5 random/interesting facts about you



  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    1. I chose to have my daughters at home rather than in the hospital, which I'll never regret.

    2. I once ran headlong into the King of Sweden as I was leaving work because I was late for our last choir practice before we sang for... the King of Sweden. (Incidentally, I learned later that I had no fewer than 20 sharpshooters pointing their rifles at me.)

    3. I've worked in a wide variety of industries and am fully qualified to state that training show horses to stand with their back legs extended is easier than training children to not repeat everything their mommy says. *sigh*

    4. I'm in my mid-fifties now, and just married a guy I met in college in the mid 70s.

    5. I hate going over overpasses or bridges in a car. It's partly a fear of heights, I think, but it's also that I live in CA and have this crazy notion that an earthquake will hit just as I reach the middle of the overpass, which will go crashing down carrying myself and everybody else on the bridge along with it.

  • vnmw121212
    vnmw121212 Posts: 102 Member
    1. I have the need to save everyone and everything(dogs, people, useful items), but I keep it under control..you will not see me on hoarders..lol

    2. I have a really strong bond to my mother and sisters and pray they out live me as I cannot think of my life without them.

    3. I talk a good game, but the thought of being alone scares me.

    4. I have never spent the night in the hospital..not even the day I was born.

    5. I have a real fancy for organ meats...(liver, kidney, pate, spreads)..nom nom nom
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Here's mine...........

    1) I have a dirty sense of humour and find toilet humour hilarious....cue the wench laughing muwahahahahahaha *snort*!
    2) I really love swearing!
    3) I'm not girly at all....I don't do pink BUT...I do love my hair, skincare, make up, handbags and beautiful jangly earrings!
    4) When I was 16 I won a metropolitan music competiton gaining a distinction - get in!
    5) I still cry at E.T, even at my age....the lump in your throat never goes away!
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    1. I love Musicals! I did Tech Theater in HS because I could not be a performer. Working backstage i awesome!
    2. I have 2 kids and want a third but I am paranoid that f I get preganant my husband will lose his job. (my husband lost jobs both times I was pregnant and when I had an ectopic pregnancy I lost my job. 3 pregnancies has equaled a total of 4 jobs lost)
    3. I live in TEXAS (born and raised) and I HATE it....but I can't bear the thought of moving away from my entire family. Would love to go to Euroe.
    4. I regret my wedding. Not my marriage, just the wedding. I let everyone else take over and it was nothing near what I wanted. I wish I had been a bridezilla.
    5. I secretly dislike Jim Henson but I would never admit that to my family/
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    1. If I were given the opportunity for free plastic surgery, I would completely forget the lipo or breast enhancent, I would get rid of the double chin I have always had even when I was a stick figure child.

    2. I believe in ghosts until someone I know says they have had ANY kind of encounter. Then I am the biggest non- believer.

    3. I think God invented possums after a fever dream and nothing scares me more.

    4. I do not run. Ever. Even as a child, I would hide really well during hide-and-go-seek until it was safe to walk to the safe place. But I have been considering ending my 30 year streak

    5. I fell asleep during the math portion of my SAT's. Not that it mattered, I didn't know the answers anyway. :yawn:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    1. I have a degree in Music. I play piano, saxaphone and sing.
    2. I want to move to Germany
    3. My favorite animals are cats and sloths
    4. I wanted to be a Indy racer car driver
    5. I love professional football and played in a fanatsy football league
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    1.) I love eating pickles
    2.) The sound of whispering, or soft spoken people makes me sleepy
    3.) I love swimming
    4.) I have a dirty mouth
    5.) Jello....yup...awesome.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Oooooh! I wanna play!

    1. I was born almost a full month later than was expected.
    2. I played the cello in grade school and now, at least once a week, regret that I didn't stick with it.
    3. I met the love of my life on match.com.
    4. I can't pick just one favorite color...I'm an equal opportunity supporter. ;-)
    5. My ultimate dream job is to be a stay at home mom.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    1. I'm definitely not the girly type (except during the summer time when I don't mind wearing a dress once a week), no makeup and I hate shopping
    2. Bought an excavator last year so I could do everything that is needed around the house and the stable (stable that I build)
    2. I own a 1967 Firebird, an old pickup truck (1957 Chevy Cameo), and a 1969 Firebird (this one half with my bf)
    3. I'm a translator mainly in the automotive industry
    4. I have 2 beautiful horses, 2 hens, 1 rabbit, 1 dog, and 3 cats (would love to have a cow or two)
    5. I have a very dirty sense of humor
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    1. I'm in my late 20's but have never and probably will never outgrow my teen goth/rock phase - makeup included!
    2. I'm slightly obsessed with OPI nail varnish - I have drawers full of it and re-paint my nails every 2-3 days.
    3. I absolutely hate all fruit.
    4. I've got a degree/masters in computing but cannot comprehend Twitter (using it or the point of it!)
    5. I've also got a degree in welsh history and love spending my weekends wandering around the castles of Wales.
  • jernigan51
    1. I would eat tacos all day, every day, if I could
    2. Rabbits and clowns seriously freak me out
    3. I have short, stumpy fingers and toes, referred to as my "Hobbit Hands" and "Hobbit Feet" by my own mother and husband
    4. I think farts are hilarious (sorry, I just do!)
    5. There are songs on my iPod that I run to, that I would NEVER admit to out loud
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    3. I love Spongebob, don't know why. lol

