5 random/interesting facts about you



  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    1. I have 16 tattoos and want more.
    2. My favorite animal is the gator....but have to say it with a weird Cajun/swamp people accent.
    3. My closet is filled with shoes...all Nikes. I don't wear any other shoe brand.
    4. I hate snow.
    5. I hate worms.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    ~ My biggest fear is cyborgs. If there was a giant one, ala the one in Iron Man, I'd die of fright.
    ~ When I was 16, I got into an accident and flipped my jeep 3 times. Walked away from it with just a tiny scratch on my finger.
    ~ Sometimes I think I'm an undiagnosed dyslexic.
    ~ I love apples but hate apple juice.
    ~ I think hope is one of the most important things to have in life, and will probably incorporate this into my next tattoo.
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    1. I believe in ghosts
    2. a "friend" once told me that he thought my favorite kind of people were dead people, it hurt my feelings then and it still does today. :brokenheart:
    3. I don't like trying new things -for instance my family really really wants to try a vacation somewhere other than Disneyland, but that's the only place I really really want to go to.
    4. I get irritated by cheap cuts of steak. I love steak but would rather go without than have to eat the chewy stuff.
    5. My kids can sometimes suck the life out of me (I love them anyhow :heart: )
  • ijustwalkedin
    ijustwalkedin Posts: 16 Member
    1. I can eat pasta forever! (and non-stop).
    2. I have named the spider that lives in my bathroom Benedict.
    3. I like to make my own clothes, or mess around with those that I buy, though I'm not really sure what I'm doing.
    4. I love buying stationery ... pens and notebooks particularly. Paperchase is my spiritual home.
    5. I want a house with a bay window so I can have a window seat and hide behind the curtain and read.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    1. I have a birthmark on my foot that looks like broccoli.
    2. I was put on medication for ADHD... which I never take =)
    3. I talk in my sleep alot.
    4. If I take something out of a pile ( ex. newspaper) I ALWAYS choose the second one down, for fear someone has already looked through the top one... IDK. IM WEIRD. I DONT LIKE USED THINGS.
    5. I can burp louder than any man I have encountered.
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    -I love gum and can go through a pack or two a day if given the opportunity.
    -Red Bull makes me crazy chatty and my co-worker refuses in the same room with me if I've had it.
    -I worked in a call center for 3 years and ever since I hate talking on the phone, and refuse to do it unless absolutely necessary.
    -I love things that are soft/fluffy/textured especially socks and blankets. Needless to say, I could spend hours in a fabric store.
    -I love animals, especially seals and it's a goal of mine to be able to meet one and hold it. I don't know how this would work, but I am determined to find out.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    1. I like to watch horror movies but I’m afraid to be in the dark by myself (lol weird right…)
    2. I have an obsession with lip gloss/lip balm and I’m always applying it. (I have a tube everywhere: car, desk, purse, kitchen, etc.)
    3. I don’t like my different foods to touch on my plate.
    4. I love to read…. I have hundreds of books and I’ve read most.
    5. I watch the Disney and Nickelodeon channels even when my daughter is not around lol.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    1. I love big-breed dogs - I have a bullmastiff (the bugger has broken 2 collars in a week!) and a great dane/english mastiff mix.

    2. The farthest I've ever run is 9mi (consecutive, no walking).

    3. I own a gun (Springfield XD40), I love to shoot and I'm actually pretty good. But I prefer to hunt with a bow (Quest Torch).

