you do whaaaaaat??

Do you exercise in a class setting, alone, or with friends?
Why does it work for you?


  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    when I first started .. I took every class available and it worked did it for 18 months and lost 50 lbs. Step, Total Body, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Yoga, bootcamp - each night of the week my gym offered a different class ... that worked for me then

    now I like to fly solo - and if I ever need a pick me up, I take the spinning class that's available in my new town
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    I exercise at home alone, I do 30 day shred and also Your Shape on Wii fit. I do this cos I can do it first thing or after my daughter is in bed or whenever I have some spare time. Its also cheaper than a gym membership and I'm pretty out of shape so I think I'd feel a little embarassed in a gym!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I do Zumba, in a class, and I love it!
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    I work out in a gym by myself, but I do take group classes twice a week. I like them because the trainer keeps you motivated and pushes you harder than you would push if you were just by yourself.
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    I do Zumba, in a class, and I love it!

    High five on Zumba!!!!! I loooooooooooveeeeeee that class!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I had been doing my own version of "Mommy Boot Camp" with my neighbor; but she's recently had some health issues, so I am doing it alone. I also have a running partner (who I met on MFP) and have just signed up to be a Beach Body coach and ordered ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm hoping my neighbor will do it with me when she's better.

    I think it helps to have a friend you HAVE to meet at a certain time to get your butt out there; however, you'll only keep up with it once you "have it" for yourself -- even if you're by yourself.
  • PrincessLacey
    i feel embarassed doing it with other people
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I work out at home, alone. It works for me because at my current stage I DO NOT need or want an audience! :bigsmile:
  • adurk
    adurk Posts: 14
    I am obsessed with zumba! It's such a good workout and its fun. Everyone in the class motivates each other and good instructors really know how to push you.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    I did do gym classes (spinning, Body Pump, Body Vibe etc) but I moved and my new sports centre doesn't offer the classes I like. So now I run, cycle, do Wii Active and Wii Fit, 30 day shred and go walking. I do sometimes struggle with motivation but I can usually find a post on here that makes me feel pathetic for giving in so easily!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Step class- with my cousin
    Yoga class - on my own
    TurboKick class- with a girlfriend
    Spinning class - on my own because everyone is afraid!
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I used to have a friend who went to Curves with me and it sure does help pass the time. She gave up on her journey and my Curves closed.

    I have taken classes at my gym and I like that because for that hour I have someone else telling me what to do!! I don't have to think about it.

    On Fridays I work out at the gym with my husband - I do what he does just at a different pace. During the week I work out alone at home because of new work schedule!

    I REALLY enjoy having someone to work out with.

    Kickboxing class starts April 2nd with the hubs!! CAN.NOT.WAIT.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    By calories burnt, not time.

    In the Gym: 50% Lifting, Elliptical, Treadmill @ 15% incline walking 3.7 MPH
    On the Road 30% Running 8-9 min/mile
    On the road/hiking 20% Walking always on hills (I live on a mountain) 3.5ish MPH
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,240 Member
    Home alone using DVDs and now putting my own stuff together. I have not worked out in a gym for probably 15 years, but instead have accumulated a bunch of stuff of my own making my own gym at home. A good set of Olympic weights, high quality benches, power cages, and the like. I add stuff on occasion when I see something that I like. Right now I am looking at less being more. That is, I am looking at learning how to do good body weight only workouts. After doing weights for decades, this is a completely new thing for me and requires a lot of learning. My body weight stuff up to this point was push ups, crunches, and pull ups. Now I have a bunch more to learn and choose from.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I mainly work out alone but I do take an occasional class. I used to work out with my hubby but his schedule changed and he isn't able to go anymore. I like to workout alone then I can go at my own pace and change it up however I like. I usually go to the gym 6 times a week and 2 of those times I and there 2+ hours so I like to do 20 mins here and 20 mins there and maybe throw in a 45 mins here. I just like the flexibility. I like to take a class when I want to learn something new or I feel like I need to change it up a bit!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i exercise alone purely because i don't any way to get to the gym after the kids are in works for me purely because i'm determined to lose the weight....first time i dropped 50lbs i did it in the gym enviroment doing classes and workouts with others...that worked just as well for me as i LOVED it
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I used to like group classes (especially Spin) but we joined a new gym and I didn't really care for their Spin equipment. That and the instructor kept giving me a "what the heck are you doing here" look the whole time. :angry: I had NEVER encountered that when joining a class. Most times they ask you repeatedly to come back.

    I need to check the schedule and go when a different instructor is doing it but that kind of turned me off.

    For now I have been doing my own workouts and I have to say I definitely don't push myself as hard as I know I do during a group workout. :frown:
  • calvarado
    calvarado Posts: 72
    I love classes- any dance, zumba, pilates, yoga ( or any combination of the 2) and a bootcamp once amonth.. if I work out at home- as in inside the house, I become a jungle gym for my 2 little ones.. I can't outlast them by much in the evenings, and I refuse to wake up any earlier! I do several lunch time classes, and then right after work and early on Sat/Sun. We also ride bikes, walk, rollerblade and play sports together as a family. We have a great park right in our neighborhood too. I tend to jog/ run alone.. but I don't really do that often. I do like the quiet time to zone out and think, listen to music. Mostly I'm a class junkie I guess!
  • AngelicaDulas
    I live in the middle of nowhere so my options are limited! I WISH i had a gym close by. So I walk my 3 dogs every day and then do a couple miles jogging, and I use a Stayball with the DVD that came with. I would love to have someone to partner with to help push me too, but I think I do ok pushing myself!
  • rdy2begin
    rdy2begin Posts: 170
    I work out at home 30 mins in the a.m and treadmill or a jog at night with my son ...I like to work out at home so if I goof I can go back and do it again to master it and I can see my own progress :) personal preference :) Best Wishes