pink_gerbera Member


  • Week 2: 08/08 - Green 09/08 - Green (not logged) 10/08 - Green (not logged) 11/08 = Green (not logged) 12/08 - Red 13/08 - Green 14/08 - Green My aim for week 3 green every day except wednesday and possibly saturday. Hope everyone has a good week
  • I've not had time to log this week, we've had family over. I've had some treats but we've been out and about doing lots of walking and on the whole I've eaten healthily so Green days, except yesterday when I went out for tapas and drinks which was definately red!! Week 2: 08/08 - Green 09/08 - Green (not logged) 10/08 -…
  • Week 1: 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( 04/08 Green 05/08 Green 06/08 - Green (unless I eat 600 cals before bed) 07/08 - Green Week 2: 08/08 - Green
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( 04/08 Green 05/08 Green 06/08 - Green (unless I eat 600 cals before bed) 07/08 - Green Really pleased to have hada green weekend and still managed a few glasses of wine! Here's to a green week everyone, I hope to only have one red day this week…
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( 04/08 Green 05/08 Green 06/08 - Green (unless I eat 600 cals before bed) So pleased!! Well done everyone else seeing lots of green! leighkent well done re the pizza, I haven't had dominoes in ages, now I really fancy one! Good thing we haven't…
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( 04/08 Green 05/08 Green:smile: Gonna try my hardest over the weekend! Good luck everyone for the weekend!
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( 04/08 Green Gonna try my hardest to stay green today and over the weekend!
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over) 03/08 Red :-( Must try harder, need to do more exercise, too much study at the moment
  • 01/08 Red (but only just) 02/08 Green (red on fat, only 4 over)
  • Red :-( But only just! Finished work late and had to study so didn't have time for proper exercise, tomorrow will be green!
  • Can I join please? I've lost track the past few months but wanna get back on it now and shift some weight! So the motivation would be helpful!
  • Good job ladies, am def gonna try harder this week! My goals are: -Drink 8 glasses a day, still havent managed it! -Continue to eat well whilst I'm away on more course this week and next - Try and fit in some exercise even though I'm drowning in studying! I've walked to work twice this week and will be traipsing round…
  • Hi there just checking in, not lost anything this week but am pleased I've not gained was a bit naughty over the weekend with friends but had so much fun! Also had an NSV in that I bought a size 12 dress which I haven't been able to do for about 3 years! So am feeling quite please about that!
  • Hey ladies how's everyone doin - good I hope! My weeks not been too bad foodwise so far, am away for the weekend catching up with uni friends so there will be lots of eating and drinking but am gonna try my hardest to make sensible choices and still have fun. Weigh in should be interesting! Hope everyone has a lovely…
  • good job ladies! My goals are: drink 8 glasses of water keep to or under my calories (although away for the wkend so not sure if will manage it then) exercise everyday only having saturday and sunday off although will be out dancing so guess that counts!
  • I've lost 2lbs this week now 158lbs!! So pleased. Well done to everyone else
  • Well after my good start yesterday it went down hill, although it was nice to enjoy a really yummy dinner and some pudding! My leg was really hurting this morning so didn't do 30 day shred but went for a walk and did wii fit so at least I've done something as am out for dinner tonight - tapas yummy! Redruthie its fab when…
  • Everyone seems to be doing really well which is fab! NSV for me today, put on some jeans which used to be a very snug fit and now they are very loose! Also had a very stressful morning before work which usually would have sent me too the coffee shop for a hot chocolate with cream and a bacon roll, but I didn't, came…
  • I didn't shred today. Didn't get up early enough this morning and been studyin and food shopping this eve. Think it prob did my legs good to have a rest. Day 5 L1 tomorrow, looking forward to it, think I can see a difference already. I am rubbish at push ups, ouch to the carpet burns not good!
  • I exercise at home alone, I do 30 day shred and also Your Shape on Wii fit. I do this cos I can do it first thing or after my daughter is in bed or whenever I have some spare time. Its also cheaper than a gym membership and I'm pretty out of shape so I think I'd feel a little embarassed in a gym!
  • Aah thanks for that, I did do it for a couple of days with no shoes on (not the brightest idea I know!) as my trainers were at my mum's house. I think I need to buy some proper trainers tho as mine are more 'fashion' trainers not sporty ones! They're not hurting at the moment but we shall see how they are when I 'shred'…
  • I'm on day three and my shin bones are really aching, no idea why! I've been getting up at 6am to shred before I go to work, and weirdly enough I'm actually quite enjoying it! Makes me feel much more awake during the day also nice to put some exercise in my diary before i've eaten much food
  • wow u ladies did well last time! My goals this week: 1. Do 30days shred at least 5 times, did it once this morning 2. Drink 8 glasses of water, I usually only manage 6. 3. Not to go over my calories (except Saturday as I'm out for a friends birthday) Good luck ladies :-)
  • Just checking in SW 161lbs CW 160lbs. Not too happy I only lost 1lb this week as I worked hard but heading in the right direction!
  • Looking forward to getting started! Slightly nervous about weighing in tho!
  • I did it this afternoon whilst I had a spare 20mins. I'm gonna try and get up earlier and do it before I go to work, whether or not that'll happen I'm not sure! If not I'll do it in the evening once my daugher is in bed.
  • i did my first session today and I'm aching now! But can I join I;ll only b a few days ahead. Don't have any weights yet so was using tins of chopped tomatoes
  • I'd like to join please! CW 161lbs, weigh in day mondays will be good motivation
  • I drink alcohol usually wine or vodka and juice. Maybe its not a good idea whilst I'm trying to lose weight but I find if I deny myself I want something even more. I just track it in my diary, I had a couple of glasses of wine the other night and was slightly over my calories but the rest of the week I'd be on or under, so…
  • I weigh myself once a week, usually on a Monday. I was weighing myself everydat but there was too much fluctuation and it was getting me down. MFP gives me 1200 calories per day. I try not to go over this and try not to eat my calories from excercise but this doesn't always happen