Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Ugh I've had such a naughty week this week. Someone at work bought about 5 arm loads of sweets in including haribo, choc peanuts, fruit pastilles etc etc. Needless to say I have been nibbling at these all week and dread to think how many calories I've consumed :sad:

    So am off to do some Zumba tonight and tomorrow, am absolutely loving it!! Then I'm out for Mexican tomorrow night with my sister, which I'm sure will include cocktails. Before I know it, my weight will be going back up at this rate grr!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    So am off to do some Zumba tonight and tomorrow, am absolutely loving it!! Then I'm out for Mexican tomorrow night with my sister, which I'm sure will include cocktails. Before I know it, my weight will be going back up at this rate grr!
    That sounds like a spectacular start to the weekend!!!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Pin-up's!

    Earlier this week, I posted that I was frustrated that after losing almost 30 pounds that I still can not fit in a smaller size pants. The ones I have are looser and fit better than they did, but still not able to wear the next size down. I was discouraged!

    Today I had a NSV. Borrowed the boyfriend's car today and when I got in it he mentioned that I needed to adjust the seat. I looked at him and said, "it's back as far as it will go". He very calmly stopped, looked at me, moved the seat up and the steering column down. It is such an ingrained habit to adjust the seat back as far as it will go, and the steering column up to have enough room, that I do it before I even get in the car. Today I learned that I no longer have to do that!

    WooHoo, who needs to wear a smaller size pants when you have things like that to show for all your hard work!

    Hope everyone's week is going good and we have successful weigh-ins on Monday!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Had a good week so far though I have been sick. Have a great weekend everyone
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Pin-up's!

    Earlier this week, I posted that I was frustrated that after losing almost 30 pounds that I still can not fit in a smaller size pants. The ones I have are looser and fit better than they did, but still not able to wear the next size down. I was discouraged!

    Today I had a NSV. Borrowed the boyfriend's car today and when I got in it he mentioned that I needed to adjust the seat. I looked at him and said, "it's back as far as it will go". He very calmly stopped, looked at me, moved the seat up and the steering column down. It is such an ingrained habit to adjust the seat back as far as it will go, and the steering column up to have enough room, that I do it before I even get in the car. Today I learned that I no longer have to do that!

    WooHoo, who needs to wear a smaller size pants when you have things like that to show for all your hard work!

    Hope everyone's week is going good and we have successful weigh-ins on Monday!

    Congratulations on your NSV! That's why we're doing this!
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P

    I applaud you! Chocolate is my weakness also. I am sure it took a lot of self restraint, so I am proud of you! Small adjustments here and there add up in the end! Way to go!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi Pin-up's!

    Earlier this week, I posted that I was frustrated that after losing almost 30 pounds that I still can not fit in a smaller size pants. The ones I have are looser and fit better than they did, but still not able to wear the next size down. I was discouraged!

    Today I had a NSV. Borrowed the boyfriend's car today and when I got in it he mentioned that I needed to adjust the seat. I looked at him and said, "it's back as far as it will go". He very calmly stopped, looked at me, moved the seat up and the steering column down. It is such an ingrained habit to adjust the seat back as far as it will go, and the steering column up to have enough room, that I do it before I even get in the car. Today I learned that I no longer have to do that!

    WooHoo, who needs to wear a smaller size pants when you have things like that to show for all your hard work!

    Hope everyone's week is going good and we have successful weigh-ins on Monday!

    Dorothy, that is AWESOME!!! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes because this made me so happy for you!! I remember that day when I realized I actually had room between me and the steering wheel and it was a HUGE victory for me!! Congrats on your AMAZING NSV!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    My goal this weekend is chug my water. I've been slacking on it lately and I feel so yuck because of it.

    I especially have to drink some today with the breakfast that I had.

