OrionG Member


  • Yummmmmm-us for hummus.... :)
  • When we are carrying extra weight, it rather 'smooths' out the curves, bumps and valleys of our bodies. When we start to trim up, as our bodies don't trim up at the same time, what we see as imperfections will pop up. I would say nothing really to worry about. Keep on doing what you need to do, and other parts will catch…
  • Looking awesome! Look at that confident smile. Great job!
  • Just took the test, again, and this time it shows INFJ. But, I've had 3 or 4 other different types before, over the last 5 years or so. Many of the questions are situational/contextual, so can change.
  • Great to see the Wise and Mature! I'm 57 and living in Denver.
  • @gogojodee I use the FitBit One and love it. I pretty much have it on 24 hours a day. Highly accurate, easy to get data from. Highly recommended.
  • @RavenNoir What timing..I was just thinking about getting a juicer. :) I also had one of the Jack LaLanne juicers some years ago, and it was such a pain to clean that it turned me off on juicing. I'll check around and see what I can round up locally. Thanks for that info!
  • Welcome to Denver and Colorado! Colorado is very much an outdoors activity state. So much to see and do. And great ways to maintain weight goals, get/stay healthy and have fun!
  • Denver, Co! 300 Days of sunshine a year!
  • Hmmm, thats good to hear. That seems match whats happening with me as well. Steady 2 lbs/wk for about 3 weeks, now I'm gaining about .5/lb/day. My suspicion is that the body is trying to set a new set point. I was telling a friend of mine about this, and she said, not really believing me, "Oh, you're full of crap!". We…
  • Good idea. I may do the same. I wish this site had the +1 support.....
  • Yep, the database has some inaccuracies but I have to say its amazing compared to one I was using just prior to joining MyfitnessPal. It was completely, utterly unusable. Today I made road stop at Chipotle and rounded up a Chicken bowl, and there were quite a few entries in the database. I found one that had the…
  • Thanks for the feedback. Over the last 3 weeks or so, I was on a steady, consistent 2+ lbs/week loss. Nothing changed in routine/calories/exercise/etc. I weighed myself and was up about .5 lbs, in 1 day. Thought it seemed odd but will just keep to the routine. Thanks again, O.
  • My Adnroid app seems to be working fine, so far.
  • Ditto here, Kazz. I don't even add in extra calories for an exercise adjustments, which I get from my FitBit One.
  • Sounds like the body's "starvation prevention" mechanism trying to kick in, when you hit that specific 500 deficit. Good you recognize that; many people dont and get frustrated with low/no weight loss.
  • For those are truly interested in meeting each other, you can use Meetup.com to setup meets in your area. Meetup is a great website. I have a lot of technical/professional meetups scheduled through there. Google Hangouts are another way to get to know other people, without having that perhaps too personal aspect of meeting…
  • I hold myself to 1600 / day, 7 days a week. My maintenance level is about 2450, or so. I'm averaging about 2lbs/week loss at this level. 1200 calories is quite low, especially if anyone is active. The body tends to get "wierd" at calories below.
  • Huge congrats and kudo's to y'all!!! Things may be tough but if you get great results, that's awesome. I would also take on insanity but unfortunately I can't due to a back injury. We''ll see in about 6 months....then I can get the real scoop from y'all...you'll be beasts by then! :) O.
  • The body has a set point when it comes to weight, and though it can change, it doesnt always do so quickly, or persist. Thats one thing I was thinking about with plans that drop weight quickly....will this set point adjust and fix, or will it not. The body, if it thinks its in a lack of food domain, will not lower this set…
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • Excellent. Thanks, Joy. I'll take a good look at it. And I agree on the Medifast; its a hit or miss proposition. I'll probably order some bars and see what shakes out.
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • Hi Stacey, I'm responding to your post but this is also for all you amazing gals out there working so hard to get in shape, for whatever your reason is. What you say above is so true ("Not perfect but who cares....we women are too hung up on perfection."). Women are so judgemental and hard on yourselves. Quit it! :) I…
  • Nice synopsis. I've heard many times that drinking water will make you feel full, and eat less. But, that only works for me if I chug a barrel-o-water right before I eat. Otherwise, it causes my stomach to empty quicker and then makes me hungry, complete with stomach growls, etc. :)
  • Seriously, the drama on this thread in incredible....
  • Agree. This is my first time of losing weight via caloric method. Historically, I've been very active outdoors (sea kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, hiking, etc) and so have not had the need to monitor calories very closely. The last 18 months or so I havent been able to hit the outdoors as usual. I've also found that…
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • Hi Tarisa, Great detailed feedback. 'Preciate it. Sounds like you've adapted and found a way that works for you. Thats key, not just for Medifast but for things in life, in general. I think I may order individual items to check'em out and see how my body reacts, as well as my taste buds. :) Nice work on your profile goals,…
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • Seems like you were on the better end of the experience scale, which is good for you. I'm a firm believer, and have for as long as I can remember, that preparing and eating as close to the source as possible is always better. Being a single guy with a busy professional life, that has become difficult, thus my need to…
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • HI Joy, Thanks for the candid feedback on your experience. And you're not alone; I've heard similar from a few other people. It seems to be very black and white. Either you do very good and very bad...seems to be little middle ground. I'm thinking now more about using some of the "food" to add extra protein into my diet,…
    in Medifast Comment by OrionG June 2013
  • Warm water doesnt really help with the thermogenics side of things, but will keep you hyrdrated, which is very important. Drinking COLD water will help a smidgen, as the body will need to warm the water, which will take a few calories. I drink a minimum of 72oz of cold water a day.
  • Kick'em to the curb! Life is just waaaaaay too short.