over my own posts/messages/IM at LEAST once before sending it, and if I send it and a mistake went through it will bother me. I also read everything I receive like a proofreader and will find the mistakes and those will bother me, too.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    1 - I used to play the sport of curling and think it is awesome and not stupid.

    2 - I play the tuba and once marched in the Rose Parade

    3 - Once when I worked at a record store in the early 1990's, I waited on Dennis Rodman. He asked for a Queen Latifah tape (yes a cassette tape).

    4 - I once suffered a pulmonary embolism and didn't die.

    5 - I cry at movies. Secretly.
  • 1. I find it comforting to occasionally look to the left when I breathe while doing butterfly
    2. I find cooking really fun, but baking really oppressive (if you are off by a bit it won't rise, REALLY?!)
    3. I have traveled a lot
    4. I believe that the news typically fails to inform and generally provides salacious and useless high-brow gossip
    5. One of my favorite things in the world is swimming outside at a pool I grew up swimming at in the summer.
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    I was born in Germany.
    I am a Grandma to a gorgeous, funny 4 yr old little boy
    I obsess over my heart rate and blood pressure.
    My husband wants to block web MD from my computer.
    My children are my best friends!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    1. I hate feet (other people's disgust me, and I don't even particularly care fore my own)
    I will read over my own posts/messages/IM at LEAST once before sending it, and if I send it and a mistake went through it will bother me. I also read everything I receive like a proofreader and will find the mistakes and those will bother me, too.
    "Fore". Just saying :laugh:
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    I love Cocoa Pebbles
    I'm a cat guy
    Most guys go for Ariel - I'm firmly in the Belle camp
    I miss grape Hubba Bubba
    If Beer Pong was a sport, I'd be a first team all American
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    1. I hate feet (other people's disgust me, and I don't even particularly care fore my own)
    I will read over my own posts/messages/IM at LEAST once before sending it, and if I send it and a mistake went through it will bother me. I also read everything I receive like a proofreader and will find the mistakes and those will bother me, too.
    "Fore". Just saying :laugh:
    HAHA! Missed that one thanks....now to edit. :wink:
  • joshswifey2011
    joshswifey2011 Posts: 30 Member
    1. I have 6 babies ages 10,8,5,3,2,1
    2. Im crazy bout Ronnie from Jersey Shore
    3. I have a degree in law
    4. Both my parents passed
    5. Love buffalo chicken wraps
  • FoxxC
    FoxxC Posts: 54 Member
    1. I hung out with New Kids on the Block once (in the 90's)
    2. If someone sticks their finger in my bellybutton I get sick and mad.
    3. I love my job as a Legal Secretary but my two favorite jobs were at Burger King & Publix
    4. I think something is wrong with my right eye but I'm scared to find out.
    5. I have at least 4 things in life that I regret (I'm 41) so I don't think thats a bad record