    I'm loving all these NSV this week!! Mine is from last night, I was able to jog for 5 min straight on the treadmill!!! That is such a big thing for me. :bigsmile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I haven't really been checking in here much this week but I LOVE reading everyone's NSV's. I have 2 for this week. First one is that I needed a belt to hold my pants up and when I went to my closet to grab the only belt I have (and pretty much never wear), I am down to the last hole before I have to get a smaller belt. This was especially amazing for me because this same belt has a me-made hole on the OTHER end of the belt where I needed a bit more room for my chub. It's pretty cool to have a visual of how far I've come since I purchased that belt.

    The OTHER NSV is that I ran 5 miles in under an hour for the first time ever!!!!!

    My weigh in this week is gonna be pretty crappy because of TOM but at least I know I'm shrinking anyway!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi all, great to see some fantastic NSVs, let's hope there are some scale victories too :)
    my goal for this week was to exercise everyday and I've managed every day except one - and that was a mixed up day because I was off work to go to a funeral so I'm not going to stress about that day.
    Next week will be harder as I'm working away from home so will have lots of opportunity to eat and not many chances to exercise, will have to think of a good goal by Monday :)
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    My NSV for the week. My jeans are falling down. The ones that were skin tight 4 weeks ago are now so loose I can put them on without undoing the button and zipper!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Great job everyone! I am looking at much smaller victories...packed a cooler with tunasalad and carrots instead of stopping for fast food on a work road trip friday. Got my water in the last 2 days. baby steps.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Great job everyone! I am looking at much smaller victories...packed a cooler with tunasalad and carrots instead of stopping for fast food on a work road trip friday. Got my water in the last 2 days. baby steps.

    I love this one! I think it is really difficult to handle traveling and anything out of the ordinary! It takes a real commitment to plan ahead and to be prepared. Just remember that it is these little things that add up to be successes, and you are well on your way!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups

    Everyone is doing great!

    I've had a horrible week of poor food choices and stress!

    I'm dreading the scale tomorrow but I have to face reality.

  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Sometimes I freaking hate Florida. :explode:

    It is was 76 degrees and 100% humidity at 7am when I woke up for my workout. IN MARCH. I refuse to turn the A/C on because its not really supposed to be that nasty this early in the year.

    Is there such a thing as Bikram P90X?
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Is there such a thing as Bikram P90X?

    This made me LOL!!!! Thanks for the chuckle on a COLD Sunday morning here in PA. I'm pretty sure that Mom Nature forgot that it is now Spring. :grumble:
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Franky, I know what you mean. My sister and I were just saying at the gym this am that we may have missed our window for comfortably running outside. But, I'm loving lounging by the pool this afternoon. I had a surprise day off today--when I showed up for work I found out they'd changed the schedule and given me one less shift this month. Since I'm salaried, I was happy to turn around and add that 12 hours back to my life on such a beautiful day. Able to get in a run and some pool time that I wasn't expecting :)
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    NSV-My mom brought home chocolate chip cookies from fredy's.(and not just any chocolate chip cookies)most of it was covered in chocolate syrup. They come in a plastic container of 6 and as soon as i saw them i went for them before i went to warm them up in my microwave i stopped and look down at them and i thought to myself.Do i really need to eat this many?(there not small like oreos but no bigger then a tennis ball. So i was gonna grab 4(yeah i know bad.) then i was gonna grab three.then i thought to myself again i dont need three so i put another back. I finally decided i only needed 2(which i found out was the serving size) :happy: So i only ate two and i know its not that big of deal for most but it is for me especially because of my love of So i was pretty excited that i resisted eating the whole container. :P

    I applaud you! Chocolate is my weakness also. I am sure it took a lot of self restraint, so I am proud of you! Small adjustments here and there add up in the end! Way to go!

    thanks chica! :D
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups

    Everyone is doing great!

    I've had a horrible week of poor food choices and stress!

    I'm dreading the scale tomorrow but I have to face reality.


    Sounds exactly like my week. Stress and bad food!!! Ugh.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Is there such a thing as Bikram P90X?

    This made me LOL!!!! Thanks for the chuckle on a COLD Sunday morning here in PA. I'm pretty sure that Mom Nature forgot that it is now Spring. :grumble:
    Seriously! She totally blew past spring straight to summer for some of us and won't let other's have it at all!