Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Good Monday morning Girls!!! Rach, I am weighing in at 130 this week. Thanks to this pregnancy nausea. I have to eat constantly to keep from getting sick. Hope it goes away soon or I will be as big as a house by the time the baby gets here.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    230.8 - and yes, I'm clinging to that -0.2. CLINGING.

    Goals this week: 30 miles on the treadmill.
  • valeriedent2
    Hey ladies!!

    Rach, I logged in late last week, so last week was 202, this week was 201. I'll take it because I had an absolutely AWFUL weekend foodwise, and I can't believe I kept that pound off!!

    Back to the grindstone this week. I've been slacking the last couple of weeks, and I need to get myself back on track again.

    Goals this week:
    1. Drink all water every day
    2. 3-4 workouts (1 down)
    3. Cook real food every night so there's leftovers for lunches (as opposed to quick and easy)
  • ItsOn130
    ItsOn130 Posts: 269 Member
    Checking in! 199.8... 0.2 lbs up from last week... Oh well, after the weekend I had, I'm glad it was only that, went down to DC for a wedding and drank like a fish! Food choices weren't horrible, but the drinking is another story!

    Goals for this week is to hit it hard, drink lots of water, and hopefully see a loss next week on the scale!!!

    Good luck to everyone!!! Have a great week!:happy:
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    226.2 and let me tell ya what... I will take that! It's TOM and I had sushi 2 times this weekend for 2 different friends' birthday celebrations.

    Goals: drink water!
    Get to the gym at least twice (being sick last week meant no gym)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Good morning ladies :) I must post and run because I have a lot of work to do. But my weight today is 137.8. Another gain. Boo.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    130 today, which is surprising after a bad weekend.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Weighing in at 210 this morning. Knowing I had to report what I saw on that scale this morning really did help keep me on the straight and narrow over the weekend.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    lost .8lbs this week. i'll take it. didn't have the best week last week. here's to a better one!

    CW: 218.8
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member

    Goals this week: Work out!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    139 today!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am beyond thrilled to report that my weight this morning was 183.8 - down a whopping 7.2 lbs (nearly ALL of it water from a sodium-filled weekend last week)! That puts me at a total of 41.2 lbs lost since starting MFP in May 2010!!!

    Goals for this week:

    1. Continue to get in all my water (I'm usually really good about this during the week, but not as good on the weekends.
    2. Start the 100 Push Ups Challenge
    3. Cook more, eat out less
    4. Get in at least 3 workouts (this will be interesting since I can't really wear socks and sneakers over my NEW TATOO!!!!)
    5. Stop beating myself up over the fact that I can't workout the way I had been due to my injury. Injuries are part of running so I need to suck it up and do what I can while making sure I don't injure myself further!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    209 This morning. Down 6lbs. WAHOOOOOOO!!!!! Happy day!
    Seems like everybody is doing great...keep up the good work! :wink:
  • sheilabennett
    187.4 for me this week.... Finally a loss!
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    255.4 BEFORE WEEKEND! **UGH!

    I gained afterwards, but that Thursday weigh in counts haha, I worked hard for that 255.4 that meant I was officially done with relosing, now I have to backtrack darn sodium and sugar!!!

    Goals this week: Walking, losing evil sodium, getting back on track after 4 days of not tracking. I enjoyed it though haha!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Down this week to 187.5 this week!!! Yay!!!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!! I sucked this weekend and had way to many carbs. I'm downing the water this morning to help with the sodium intake I had.

    Was surprised to see the loss that I had. Maybe the extra calories shocked my body a little. Never gave up on exercising though which I was totally proud of msyelf for. Usually if I pig out I don't workout at all thinking "who cares" But this time, I got my *kitten* on the treadmill and did my 30 min. Felt good!!

    C25K program starts for me tonight!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    162.2 today....can't remember what the weigh in day is, but I'll just post it here now, because I just found the thread! I've been doing pretty poorly over the past few motivation, eating whatever....hopefully that will change.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    247.2 this morning. down 2.2 this week. I'll take that as I have hardly been able to work out all week and TOM is imminent. LOL
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    Great Job Ladies.... I weighed in at 179.2 I am down from last week now I just got to keep the motivation and I know I can lose even more this week.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Hello pin up!! I am happy to say that I weighed in at 258 on Sunday. That my friends is a two pound loss. :glasses: It feels amazing after gaining the last couple of weeks.

    My goals for this week:
    1. Drink only water. This weekend I had two grape sodas, So this week Only H2O
    2. Start P90X. Hopefully tomorrow.
    3. Eat breakfast every single morning.

    My NSV for today. I helped my brother move a heavy TV up three flights of stairs. Normally I would have had him and another male friend do it. But today I was like, You know what I can do this. And Guess what I did. I feel like Rocky after running up all those steps!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: