5 random/interesting facts about you



  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I started flying before I could drive and got my Pilots license when I was 16

    I will puke if you try to feed me peas or brussel sprouts

    I graduated high school when I was 15

    No matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it, I don't understand how you buy commodities. Where is the corn or silver and
    who decided it was a good idea take money from one person and tell them they were investing in a barrel of oil or what not? Why do you buy stock in somethink you cannot ever have? When money becomes worthless, you cant just up and get your silver from the bank who supposedly has it now can you?

    I would love to be the brain behind a ponzi scheme, then when it played out, give everyone their money back. It seems like a huge game. I think our government is playing one :-)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am a published journalist
    I always sneeze 13 times in a row
    I can't brush my teeth without gagging
    I was a huge Prince fan in the 80's
    I don't like ice cream
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    people say i snore, but i really don't
    i write poetry, if you saw or knew me you'd never think i did because of how i act and look. lol
    i love gardening
    i live for the '70's or still am in the '70's
    i started working full time when i was 14 or 15 and stil graduated High School.
  • ldmendes
    ldmendes Posts: 16 Member
    1- I love Sharpie markers
    2- I'm scared of thunderstorms
    3-I kiss my dog
    4-I have nice toes
    5-I use to sing in a band, in Spanish and I don't sing very well and I don't speak Spanish
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    If you open just one back window while I'm driving, the whomping sound from the air pressure makes me so nauseous and dizzy I can't drive

    I've broken all 10 fingers (at different times)

    I can blow near-perfect smoke rings, though I don't smoke cigarettes or pot so I rarely get the chance to (hookah)

    I'm fascinated with supercars, and just obsessed with the Mercedes-McLaren SLR 500

    I rarely cry, but at the end of pretty much every international sporting event, I just can't help it. I'll watch the world championships of pretty much any sport and get very emotionally attached to it.
  • 1) I absolutely hate bugs....of any kind.
    2) I played rugby in high school and college
    3) I want to see Tottenham Hotspur (EPL) play in London at White Hart Lane before i die
    4) I once ate a whole large pizza by myself
    5) I learned how to play the piano to the song "No One" by Alicia Keys
  • chelefierce
    1. I am a leftie
    2. I currently live in NC but am originally from Pittsburgh, Pa. I am a die hard Steelers fan and I have a custom drawn Steelers tattoo on my shoulder
    3. I've never touched a worm, nor do I ever plan to.
    4. My uncle won the gold medal in the 800 yard dash in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany.
    5. I auditioned for the tv show Amen when I was 9 years old.. I didn't make the cut.. lol
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    1. After graduating from college, I lived in Barcelona, Spain for 3 months.
    2. I collect and restore cars with my dad.
    3. I have a vinyl record collection.
    4. My favorite music to work/ workout to is vocal trance.
    5. I love competing in Ironman races and training for them.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    1. I am a bagpiper and trying to learn to yodel :happy:
    2. I've traveled to Venezuela, Scotland, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Greece, Egypt, Jordan and Hungary, (Canada & Mexico), and have lived in Oregon, Hawaii, Alabama and Georgia
    3. I love people
    4. I miss the Pacific NW
    5. I am desperate to get back to a good weight & feel happy about myself again, I need to succeed at this!
  • StephanieKay90
    StephanieKay90 Posts: 14 Member
    1. I love scary movies, except cheesy/gorey ones with no storyline!
    2. I'm a singer/songwriter and had a song on the radio and vocals on other artist's studio albums :)
    3. Carbs are probably my biggest obstacle with the weight loss/dieting ( i loooooooove potatoes and bread)
    4. I love video games, my biggest source of exercise is probably from Dance Dance Revolution!
    5. I will soon have 2 college degrees (one in psychology and the other in web design)
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Haha, these are great! I just have to join in. Let's see here, pretty sure I have a couple :)

