

  • Hi Julie~ Just had a chance to respond to your friend request. I am so greatful you sent me a friend request. I turned 50 in march and I too love my doctor for getting me on the right track again. Reading your bio and blogs encourages me greatly. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Today I walked 4.0 mile in 60 min. I was so…
  • OMG! Awesome results! I wish I had taken photos of my weight loss like you have ...(my phone is not smarter than a 5th grader, though) Now, who says MFP doesn't work...oh yeah, a girl at work told me that MFP didn't work for her because she still ate like crap....but stayed under her caloric number...but, was starving and…
  • Stress. Stress will make my numbers lag. I can do the same fitness routine and diet the same and nothing comes off. My body will just go into shock and freeze up. I can take a day or two off and try to relax my system (from cardio / but still eat right) and it will jump start back into a calorie burning machine again.
  • Dance DVD's sound like fun too! I will have to check them out next. I have only bought one of her DVD's but I have found a collection of her stuff at our local library and am checking them out one by one. Thanks for the friend request! ttyl ~Robin
  • Let's see...for me it was the "aww-ha" moment when I realized that "weight loss" is not as hard as I had made it all these years for myself. ALL the excuses and lies that I told myself and others was the down fall of my health and weight issues. I made it difficult! I realized that it was like a bad marriage. I snuck food…
  • Well Welcome to MFP! I have been here a few months and have found the more friends you have on this site the better and those who can't hang after 30 days of no entries I politely delete off. It is awesome to connect with like-minded peeps around the country of all genders, ages, shapes and sizes to share in the decission…
  • You can take the pasta away from the girl....but, don't take the girl away from the pasta (if she loves it...cause you may loose a finger!) If you can make a trackable pizza...you can also make a trackable pasta dish too... I found a recipe for Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce and it was actually good over veggie noodles. Hey it…
  • calories no problem....sugar, carbs or proteins...yep I've seen the red too many times....but I always stay good for the caloric end result.
  • Yes, exactly what I was going to say...in the maternity section at most department stores, wal mart, etc... there are "belly bands" that help to hold in your tummy for extra support. I was looking into purchasing one after my hystorectomy ( which I think should have came with a free tummy tuck!). Then I saw in my draw an…
  • You are already making wise choices by research and asking others for advise.
  • I too have to watch my insulin / sugar intake but love fresh fruits and veggies. I have found using my MFP tool bar of logging my food consumption what fruits are better choices eat. I have learned to limit my banana consumption... or peaches or mangos....but choose berries (strawberries, blue and black berries,…
  • I am not vegan or vegetarian ... but, I am a clean eatter and have Meatless Monday's and eat Fish on Wed, Fri, and Sundays. so the other 3 days of the week I base my intake by what I have a taste for beans, legumes, lean meats. It wouldn't take much for me to be vegan...I admire you for your choice of being vegetarian. I…
  • Sure you can....you are still the same beautiful person :) What a classic look you have about you! You've inspired me to go look up some of my old photos...before my baby weight (by the way my baby will be 22 years old this month!!!YIKES!!!) lol
  • The "ah-ha" moment for me was in the middle of one of my walks....I realized how much I was enjoying my time out doors, the people I was meeting and their pets, nature and how ez it was to actually loose the weight by stepping outside of my comfort zone. Thats when I realized that being apart of my community and my…
  • maybe 5-6 pounds prior to MFP...but the rest has all been MFP....This morning I hit 143!!! 29 lost and only 21 more to go!!! I am so gonna do this!!!!
  • KimKim, You can do it :) I began in April @ 172 and am 5'0" TALL! LOL! So, yep I can relate. Send me a friend request and I will help to cheer you along. I currently have lost 28 pounds (144 lbs) My doctor has helped me alot by running to complete blood screens on me. Seeing my LDL/HDL/Insulin #'s etc... really helped to…
  • Hey! I'm a "people"...I'd love to be your friend! Good Luck! I look forward to watching your progress on MFP! Send me a request! ~ Dwendling63 (a.k.a Robin)
  • Sorry....I am not smarter than a fifth grader...could figure it out for myself, but unable to instruct you myself :blushing: Good Luck.
  • Welcome =D Thank you for the friend request! Excited to see your future progress! Robin
  • I use Vi-Shape shake mix and <3 it! You can go to www.BodyByVi.com for more info...or friend request me and I have a few recipes using Vi-Shape: Reese's Peanut Butter, Almond Joy, Cohocolate-Mint, Lemon-Blueberry...I make all of these flavors from my vanilla mix (1 scoop) and just add: 1/2 c water w/ ice 1/2 c almond…
  • Thank You MOMMA for passing on the good "ta-ta's" gene to me....and for placing the negative where I can't see it ! LOL
  • Understandably, something about being "female" side swipes us sometimes. We exercise, eat right, sleep right, live right ...then bamm...you wake up, step on the scale and it's like the "tilt" buzzer went off on a pin ball game! Try to bump up your H2O intake or add some watermelon to refresh your body. You might just be…
  • You are so right BJLeech....my youngest child flew the coop in Feb. so I am 4 months into my empty nest thing as well as other piddly diddly stuff too...I have heard that basically I am grieving (not the loss of my children) but the loss of my self. I don't identify with who I am forced into being. My role changes now and…
  • Hi Organi_Azure, I understand exactly what you have described and yes it is a form of depression. My physcian does yearly blood work on me to a full screen to check things like my thyroid levels, insulin, cholesterol..yada yada yada. Most depression can be triggered through a chemical or hormonal imbalance. She has had to…
  • Hi Terry :happy: I just found the over 50 group! Can I be number 160 ? LOL! I turned 50 Mar 11 and one month later my doctor told me to loose 50 pounds, get my sugar in check and my cholesterol. Apparently I am part of a "profiled" ladies called the 3 F's...Fat, Fifty & Female, in the medical world. I was shock that my…
  • Yes ma'am I understand. Going through the same thing myself. I only have a few friends on MFP and comment on their progress regularly ... much of the time it seems a little one sided. I send you best wishes and encouragement, too! Have an awesome day :)
  • You tell your friends you going in for a pedicure (as if it is a luxury or to treat yourself) ...but, actually it is because you haven't reached or seen your "piggy's" in years!
  • I am experiencing the cyst issue myself. After reading many of the responses you have been sent, you have a knowledgeable support system going. I wish you all the best and hope you are soon on your way to a quick recovery. Sincerely~ Robin
  • I too am dealing with a cyst issue. I am under a doctors care, who is monitoring the growth of it. Last ultrasound 5 weeks ago it is a 8mm ball on my left side. In three months we are measuring it again to see if it is growing or stable in growth. My cyst was discovered when I had an emergency appendix surgery. During the…