Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    NSV :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I played a sport!!! Work Intermural Volleyball to be exact. And it was so much fun.

    Now why is this a big deal? Well, hand-eye coordination for me = zero. and I'm typically afraid of the ball no matter how hard I try to not be. Oh and did I mention I work with the military? So the people I'm playing and the officers I'm playing with are just naturally athletic, fit, and usually insanely competitve so they don't normally take well to people there for "fun" or "any girl who didn't get a scholarship for this sport". I played softball last year and was stressed every minute of it because I knew I was the weak link, but they needed numbers to not forfeit (that's right, my playing was only slightly better than forfeiting). The stress really turned me off to the experience...

    I had a wild hair and decided to get over my fear. And despite my having never played before, I had a stone-cold blast. And my coworkers were actually supportive this time!!! They said they'd teach me as we played and were just happy to see me out there giving my spastic best! This was so huge to me that they wanted to teach me, the only girl on the team, and they were happy about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seriously, might have just made my month.
    That sounds like so much fun! I envy you...I don't think I could ever do that. I must have a touch of social anxiety disorder lol. I used to play volleyball in middle school, but I just can't picture myself doing any sport now.
    HA! I fully get you! This was an insane step in the right direction and I made myself do it. I was so nervous at work all day!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    NSV :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I played a sport!!! Work Intermural Volleyball to be exact. And it was so much fun.

    Now why is this a big deal? Well, hand-eye coordination for me = zero. and I'm typically afraid of the ball no matter how hard I try to not be. Oh and did I mention I work with the military? So the people I'm playing and the officers I'm playing with are just naturally athletic, fit, and usually insanely competitve so they don't normally take well to people there for "fun" or "any girl who didn't get a scholarship for this sport". I played softball last year and was stressed every minute of it because I knew I was the weak link, but they needed numbers to not forfeit (that's right, my playing was only slightly better than forfeiting). The stress really turned me off to the experience...

    I had a wild hair and decided to get over my fear. And despite my having never played before, I had a stone-cold blast. And my coworkers were actually supportive this time!!! They said they'd teach me as we played and were just happy to see me out there giving my spastic best! This was so huge to me that they wanted to teach me, the only girl on the team, and they were happy about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seriously, might have just made my month.

    Yayyyy high five to you!!! That sounds like a blast!!!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I'm SO excited! Just signed up for the Dirty Girl Run in Wisconsin. A group of 4 friends and I (who live on opposite sides of the continent) are getting together for a girls weekend and a fun run/obstacle course in the mud for women. Now I really have to get into shape. LOL
  • I'm SO excited! Just signed up for the Dirty Girl Run in Wisconsin. A group of 4 friends and I (who live on opposite sides of the continent) are getting together for a girls weekend and a fun run/obstacle course in the mud for women. Now I really have to get into shape. LOL
    OMG....that sounds like sooooo much fun! I need to plan on something like this as my reward for when I meet my goal weight! Hope you have a GREAT time!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I am happy tonight. It appears that my leg has healed and I can kickbox again.... :bigsmile: I pulled a too tight muscle in my upper thigh last time I tried it a week and a half ago and was out of commission for a couple of days and had to downgrade my intensity while it was on the mend. Very happy to be able to push it again! I guess that is the non scale victory..... I never thought I would be excited about being able to exercise harder :laugh: :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Going running tonight! Whoohoo! Can't wait. :smile:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Morning Pin-Ups!!!!

    Rach again, congrats on the new car!!!

    Walked my butt off last night on the treadmill and it felt great. I watch movies on my iphone and that really helps to pass the time which I love. I started walking backwards on it at a slower speed of 2 but with an incline of 4 to help change things up.

    Off to chug some water. :drinker:
  • slpngjenbelle
    slpngjenbelle Posts: 3 Member
    ooops! forgot to log in, this weeks weight 152, only 1 pound, booooooo lol
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    We had about 152 girls say they wanted to be pin-ups and about 100 of you weighed in for week 1. I'm actually surprised that so many of you are still here. I know more will drop off over the weeks but I really hope we're left with a decent amount of girls. The chattier the better. :wink:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Just have to share my good news... Had a doctor's appoitment this morning and he is calling my leg injury a strain. No tendinitis, no ligament damage (that he can tell), no major issues at all!!! I'm gonna start walking 10-15 minute intervals with short (30 seconds to 1 minute) jogging intervals tomorrow morning and SLOWLY increase my running. Also going to devote more time to my warm-ups and stretching (found a good dynamic stretching routine on as well as keeping up with my strength-focused DVD workouts on non-running days.

