30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I'm on day three and my shin bones are really aching, no idea why!

    I've been getting up at 6am to shred before I go to work, and weirdly enough I'm actually quite enjoying it! Makes me feel much more awake during the day also nice to put some exercise in my diary before i've eaten much food

    You're shins are sore because you have something called shin splints! (i think)i used to get it a lot when i used to run, it can be caused by inappropriate footwear or imbalanced muscles in the legs when the shin muscles aren't used to doing impact work on hard ground!
    As you get fitter and yourmuscles get stronger it should ease up but if it carries on and is really bothering you you should see a doctor!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I just shredded.....OUCH. Really felt it today (L1 D2),especially in my shoulders. Poor little things.
    How is everyone else getting on today? who shredded!?
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    Aah thanks for that, I did do it for a couple of days with no shoes on (not the brightest idea I know!) as my trainers were at my mum's house. I think I need to buy some proper trainers tho as mine are more 'fashion' trainers not sporty ones! They're not hurting at the moment but we shall see how they are when I 'shred' tomorrow!

    Also am on day 4 not day 3, forgot I started on saturday! Lost in days!
  • I just bought the 30 Day Shred today!! Gonna start this afternoon after work - wish me luck :happy:
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I just bought the 30 Day Shred today!! Gonna start this afternoon after work - wish me luck :happy:

    GOOD LUCK! but its really not that bad.....and it aches to do it but i think its a good ache! plus its only like 25 mins which is a tolerable time to ache in!
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    I am in my 10 day of Level 2, 20 days overall. Keep it up ladies. She knows her stuff and it works. You will find yourself yelling at her or at least scowling but you are not alone.
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I just did my 3rd day of the 30 day shred. LOVE IT
  • smashpants22
    smashpants22 Posts: 33 Member
    Definately in
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Definately in

  • I just got my dvd today!!!!! Count me in!!!!!!! Monday it is!!!!!!!!!!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I just did level 1 day 2 today!! I LOVE it!! I have to alter some of the things because I don't have weights right now, and doing the jump rope hurts my ankles because I've injured them both badly. But it's awesome!! By the end of the work out, where you have to do the bicycle crunches, I'm so freaking exhausted!! But it'll definitely be worth it!! :)
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I just did level 1 day 2 today!! I LOVE it!! I have to alter some of the things because I don't have weights right now, and doing the jump rope hurts my ankles because I've injured them both badly. But it's awesome!! By the end of the work out, where you have to do the bicycle crunches, I'm so freaking exhausted!! But it'll definitely be worth it!! :)

    I use tins for the weights as i currently dont have any! Tins of food i dont like though because otherwise i might accidentally eat em!
    Glad you're enjoying it!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    was able to get day 2 in after work. The end set kills my arms (having to raise them eye level!) AHH, thats when I scream back at Jill! Sometimes the 5 lbs i use feel too light and sometimes too heavy. Does anyone switch up the lbs for different exercises? Or is it better to stick it out with the same ones all around?

    BTW- has anyone ever thought of how much this website endorses her- its like I don't see anyone talk about other workout videos?!?!?! I think I'm going to buy stock in jillian michaels!!! We should get paid for this:)
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    was able to get day 2 in after work. The end set kills my arms (having to raise them eye level!) AHH, thats when I scream back at Jill! Sometimes the 5 lbs i use feel too light and sometimes too heavy. Does anyone switch up the lbs for different exercises? Or is it better to stick it out with the same ones all around?

    BTW- has anyone ever thought of how much this website endorses her- its like I don't see anyone talk about other workout videos?!?!?! I think I'm going to buy stock in jillian michaels!!! We should get paid for this:)

    I'd never even HEARD of JM til i got on this website and when i bought shred i considered buying a tonne of her other DVDs too!
    However, to be fair.....i also have 3 Pump It Up dance workout DVDs which are pretty good! haha!
    Doing day 3 today, am really excited. i love it! I have 1.5lbs to lose before i've lost a stone and i reaaalllly want to lose it by next saturday as i'm going on a shopping spree with my little sister!

    I still only use tins, if i used 5lb weights i think i'd feel like i was trying to lift a baby everytime and my hands might fall off. respect to you!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    was able to get day 2 in after work. The end set kills my arms (having to raise them eye level!) AHH, thats when I scream back at Jill! Sometimes the 5 lbs i use feel too light and sometimes too heavy. Does anyone switch up the lbs for different exercises? Or is it better to stick it out with the same ones all around?

    BTW- has anyone ever thought of how much this website endorses her- its like I don't see anyone talk about other workout videos?!?!?! I think I'm going to buy stock in jillian michaels!!! We should get paid for this:)

    the last weight exercise kills me too. I was thinking about using 2lb for those and 5lb for all the others but I've done it 3 days now with the 5lb and been okay. I struggle for sure and follow Anita :smile: for the most part in this exercise.

    What about everyone else. Do you find yourself following Anita or Natalie? I can't do a push up without being on my knees and that last exercise it tough but for everything else I'm ususally with Natalie.

    Level 1 day 3 DONE!!! I didn't want to get out of bed today. My body was sore and it's my birthday. For a minute I thought 'just take the day off' but then I remembered someone was making me cheesecake at work. :smile: So I got up and did it.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did L1 D4 today, was really keyed up for it after being on here and reading forums, but tbh I struggled at the start with the push ups (even just from the knees) and I had to leave my weights off the last side lunge / raising weights set as I wasn't using them properly by that point and didn't want to hurt myself (more than the usual muscular ache!).

    However, have noticed a difference around my waist and my hips already, so is definitely having an effect!

    Even managed to 'shred' before zumba - cream crackered after that one!

    Bring on D5!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I've only done 2 days so far, today will be my 3rd, but man, I'm reallly feeling it!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Level 1 day 3 DONE!!! I didn't want to get out of bed today. My body was sore and it's my birthday. For a minute I thought 'just take the day off' but then I remembered someone was making me cheesecake at work. :smile: So I got up and did it.

    Good for you! and i hope you're having a lovely birthday!
    I just shredded - L1 D3 so i'm 10% of the way through (WHOOP). feeling ok but i tried to do my first proper push up today because i've been doing modified ones formonthsso figured i might manage it. WRONG. I carpet burned both my knees.Nearly had a little cry!
    But what a greatjob everyone is doing :D
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't shred today. Didn't get up early enough this morning and been studyin and food shopping this eve. Think it prob did my legs good to have a rest. Day 5 L1 tomorrow, looking forward to it, think I can see a difference already.

    I am rubbish at push ups, ouch to the carpet burns not good!
  • cramos77
    cramos77 Posts: 3
    I started Monday and would love to join in with the group. My weight is 165 and my waist 34". Doing level 1.
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