Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Great week Pin-Ups!

    Congrats to everyone!

    My goals for the week are to track all my food and exercise at least 4 times this week.

  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    My goals for the week are to exercise every day this week, stay under on my calories each day, and catch up on my homework!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    High fives all around, guys. There be some impressive numbers up there!

    So far I'm doing great on my goal of putting 30 miles on the treadmill this week - I got over 5 in yesterday & plan to hit it again as soon as I get home! Hope everyone else is on track, too! :)
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    I'm just a day behind on everything! Please forgive my tardiness.
    Last week: 179
    This week: 178

    Not much of a loss, but at least it's not a gain!
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    Good job ladies, am def gonna try harder this week!

    My goals are:
    -Drink 8 glasses a day, still havent managed it!
    -Continue to eat well whilst I'm away on more course this week and next
    - Try and fit in some exercise even though I'm drowning in studying!

    I've walked to work twice this week and will be traipsing round London for a day so that'll be good exercise!!
  • Good Job Ladies!!

    My goals this week are:
    ~ Try to burn 500+ calories a day exercising
    ~ Drink water! Try for 8 glasses a day
    ~ Try to get a workout in on the weekends and not eat out alot

    Here is to another good week!
  • Great job ladies! What an inspirational group to be a part of!! :drinker: I'm just going to try to maintain while on our cruise...Rach, I guess we can leave my wt. on Monday the same since I won't be able to sign-in/weigh-in? Have an INCREDIBLE week next week ladies (I'm a bit premature, but know you all will!) :bigsmile:

    Thanks again Rach for doing this for us!
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    We rock ladies way to go keep up the GREAT work
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Great job, all!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member

    I feel like I need to start writing out my goals on here so I can be more accountable. I finally went grocery shopping after playing around eating out for about a week and a half and I need to settle down!

    1. work on drinking enough water... still never thirsty. Bought a liter of water on the way to work :-)
    2. start C25K this week
    3. Cook and eat at home!
    4. Fight the urge to get complacent- I am back around the lowest weight I've been in adulthood, and last time I got here I was like "meh, this is good enough". Trying SOOO hard not to do that this time but I feel like I'm slacking!

    Ok, I feel better already! Will post this week's weight tomorrow when I weigh in. I can't believe some of you girls weigh in every day or more! I couldn't do that, I'd be beyond crazy!!!

    Cook and eat at home is a good one! I really need to focus on that. I feel so much better when I do that, and I definitely see the difference on the scale.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in my jeans from the "do not fit" pile!! Woo hoo! It was sort of a fluke, all my laundry is dirty so I grabbed a pair from the "do not fit" pile to see how bad they would be, and I will be damned if they didn't fit. This happened Saturday, and I have been wearing them ever since. I'm scared to wash them, because, I am afraid they suddenly won't fit any more. Isn't that silly?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    It's silly, but understandable.. I would do the same, haha. Congrats on your awesome NSV!!!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    awesome job ladies!!!!

    my goal this week is to get back on a schedule. I have been crazy hectic and am not eating nearly enough (lucky if I'm getting two meals a day). And absolutely no time for working out. I will get back to my walks!!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    WOOT! we r smokin !

    Goals for the week
    1. Get in at least 30 mins of working out every day or every other day.
    2. More veggies!
    3. Don't let family discourage me or sabatage my efforts!
    4. Less time thinking about what i could do, more time DOING IT!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    On a side note, I'm scared there wont be much of a loss this week, not for anything I'm going to do wrong, it's just that I am so close to my mini goal of being in the 140's I feel like it's going to take longer just to torture me lol... I know I shouldn't think that way but i do :P
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    I'm regreting eating that ice cream I just had. Once I was done with it I realized it wasn't worth it... the ice cream is a lie, the ice cream is a lie..
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Congrats on all the NSV's so far this week!

    My only goal for the week is to do what I can. My son & I have both been pretty sick (he still is, I'm almost over it) so I'm not eating much and working out really isn't happening. I will get to leave the house today though! :huh: Woo hoo for dr's appt's...

    Good luck all!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Congrats on all the NSV's so far this week!

    My only goal for the week is to do what I can. My son & I have both been pretty sick (he still is, I'm almost over it) so I'm not eating much and working out really isn't happening. I will get to leave the house today though! :huh: Woo hoo for dr's appt's...

    Good luck all!
    Awww I hope you all feel better.

    How is everyone else today? I'm feeling super guilty for last night's dinner. We had a hectic evening with my son's doctor appointment, so didn't get home til late. Hubby wanted wings so that's what we had...and I had too many. Ugh ugh ugh. I hate that I go overboard. I made my diary public today to hopefully hold me more accountable for what I'm eating.
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    Weigh in: 175.5... I GAINED A POUND BACK! Aww maaaaan. After looking at how abysmal last week was though (and the week before that, not gonna lie), I have no one to blame but myself. Two parties with lots of alcohol and snacks was NOT the best idea. I haven't gained back anything since I've started this journey, so I admit I'm pretty upset. It's funny b/c when I see you girls, some of you fluctuating more than others, I'm like well it's great y'all are still so dedicated and I'm still so proud of y'all but today I weigh in and I'm... EMBARRASSED.


    On a brighter note, I started C25K this morning and I am extremely surprised I wasn't keeled over at the end! On the last running interval I actually went over 5 seconds before I even looked down-- I'm not used to being able to run a full minute with out the heavy breathing starting. Just want to keep pushing myself.

    PS- I just realized how many times I used "y'all" in this post... oh well, now y'all know just how Texan I am lol. I had to stop myself from using the phrase "back in the saddle" hahaha...
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I guess I've been focused on exercising and sending in my weight, that I did not even realize that every week there is a different site to go to to post your weigh...such a slacker...and, where is this chart that you, Rach, put everyone's weight loss and stuff..I have not seen I missing something?

    I know it's Wed already, but I did send in my weight to Rach already, but I will post it here too...lost 3 pounds last week and my CW is 153 :-)

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :-)
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