    Can't quite see the end of the tunnel yet, but knowing that I have not done any major damage is a HUGE load off my mind!!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I started walking backwards on it at a slower speed of 2 but with an incline of 4 to help change things up.

    Walking backwards is AWESOME!!! Great way to change it up and work different muscles!!
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    Hey ladies how's everyone doin - good I hope!

    My weeks not been too bad foodwise so far, am away for the weekend catching up with uni friends so there will be lots of eating and drinking but am gonna try my hardest to make sensible choices and still have fun. Weigh in should be interesting!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :)
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    This week just flew by and I never really got a chance to contribute and let you all know I have been reading your posts and keeping myself motivated knowing you gals are watching. :smile:

    I have been tracking my food and mostly making really good choices. The day I didn't make good choices, I knew what I was doing and kept track of my food. Did I go over? Yes. Was the scale up the next morning? Yes. But was I still in control? Absolutely. If I hadn't paid attention to what I was eating and inputting it in my food diary all day long, I know I would have gone over by a lot more than just a few hundred calories and I didn't feel like beating myself up over it.
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P
  • Hey ladies!!! Hope everyone is having a great week!!!

    Franky - Congrats on the team sports! I just started as well, and I am ridiculously un-coordinated, but you'll get better with time, and especially if your team is encouraging!

    I think I mentioned before that I just recently starting running (kind of). I don't know how you ladies do it. I have been doing it for about two weeks now, and I really don't feel it is getting any easier... although I am increasing my speed each time (in VERY small amounts) so maybe I am getting a little better!!

    My Mom is in Phoenix right now, and I asked her to get me a bunch of dresses from some stores we don't have here in Canada... The hitch is that I told her that I am a size smaller than I really am. I know she doesn't believe me (cause its not true!) But I am hoping to be that size (10) when I go home for Easter. I even think that if I can actually fit into the clothes that she might not make me pay for any of them!!!

    oh - Rach - congrats on the new car! She's gorgeous!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P

    AWESOME!!! I love that story. It is one of those moments where you just feel so powerful. You got to eat your cookies without feeling crummy or ruining your diet. Way to go!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P
    Good job! It's so hard for me to stay in control in a situation like that. I made cupcakes the other day because we had a friend over for dinner. I totally forgot about the left over ones....until I saw them in the kitchen yesterday. There was 5 left. I thought I'd just have one. I gave my son one. Then there were 3 left. I ATE THEM ALL. I'm so ashamed of myself. They were small ones, I didn't fill the tins all the way. So it probably only equated to 2 regular cupcakes. But still....idk why I do that.
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P
    Good job! It's so hard for me to stay in control in a situation like that. I made cupcakes the other day because we had a friend over for dinner. I totally forgot about the left over ones....until I saw them in the kitchen yesterday. There was 5 left. I thought I'd just have one. I gave my son one. Then there were 3 left. I ATE THEM ALL. I'm so ashamed of myself. They were small ones, I didn't fill the tins all the way. So it probably only equated to 2 regular cupcakes. But still....idk why I do that.
    when i get done with a meal/snack i immediatley have to leave the kitchen other wise i find myself continuing to eat and eat and eat.
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P

    AWESOME!!! I love that story. It is one of those moments where you just feel so powerful. You got to eat your cookies without feeling crummy or ruining your diet. Way to go!

    thanks i felt pretty good afterwards :P
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P
    Good job! It's so hard for me to stay in control in a situation like that. I made cupcakes the other day because we had a friend over for dinner. I totally forgot about the left over ones....until I saw them in the kitchen yesterday. There was 5 left. I thought I'd just have one. I gave my son one. Then there were 3 left. I ATE THEM ALL. I'm so ashamed of myself. They were small ones, I didn't fill the tins all the way. So it probably only equated to 2 regular cupcakes. But still....idk why I do that.
    when i get done with a meal/snack i immediatley have to leave the kitchen other wise i find myself continuing to eat and eat and eat.

    im love cupcakes also so that would be pretty hard and yes ive done the same this before.ya just cant help it when there right in front of you. and Vbos ive learned i need to do the same after a meal :)
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