    4. I love broccoli and I'm addicted to peanut butter.

    5. I would rather drive a manual transmission than an automatic.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    1) I love Hot Wings
    2) Die for Make-Up
    3) Can be Oh so Virgo at times
    4) Simple things steals my heart
    5) Very giving person...:smile:
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    1.)I can make a "dolphin call"
    2.) I try to catch any animal i ever see and bring it home. ( J was not happy when i brought home a baby mole)
    3.) I can dislocate my hip and shoulder on command.
    4.) I'm afraid of the dark, and try to sleep with a night light at all times.
    5.) Boats scare the crap out of me, but i love the water.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    - one summer I was a life guard, but I can't swim
    - I have never been to a night club
    - I'm a great singe rin the car & shower
    - youngest of 5 kids
    - used to be a huge "Knight Rider & Dukes Of Hazzard" fan..
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    1. I am pretty sure I'm addicted to hot sauce and have actually researched capsacin addiction...evidently, there is no such thing but I don't believe it.
    2. I am the only left-handed person in my entire extended family
    3. I have a gross habit of licking doritos...but not eating them. I do not put said chips back into the bag when finished.
    4. I rarely drive with my hands...this terrifies most, if not all of my passengers. To my credit though, I am quite decent at driving with my knees.
    5. I was once an extra on Sex and The City. You can see the back of my head. It's my claim to fame.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    - I am really good at the claw machines...I mean I have a gift.
    - I am a Notary Public in Maryland.
    - I buy an astrology calendar every year so I know what my "good" and "bad" days are going to be every month.
    - I teach Zumba at least 4 times a week and do not weigh 120 pounds...or anywhere close.
    - I would rather wear a GOOD pair of heels than anything else on my feet. Even when I dance.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    1. As a child, I had an imaginary friend, Maba, who was a quadriplegic.
    2. I went through natural childbirth twice (both were ginormous babies), and I would do it again. I much prefer the feeling of pain to the sensation of numbness.
    3. My favorite feature on men are their hands.
    4. I love words. I love learning new words and their meanings and origins and pronunciations and spellings, and I hate what technology like cell phones and text messaging are doing to language.
    5. I use odd numbers for everything. Cook time on the microwave, volume level on the TV, minutes I work out on the treadmill, my alarm time, etc. And I don't know why.
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Most of mine are medical, but they definitely count as interesting!

    1. << That is my back. I was born with a scoliosis of the spine. I had rods placed in 84'ish (this radiograph was taken less then 2 years ago, and so it was the first time I've ever seen my back. It looks nothing like I thought it would/should lol.

    2. I was also born with a left arm/hand malformation. My left forearm is missing the radial bone, I have no thumb, and limited finger function. What makes it interesting, is that soon after birth I underwent a few surgeries to help me be able to use it later in life. Apparently I was one of the first people to have this done, and my case was featured in a medical journal/article. I have tried and tried to find what one/by whom, but nuttin' so far.

    3. I am tongue tied The frenulum (the piece of ligament below my tongue), attaches almost right under the tip of my tongue. If I stick out my tongue, it just looks like I have a big fat upper lip lmao!

    4. My eldest daughter was a planned/successful home birth. I am VERY VERY proud of this accomplishment!

    5. I have one tattoo on my right shoulder that I designed. It's nothing fancy and glamorous, but it symbolizes the love I have for my children, so I wear it with great pride!

  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    1. I've seen Weird Al in concert twice.
    2. I can put my whole fist in my mouth (awesome party trick)
    3. I'm fascinated with Tudor England and my favorite coffee mug has Henry the 8th's wives on it, and when you fill it with hot coffee the heads disappear
    4. I have ADD
    5. I would be the next American Idol if the auditions took place in my car
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    1 - I still have my Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden books from when I was a child and I like to read them when something is troubling me....they feel like comfy warm security blankets to me

    2 - I hate mushrooms!!!!

    3 - I have Trypophobia (repetitive pattern phobia)

    4 - I was born a red head (strawberry blonde)

    5 - I've broken 2 bones in my life - When I was 8 I was climbing a tree and fell out belly flop style and broke my nose and when I was 14, I trip over my dog, fell down half a flight of stairs and broke my foot
  • SparksFly460
    1. I have an incredible weakness for shoes. My boyfriend claims it is humanly impossible to fit another shoe box in our closet....I disagree.
    2. I sleepwalk sometimes. When I do, I tend to move furniture (chairs, small tables) and I rearrange smaller items.
    3. Prior to college, I have never attended a school for more than two years! A lot of switching and moving.
    4. I'm former Miss Jr. Teen New York City 2004 in the Cities of America Pageant
    5. I gambled in Las Vegas at the age of 20!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    1) I've been a vegetarian since I was two (hate the texture of any kind of meat).
    2) I skipped a grade in high school.
    3) I won a nationwide writing contest when I was eight...with my story about where lost socks go.
    4) I am an avid rockhound (like the rocks you find on the ground).
    5) I have had pretty much the same reoccuring dream every night for the last 10 years.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    1.) I had metal rods screwed to both sides of my spine when I was 12.
    2.) I broke my collar bone riding my bike when my wheel fell off and when it healed, it healed on top of itself causing a drop down in my collar bone.
    3.) My wife bites things when she gets angry and one day I had her bite my wrist instead of herself leading to permanent bruising under my skin and when I'm cold, you can see the perfect outline of her mouth as it turns purple due to temperature.
    4.) I have an infinity symbol tattooed on the outside of my left ring finger that matches my wife instead of matching wedding bands.
    5.) I had a bicycle accident when I was seven that lead to me biting through my tongue and causing a gap to form in my teeth, and also forcing a tooth to start growing out of my gum at the top instead of where it should be.