30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Is it ok for me to join?

    Im on Day 6 Level 1 and im doing it everyday. It hurt for the first 4 days but im finding it ok now.

    I run every other day and walk on my run 'rest' days but will try and do this for the whole 30 days.

    I have already noticed a difference in my body firming up but i took my measurements and no change and also no change on the scales so it must be my imagination.

    Oh well as long as im feeling better from it all thats what counts :)
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    L1D4 complete! I did feel the ache in my muscles today, but I'm not sure if that was because of 30DS or because I went for a run yesterday... I'm not sure when I'm actually going to find it easier though!

    Off to Pilates in 60 mins - even I'm impressed with my motivation...
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I just completed Day 6 Level 1 of this.

    Well done everyone!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just did L2D1....

    Did mostly modified versions of things, especially when in plank position. Am aching a bit but nothing like L1D1. Also, was really impressed - found the walking push ups EASIER than the push ups in L1. Oh yes. (Wonder if I'll still be saying that tomoro!)

    Keep up the shreddin'!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    level 1 day 9 done :smile: I am so ready for level 2! I am getting bored lol. I did it with the volume off this morning. Jillian was getting on my nerves. lol. 1 more day and that's it for level 1! lol. Have a great day everyone. Tomorrow's Friday. woohoo!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    @ rubysparkle- I feel the same way- i feel "skinnier" but the scale hasn't moved. I am too afraid to retake my measurements b/c if that hasn't changed- i might feel a little nutty too!!

    All that matters is that i'm doing something and feeling better inside & out!!

    My knee was acting up yesterday so i gave it a break. This morning felt much better so i did L1D8. After tomorrow, i think i'm ready for L2-

    @ erica- i too am starting to get a little bored with L1.

    @Becka- congrats on graduation of L1 :) keep up the good work! (but what do you mean by "walking pushups" ??? i don't get it?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Jojo- stand up and then keeping your knees straight bend down, from that position 'walk' forward using your hands (keeping your feet still) until you are in a push up (proper one, not the sucky ones I do!) position. Do a push up, 'walk' back using your hands and then stand up straight....fun!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I just finished L1D7 and my scales today recorded a 2lb loss since i started this so im now thrilled. I have been on a plateau for months but this week i ramped up the cardio and stuck to my cals. I just need to keep it going now, getting bored of L1 but dreading L2
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    ahh I remeber the walking pushups...not fun. I get to do those tomorrow yay!!! I am so proud of myself today. I managed to do 4 real push ups this morning...then I went to my knees but 4 is a ton for me. :smile:
    Level 1 COMPLETE! I am so excited to start level 2.

    @ Ruby- that's an awesome loss. great job. I'm glad you got through your plateau.

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    1 more day oflevel one for me!
    PEOPLEON LEVEL TWO - how bad is it? please prepare me:(
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished L1 D8 and feeling tired now, but i did it straight after a 5k run and felt bit too much.

    I've done it everyday so far and wondering how many of you take a day break? or if you all keep going?
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I am only on L1D6, but I did take a break one day this week because of company coming in. I have decided that I will take one day break from shredding each week and 1 day break from walking each week, but not on the same day. That gives me some exercise everyday, but 2 "light"days when I have some rest.

    I did measurements today and almost no lose in inches, but the scale showed a 5lb lose, so I am still happy. I can tell the difference in muscle tone, even though no inches are gone. I had a big drop in inches last week.

    Good work everyone!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    L2 D3 done. It's a killer! Tried to do the harder versions of the plank exercises as I felt the modified ones were 2easy. Even if I can't do them all I feel that I'm exercising better!

    It's a big step up from L1, I'm finding my recovery rate is a lot slower....

    Still enjoying it though- feels like I'm getting one hell of a workout!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Just finished L1 D8 and feeling tired now, but i did it straight after a 5k run and felt bit too much.

    I've done it everyday so far and wondering how many of you take a day break? or if you all keep going?

    I have taken 3 breaks during level 1 but not because i wanted to but because i have travelled last weekend and this weekend. Im moving onto level 2 tomorroa as im staying at my sisters and brought the dvd with me!

    @becka - awesome on your workout effort! im moving onto level 2 tomorrow so i'll be right there with you!

    @atucker_mom - 5lbs is awesome, good job! i can see more muscle tone on myself but have lost no inches at all doing this :(
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Finished L1 D9 today.

    My shins and ankles are aching so much,before i even started.

    I keep thinking i should take a day off but im worried i won't keep going if i do.

    Only one more day of L1 then up to L2 - yikes.
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    I've taken one day off each week. I took yesterday off. I did a ton of running around though.

    Started level 2 day 1 this morning. wow was it tough! I know my legs are going to feel it tomorrow. I was really doubtful off the plank jacks but ended up being able to do some. I got tired real fast and had to stop before them both times. Hopefully by next week I will be able to keep up. And by the last set of ab exercises my arms were about to fail on me. I think this is the step up my body needed. Burnt over 200 calories and I had not been doing that with level one anymore.

    I was thinking about ordering Jillian's new video ripped in 30. Anyone tried it yet?
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    I never got a chance to do any sort of excerise friday so I tried to make up for it saturday. walked about 3/4 miles, ran 2, then decided to be superwoman and start level 2!!! LOL- I sounded like a man grunting at the gym!! OH Boy!! It was a tough one!!

    Kept tellling myself- "oh its just tough b/c i ran beforehand. Now today I decide not to face jill @ level 2 again b/c i fear I may not be able to play volleyball tonight! So in anticipation for tomorrow morning when I get to give it a second try. I am glad that I had a good stretch after I did level 2 or I don't think i'd be able to move today.

    Everyone looks to be doing good! I read quickly on inches and pounds lost!! Great job:)

    In-laws are coming, have to prepare the house ( and myself!) ....
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just shredded L2D4- can't believe I'm nearly 1/2 way there! Seems like I've been doing it forever...

    For those of you just starting L2, I can say that today was the day I got thru most of it. I think it was the 2nd reps of the 2nd circuit of cardio I took my 1st 5sec break (there were plenty more to follow tho!). By the time I got to the last set of strength I'd given up on my weights, sorry, but I could hardly lift my arms with just my hands on the end of them!

    An interesting (well to me) point, is that I've been using 2kg weights. I've lost 4kg since joining this site, so I am using the bodyweight I have lost...or to put it another way, I am struggling to lift what I had been carrying on my body every day! Food for (probably only my) thought!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    My arms are like jello today. I feel it everywhere! My arms, my legs, my neck..I love that I'm using new muscles but I really hope my body gets used to being in plank position. lol...I struggled a lot this morning. I gave up on my weights as well this morning in the last set of strengh. I think I might have to go back to the 2lb ones for that exercise.
    I was thinking i might try to throw level 1 in a couple nights this week so I still use those muscles as well. But I have to wait till my body doesn't hurt as much.
    Becka I hope by day 4 I'll be able to get through most of it without stopping...but I am doubtful today...
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I've just finished L1 D10 and im so excited to move onto the next level.

    I watched it through today and can't wait until i'm fit enough to do all there one after another.

    Am i the only one doing this every day? im worried i might get injured. So far so good

    well done everyone week 2 here i come :)