

  • Welcome aboard, join us on our return to good health and fitness journey! I too run and dance a little. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi Lyndsey and welcome. You have already reached first base by acknowledging that you have issues that you want to sort out. Come and join us on the journey! I also am naughty with me food when bored. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Yes, I know what you mean. I've found that I drink more during the week which keeps me well hydrated and less hungry. I get bored with just plain water so I've bought a few bottles of lemon & lime flavoured water in an attempt to keep myself hydrated and hopefully not have the urge to snack as much as usual. Fortunately, i…
  • Hi Cassidi, join us on our journey of good health and wellbeing. Feel free to add me!
  • I rely on plenty of exercise so I can eat more, feel free to add me and take a look!
  • I detest the 'dreadmill' and will avoid it at all costs. When I go running I quite often play my mp3 and have some good tunes on there or inspirational talks. Caution: If you do use an mp3 then please make sure that you can also hear surrounding noises too. This proved handy when some guy came running up behind me and when…
  • I think that stretching is key, I wouldn't be able to do half the stuff I do if I didn't do my stretch and release exercises as well!
  • Hi fellow fiesty fiftyer! I run 6 days a week albeit a bit slow now as I have back issues. I do lots of walking too which I really love as it doesn't impact my back as much as running. I dance twice a week and if it's sunny I ride my pushbike! I also do pilates everyday. I have a desk job so I try and do some form of…
  • Don't even doubt it! It takes a lot of effort, will power and determination to do what you have done, well done!
  • You mention that you haven't lost any weight, but what about measurements? You may be building muscle which per pound in weight is smaller in mass than fat!
  • Well done you, you're an inspiration!
  • The following is a typical pack up for me: 100g of cooked turkey or chicken 30g of smoked ham Boiled egg 1/4 pepper 6 slices of cucumber 6 plum tomatoes Apple
  • Finding the right diet and exercise can be a minefield! We are all individual and our bodies have different tolerances to certain foodstuffs. I would recommend that you experiment in different areas. Wheat for some leaves them bloated and feeling uncomfortable, yet for others, it's not a problem. I abstained from bread for…
  • I had a great run in the rain tonight and have run some of my best races in the rain! Snow, well that's another matter! The sun will be back, have faith!
  • Core work and eating less wheat based products have helped me lose belly fat.
  • I think it's great when we feed our bodies the fuel they should receive, they then protest when we feed them rubbish! I binged on cakes, biscuits and bread not so long ago and boy did I feel physically ill. My body reacted quite violently. It has certainly put me off doing it again thank goodness!
  • Hi, well done with your weight loss so far. Two things have worked for me in losing belly fat. 1) Iv'e cut bread and pasta out of my diet. 2) Worked on core exercises which have not only helped my weak back but given me better posture which makes my belly look smaller!
    in Belly fat Comment by viragoeap May 2013
  • Day one of your new life, welcome!
  • No, I would write those days off.I think sometimes we need to take a day out otherwise the whole thing can become obsessive and then we start beating ourselves up for failing and then give up. Having a treat day does no harm as long as it doesn't happen on a regular basis.
  • I went for a ride out this morning on my bike and it was beautiful, sunny and peaceful. Once again it made me realise just how much I have and how fortunate I am. I am truly blessed. Have a lovely Sunday friends!
  • I'm guessing that you're talking about the 5:2 fasting. I'm sorry I don;t know the answer as my fasting method is different. I abstain from any food for two complete meals. If you don't get the answer here then try the general forum or google it!
  • Porridge oats with mixed berries, honey, flax seed, followed by a soft boiled egg and a huge mug of caro. This usually follows a 30/60 minute run.
  • Hi, I started at the age of 43 on the C25K programme and completed a couple of 10K's the same year. I then moved up to the half marathon within a couple of years and a couple of adventure runs off road of about 15 miles a piece. I did my first marathon a year later and two more the following year. Decided to concentrate on…
  • That sounds painful and I'm not surprised a herniated disc has been diagnosed. Have you been advised to do any stretch and release exercises with your back, pelvic and hamstring area? I've been doing them for 3 years now for 3 bulging including 2 herniated discs at L3,4 and 5. Mine sounds worse than it is thanks to having…
  • What a great Birthday present for you, that is such an achievement and inspiration to others out there, a big well done!!!
  • Wow indeed! Good work and well done you!
    in Wow... Comment by viragoeap May 2013
  • We're going to get 'screwed up' at times but as long as its a one off and doesn't form an habit you should be okay.
  • I think fasting is an individual thing and works differently for different people. I fast once a month and can also do light exercise during the period. I miss 2 meals which is usually tea, and breakfast. What I tend to do is eat a low carb and high protein dinner and hydrate well before the fast. I'm also a slow oxidiser…
  • Absolutely. I think that sometimes we get obsessed with our scales and yet we can lose inches in measurement, be well toned and not lose any weight, in fact we can put it on!
  • Lean proteins work for me. Turkey, chicken and white fish are my favouirites. They can be made more interesting with a light sauce.