    I LOVE SPONGEBOB!!! It will always remind me of my son since he grew up watching it and loving that show and still enjoys drawing Spongebob cartoons at 15 years old now :)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    1: I co own a bed and breakfast (guest house) in the uk
    2: I have lost 30+ stone on and off over 20 years
    3:My counsin is Lily Langtry who had an affair with a prince of england in 1890
    4:My partner has given me 4 engagement rings in 9 years but still wnt set a date
    5:I tried 8 years for my first daughter
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    1. I have two little toes on my right foot.
    2. I have dislocated my shoulder 5 times
    3. I have cadaver material in my garage (my dog is trained in human remains detection)
    4. I have played the piano since I was 5
    5. I can roll my tongue into a clover shape
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    3. Vegetarians & Vegans frustrate the crap out of me. Especially when they are doing it to "save the animals". Same goes for organizations like PETA & HSUS. These Organizations have an Agenda, they have little education when it comes to animal well-being, and do more harm than good. Give your $$ to your LOCAL Humane Shelter. It is NOT the same as PETA or HSUS (which has a similar name). End rant. If you want more information, feel free to message me :) On the same note, our Farmers do not get the appreciation they deserve over a few black-eyes in the industry. If you had a good meal today, thank a farmer!

    I don't care what people eat or how they choose to eat but PETA is the WORST. Really, PETA. Thanks for "saving" the animals of the world by showing famous naked people. You're really doing AMAZING work. SUPPORT LOCAL!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    1. I think clowns are totally evil and should be banned, maybe watching IT as a child was a bad idea lol
    2. Im part Serbian, my Grandad came over during the war so he wouldnt have to fight for the Nazis
    3. I can write backwards just as well as i can write forwards
    4. i got bitten by a rottweiler as a kid and instead of being terrified of them I bought one as my first dog
    5. I'm really disturbed by feet and the little bones on your elbows, id be quite happy if i didnt have either of them!!
  • bekbeaver
    1. I mud wrestled in high school.
    2. I was the first girl to play football in my school district.
    3. I raised mice with my kids when they were younger.
    4. Cannot eat raisins.
    5. I have three dogs, one chocolate lab and two yorkie-poos, but would also like to have an Irish Wolfhound and a teacup Yorkie.
  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    1. I was born with only 1 kidney. I didn't know this until I was 30 and had an ultra sound to check my gall-bladder, which had to be removed.
    2. I became a foster parent at the age of 23, and received my first child at the age of 24. I had 16 children through my home during my time fostering, but 3 that will always be "my babies". Foster care left me with lots of scar-tissue on my heart (my kids were sent back to their biomom, twice), but I would not trade anything in the world for the time I had with my precious babies. They are 7, 8 and 9 years old now. They were 4 months, 6 months, and 2 years when I first got them. No, I do not get to see them anymore.
    3. I go to sleep with either the Harry Potter movies or the Twilight movies on pretty much every single night.
    4. I'm a Christian because of Jesus Christ. At various times in my life I have been hurt by others who were "christians". I hope people get a sense of love from me so that I don't bring that kind of hurt to others.
    5. Things I enjoy a lot: Going to the zoo, Painting (oils and acrylics), baking, cooking for friends and family, and reading really good books.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    1. I am the only child in my family (4 kids) whose name does not start with the letter "P"
    2. I used to show dressage horses on a local level
    3. I designed my own tattoos and am working on the next one.
    4. I love the pain of piercings and tattoos.
    5. I love to play with fire. Not in the crazy arsonist kind of way.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    1.) I got my driver's license when I was 45 years old!
    2.) My Dad died in a car accident when I was 3 1/2, leaving behind my Mom and 8 children (one on the way.....she was not born until a month after he died) :brokenheart:
    3.) I was once a huge drug addict, and have done almost every drug out there (except for heroin and opium.) I am proud to say that I am drug free now ......oh, and I think marijuana should be legalized.
    4.) I was supposed to be a boy, named Paul.
    5.) I am allergic to cats, although I lived with them for over 20 years with my 'x'. I am happy to NOT be around them much anymore.