hal1964 Member


  • Now don't get me wrong...if you haven't exercised in years, are just realizing you need to do it or can't do anything else exercise-wise, there is nothing wrong with that. Shooting for 10K steps/day is better than sitting on the couch all day and binge-watching Netflix.
  • Abs are made in the kitchen. It is all about calorie deficit. I would add too cut out sugars, watch your carbs and increase your protein intake. Exercise will help prevent diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. That is all.
  • Feel free to add me. I was 225 when I started, am now 175 and play a sport. Couldn't have done it without MFP and the support of people here.
  • I suffer from DOMS. I added whey protein and that helps. When I remember to use it that is.I see DOMS as a good thing. It tells me what I'm doing is working and it shows.
  • Too late to join? If not, add me please
  • Garmin Vivosmart HR. To me it's better than the comparable Fitbit since you can get it wet (shower, pool, whirlpool, etc). I also like not having to wear a chest strap anymore.
  • I'll give this one a try! Thanks to all the responses!
  • I am looking for something to set my zones, have training programs in them and to track any improvement
  • My goal is to increase VO2 Max and to help increase my performance playing ice hockey.
  • Thanks for your replies. So then how do I know what zone(s) I am in? It's not so much for training as it is for tracking purposes. If that makes any sense?
  • May I ask what procedure it is? Is it Roux-en-Y? If it is, I would rethink it. My ex-wife had it and I can tell you it led to many more unforeseen health issues for her years after it. Thought she never tired losing weight from diet and exercise. That was years ago. I believe there are more options available now. Good luck!
  • Low fiber, no whole grain and has wheat gluten. On the bright side, no BHT. Whole Grain offering does use BHT. There's better cereals. Pass.
  • My doctor told me about one of is other patients. This person was obese and had a poor diet. Yet when he sent them for a heart scan and looked at their cholesterol, the arteries were 100% clear of calcium and their cholesterol numbers were perfect.
  • NHL: Chicago Blackhawks !! There is no other team or league especially in Chicago !!
  • Do you mean RunDouble C25K? It's easy. I use it. It's a good program and it isn't all running. The first several workouts are walk/run workouts so you can adjust.
    in C25K?? Comment by hal1964 May 2015
  • I have a vivofit, was thinking about a vivosmart as an upgrade. Do you have it paired with your cellphone?
  • I lost about 50 lbs so I could play hockey again. Feel free to add me.
  • Coffee is good for you. The government says so and we know what that's all about. New dietary guidelines from health.gov. http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015-scientific-report/10-chapter-5/d5-5.asp Here is a quote. ..."Currently, strong evidence shows that consumption of coffee within the moderate range (3 to 5 cups…
  • Yes to reading the fine print. If you can even see it, which I didn't. It was light green on dark green and at the bottom of the web-page. No excuse. I do know better. Yes to also that cleanses are scams. A persons liver does a fine job on it's own. The point to my post was to inform and hopefully no one else fell into my…
  • Being specific...because that's the kind of smart guy I am.... Pop/Soda Added Sugar/HFCS ALL Fast Food
  • I agree. Sugar from all sources need to be considered. Just remember though that fruit has other good stuff in it like all the vitamins and fiber.
  • A whey protein shake after a workout helped me.
  • A few years ago, Consumer Reports did a summary report on protein shakes. What they found was most had garbage and bad stuff in them, like heavy metals. The report is rather old, I'd check ConsumerLab also. The brand with the least amount of "bad stuff" is Optimum Nutrition. No, I do not work for the company :)
  • December 2011 I was 225. I wanted to start running again and playing ice hockey. I'm a desk jockey too. I wasn't exercising and my diet was poor. When I tried to run again, I couldn't. Forget playing ice hockey. On a Friday, a friend of mine who is my age told me he recently had had two heart "procedures", also in 2011.…
  • Does anyone know if this has been fixed? I've given up using Garmin with MFP. The last time I did an hour of exercise, it said my calorie adjustment was N/A for minutes and Zero for calories burned. That was a week ago. I guess its back to the old way!
  • So here is my problem with MFP and GC. What is the point in having a fitness tracker(Garmin Vivofit) that links with an app/website (MFP) if it never works? Isn't that a reason we bought the Garmin? It's great that that information is on the Garmin website. It just never syncs to MFP even though Garmin says it does. It's…
  • Potassium is good but only from food and not supplements. Bananas and sweet potatoes are good for that. It sounds like you are doing good things. One thing to monitor is your stress like you mention. Cardio is good for that.