Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Goals for this week:

    1) Back on track now that spring break is over!
    2) Get my butt out of bed at 5:40 to go to the gym to make it a habit
    3) Finish my ecology report
  • Thanks for updating the list Rach. It's so awesome of you to do this. Everyone did really great gain or loss! Staying accountable is so important. The more honest you are with yourself, the easier this journey will get.
    Thursday is my weigh in day but I weighed in today to see how I'm doing since my one lb gain last week and its looking good!
    Also I was able to fit into a dress that I bought in October and didn't fit when I purchased it. Still could use some spanx to smooth me out but it zips! And I can sit down in it!
    My goals is to burn 5000 calories by Thursday (So far I'm a little over 3000), continue to drink 130oz of water and stay 100% accountable with my diary.

    Have a great week!
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    So I forgot to goals for the week

    Drink more water
    Do better than last week
    Exercise at least 3 times this week for 30 minutes.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    great job, ladies! let's keep up the awesome work!

    my goals for this week:
    -finish week 1 of c25k
    -have another great week!

  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Woo hoo! Let's keep it up ladies!

    I am recovering from a nasty cough so I don't know how much cardio I will be able to do this week. My goals are to drink 10+ cups of water per day and stay at or below my calorie goal every day
  • julz6211
    julz6211 Posts: 10 Member
    This looks like a great thread for inspiration and motivation!

    My goals this week are:
    JM 30day shred 4x
    Drink lots o water daily
    Stay in my calorie range daily
    Be honest with myself!
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    good job ladies!

    My goals are:

    drink 8 glasses of water
    keep to or under my calories (although away for the wkend so not sure if will manage it then)
    exercise everyday only having saturday and sunday off although will be out dancing so guess that counts!
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    WOW... Good Job Ladies.... :flowerforyou:
    How can I be part of the Modern Day Pin-Up Girls group? am I too late to join in? :smile:
  • hey, i completely screwed up and lost track of the days!
    its ok if I'm too late for this week for the chart, but I'll check in anyways
    I'm down to 152.8 lbs! :)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    great start everyone! I expect less of a loss this week as it is my sisters bday and we will be drinking lol other than that i will still be on track :P
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I realized yesterday that I'm less than 6 weeks away from my first 10k, yikes! Revised my training schedule a little so my goals for the next few weeks will reflect a lot of that:

    1- 3 miles, 2 times and 4 miles, one time
    2- Drink my half weight in ounces of water EVERY day MINIMUM (170lbs = 85oz)
    3- At least 8 hours sleep
    4- Have a snack every afternoon so I don't eat WHILE I'm cooking dinner.

    Good luck ladies!!
  • Rach, sorry I'm only just getting you my weigh-in. Work has been crazy busy lately. I was 202 again on Tuesday morning. But I was 201 today if you're willing to give me credit for it!!! I'd LOVE to show a loss, rather than a stay-the-same!!! ;)

    I'm finally coming out of my TOM fog. I don't know if it's my age, or what is going on with me, but my POST TOM is worse - way worse - than my pre-TOM. Tomorrow is my Dr. appt, though, so I'm going to hash everything out with her.

    Also, I was supposed to have been down to 195 by my appt tomorrow. I had set a goal for myself to lose 7 lbs by my March appt (from January), and it didn't happen. :( On the face of it, I'm technically doing everything right. But the scale HATES me!! I'm sticking with it, though. Somethings gotta give at some point in time!!

    Great job this week, ladies!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Signing up for my 8th Susan Komen 5k walk on Friday. I do it every year with my mom, and I love it! But I'm hoping later in the summer to sign up for another 5k as a runner though instead of a walker!!!

    Goals for this week (I'm totally late with this)
    Work out on the treadmill 5/7 days this week
    Water, Water Water, all 7 days (this is so hard for me on the weekends)
    Meals, I need to plan ahead for me and DH with low calorie meals
    To bed no later than 11pm.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Happy Wendsday!

    Great job ladies! It's great to see such motivation.

    Goals for this week: WATER!!!!
    Getting a workout in 6 days this week and not completely losing it over the weekends!

    Keep it up ladies and have a great day.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Goal for this week: Not go crazy. :laugh:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    For this week I'm working on:

    1) Portion size - I'm measruing everthing so that I can guesstimate better what I eat when I'm out
    2) Cardio and Strength training everyday - Need to double up my workouts the rest of the week since I missed 3 days already
    3) Eat more vegetables
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    NSV :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I played a sport!!! Work Intermural Volleyball to be exact. And it was so much fun.

    Now why is this a big deal? Well, hand-eye coordination for me = zero. and I'm typically afraid of the ball no matter how hard I try to not be. Oh and did I mention I work with the military? So the people I'm playing and the officers I'm playing with are just naturally athletic, fit, and usually insanely competitve so they don't normally take well to people there for "fun" or "any girl who didn't get a scholarship for this sport". I played softball last year and was stressed every minute of it because I knew I was the weak link, but they needed numbers to not forfeit (that's right, my playing was only slightly better than forfeiting). The stress really turned me off to the experience...

    I had a wild hair and decided to get over my fear. And despite my having never played before, I had a stone-cold blast. And my coworkers were actually supportive this time!!! They said they'd teach me as we played and were just happy to see me out there giving my spastic best! This was so huge to me that they wanted to teach me, the only girl on the team, and they were happy about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seriously, might have just made my month.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    NSV :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I played a sport!!! Work Intermural Volleyball to be exact. And it was so much fun.

    Now why is this a big deal? Well, hand-eye coordination for me = zero. and I'm typically afraid of the ball no matter how hard I try to not be. Oh and did I mention I work with the military? So the people I'm playing and the officers I'm playing with are just naturally athletic, fit, and usually insanely competitve so they don't normally take well to people there for "fun" or "any girl who didn't get a scholarship for this sport". I played softball last year and was stressed every minute of it because I knew I was the weak link, but they needed numbers to not forfeit (that's right, my playing was only slightly better than forfeiting). The stress really turned me off to the experience...

    I had a wild hair and decided to get over my fear. And despite my having never played before, I had a stone-cold blast. And my coworkers were actually supportive this time!!! They said they'd teach me as we played and were just happy to see me out there giving my spastic best! This was so huge to me that they wanted to teach me, the only girl on the team, and they were happy about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seriously, might have just made my month.
    That sounds like so much fun! I envy you...I don't think I could ever do that. I must have a touch of social anxiety disorder lol. I used to play volleyball in middle school, but I just can't picture myself doing any sport now.
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    HI! Loved seeing everyone's weight loss, we did great! My weigh-in for this week is 174.5 :-D Today I reached my halfway goal exactly!! 28.5 lb down, 28.5 to go!

    I've been working out and trying to eat right for 14 weeks, so I am right on track w/ 2 lb per week even though I've not lost on some weeks and lost a little more on other weeks. If you aren't seeing the scale move, HANG IN THERE! The first month I worked out and felt like I was dying all the time I lost only 5 lb.. I was expecting a lot more since you lose "water weight." However, I tried not to get discouraged and now I feel like it was worth that! To top it off, I have made small changes to my diet but I don't really forbid myself to "never" have something I enjoy.. I love this site!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I've been pretty weak on the water front these past couple of days, so Here I Am , committing to 100 oz TODAY!! I will post tonight just to be accountable. Here we go!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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