    1) Anything to do with vampires is instantaneous snooze material for me.
    2) I talked to a patient while working in the ER without realizing they were dead.
    3) I am obsessed with cats and will stop everything whenever I see one. I usually tell people that "It's my cat's house, we just live here."
    4) I'm very interested in perfume from all over the world, and enjoy researching them in depth and trying them out.
    5) I once talked to David Lynch (the film director) on the phone. He was incredibly sweet. We talked about a dream I had.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    1) I live in a ski resort but I cannot ski
    2) I can speak 6 languages and 5 of them fluently
    3) I have identical triplet daughters who were concieved naturally despite being told that we would struggle to concieve at all.
    4) my left boob, left hand and left foot are measurably larger than their right sided twins!
    5) I actually hate wearing socks so much that I will only buy shoes that are comfortable enough without them.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    1. I'm scared to death of frogs
    2. I drive a truck
    3. I love penguins
    4. I can pick up/write things with my toes
    5. I have a freckle shaped like a heart on my bicep.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) I once lived in a cave and also a hollowed out old school bus (with a skunk under the wheel well, believe it or not)
    2) I am the queen of stupid human tricks - I can lick my own nose, cross/wiggle each eye independently of the other, turn my pinky 180 degrees so the nail is facing my palm, bend my thumb to my forearm, burp the alphabet, and so much more (very impressive to my 9 year old son)
    3) I have been this tall (5'10") since before I was 12 years old. My height is ALL in my legs - my sister and I have the same length torso but, thanks to my freaky long legs, I am 8" taller than she is.
    4) I have freckles on my eyelids and my lips (pretty much everywhere, really)
    5) I am highly allergic to artichokes (how random is that?!?!)
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    1. I was there when the Berlin Wall opened.
    2. I have backpacked solo across the U.S. twice--still my all time favorite country to travel in--lived in Europe, lived in Latin America, and lived the Middle East, all before I turned 30.
    3. I was once caught in a mob of people--the kind where people start to panic and trample. It was incredibly scary.
    4. I met Johnny Cash in his pajamas when I was a waitress and had to deliver room service
    5. I'm trying to build a hydroponic window garden even though historically I kill every plant I touch.
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    1. As a kid i ate several lady bugs
    2. Very interested in commercial aircrafts
    3. I alwys seem to become a huge fan of my math professors, wanting to be like them
    4. Im 6ft tall with a nose that looks like a huge beak :D
    5. My father is my best friend
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    1) I have a PhD in the study of trivia (I have a trivial mind)
    2) I once saw Elvis live in concert
    3) I have 4 children by the same father and I know who he is AND where he lives
  • Insinr8r
    1) I have driven a V8 Supercar on a race track at top speeds
    2) Have and still own a drag car
    3) Have only one lung my left which I call "Leftie"
    4) Have sung in rock metal bands
    5) Almost drowned when i was 7 years old and to this day, some 42 years later, still cannot put my head under water, which stopped me applying for the police force. Married one instead.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    1. I love to eat :tongue:
    2. I speak 3 languages, in order: Spanish, Filipino (Tagalog), English (still need practice)
    3. I'm scared of dark
    4. I'm easy to please but don't try to take advantage of me or else you'll be sorry (I'm taking up martial arts & also I have a gangster attitude hehehe :devil: )
    5. I can do almost everything such as writing, eating, toothbrushing, etc with both my left & right hand. The only thing my left hand isn't good at is drawing that I do with my right hand. On the other hand I cannot punch very well with my right hand.
  • maryjay51
    1. i love politics and have met everyone locally to county to state to federal that represents my district .. even met prez clinton and hillary with pics .. and one of the prez's affairs whoohoo smoked a stogie with that one lol
    2. i love LOVE swimming pools.. do not like the beach
    3. i can talk to a fly on the wall
    4. 2 years ago it took me a long time to get out of bed due to not being able to walk. i was full of arthritis,aches ,pains and lack of energy beyond belief... today i go to the gym 5-6 times a week, run, walk, lift weights, train, various cardio blast activities and it takes me about 30 seconds to get out of bed after the alarm goes off
    5. i am extremely involved in the community and have a huge passion to help out homless /runaway teens