Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • GlutenFreeWench
    Hey everyone! i know i've been MIA- went home to my parents house over the weekend- and had a no computer time:) LOL I was only allowed to send in my weight for the challenge! But it was great- home cooked meals and no eating out! fantastic!

    And everyone is doing so great! 100 down! NICE!!!!!!

    My goals for this week:

    30 minutes of exercise every other day now that I'm recleared to work out!
    Keep my calories under 2000
    No eating out! Home cooked is the way to go this week:)

    I can do it! So can you:)
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Hey Pin-ups!!!!

    Happy Hump day to everyone. How has everyone's week been going so far?

    I'm suffering today after yesterdays 30 shred video, but I know the pain will only get my closer to my goal weight. Tonight is my 2nd day on C25K and I'm looking forward to my run.

    Water Water Water after my cheat mexican lunch today. Only cheat I allow myself for the week and it was so worth it. Back to it tonight with a chiicken and WW pasta dish with lots of yummy peppers and mushrooms! Yumm!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I guess I've been focused on exercising and sending in my weight, that I did not even realize that every week there is a different site to go to to post your weigh...such a slacker...and, where is this chart that you, Rach, put everyone's weight loss and stuff..I have not seen I missing something?

    I know it's Wed already, but I did send in my weight to Rach already, but I will post it here too...lost 3 pounds last week and my CW is 153 :-)

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :-)

    It's on the very first page of this Topic. :)
  • valeriedent2
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:


    It is a FANTASTIC accomplishment and you DESERVE to celebrate it!!! Well done!!!
  • js775219
    js775219 Posts: 98
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:

    WOOHOO!!!!! Can't wait to meet you in Onderland!!!

    I am down to 244.4 today ladies, hopefully this isn't a fluke and I can continue this trend until next Monday's weigh-in, oh BTW my goals for this week are simple:

    -Drink 100 oz. of water a day
    -Take vitamins every morning
    -Do some sort of physical activity Monday-Friday

    That's it ladies!!!
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    This has to be the best group! I signed up to play with all you fantastic ladies, but then I ended up with jury duty and my weeks got screwy - ah such is life I suppose. Anyway, I'm here and ready to play again! I am having so much trouble keeping my focus. It's like I don't even care...not sure why, but I'll keep working on it.

    Enjoy the rest of the week all you fabulous pin-ups!
  • lillie1201
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:

    CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!! :drinker: That must feel Amazing! Great work! It's not how long it took, it's the fact that YOU DID IT!!! Welcome to Onederland! :bigsmile:
  • lillie1201
    I'm in my jeans from the "do not fit" pile!! Woo hoo! It was sort of a fluke, all my laundry is dirty so I grabbed a pair from the "do not fit" pile to see how bad they would be, and I will be damned if they didn't fit. This happened Saturday, and I have been wearing them ever since. I'm scared to wash them, because, I am afraid they suddenly won't fit any more. Isn't that silly?

    Yay for YOU!!!!! :drinker: What a great feeling- in your jeans again that wouldn't fit! Congrats!! :D
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Congrats that's so awesome!!!! WTG!!
  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    Awesome!!! I'm so happy for you :D Keep up the good work
  • sassy_2280
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    It's taken me 5 LONG MONTHS! to get here and I'm soooooo freaking happy!!! I only had 7 lbs to loose to get under 200. I originally set a goal date of 02/14/11 to meet it, and missed it. So, I reset it. And missed it again!!! So, I took the dates off my goals and mini goals so I didn't keep letting it get me down that I'd missed the first goal - and supposedly an easy one (it was literally 2 lbs) - twice!

    But, anyways, I know it's not great to only celebrate the scale victories, but, by damn, I deserve to celebrate this one!!!

    Go meeeee, go meeeeee, go meeeeeee, go meeeeee!!!!! :bigsmile:

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!! What an amazing acomplishment!!! You defiently deserve to celebrate! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    Awesome job girls!!!

    Goals for this week - EXERCISE! Don't let my swinging mood ruin my chance to exercise.
    Utilize my breaks again regardless of the rainy weather.
    Get to 253.9 by Monday for Week 4!!!
    Just to crush it this week!
    Try one low carb recipe a week still!

    I am proud of you ladies! We are doing awesome! Let's continue on to our goals!
  • valeriedent2
    Thanks everyone!!!!

    You all know how motivational this group is! I'm so glad to have found it and that I had the guts to join it! I needed the accountability more than anything!!!

    I'm not sure which change I've recently made that something is finally working for me, but I'm gonna keep on doin' what I'm doin'!!!

    And believe it or not, I weighed in at 198.5 this morning!!!! I'm so thrilled I could just burst!!!! :bigsmile:

    I can't stop getting on the scale!!! :laugh:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My NSV for the week is that the Wii Fit has FINALLY given me an age lower than my actual age (by 4 years). For those of you who don't have this ridiculous game - it gives you a Wii Fit Age based on your weight, balance and flexibility and, usually, it mocks me by saying I am anywhere from 2 to 7 years OLDER that I really am. But not anymore.
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I guess I've been focused on exercising and sending in my weight, that I did not even realize that every week there is a different site to go to to post your weigh...such a slacker...and, where is this chart that you, Rach, put everyone's weight loss and stuff..I have not seen I missing something?

    I know it's Wed already, but I did send in my weight to Rach already, but I will post it here too...lost 3 pounds last week and my CW is 153 :-)

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :-)

    It's on the very first page of this Topic. :)

    It doesn't show up for me...I can't see it :-(
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    NSV for me! I have a pair of white capris. They are my gauge. I have had them for several years because I don't wear them that much (white pants + summer use only + pants often too small = not many opportunities to wear them). Last summer I never wore them. I don't think I could even zip them. Last night I decided to be brave and try them on. I was so shocked when I put them on and they fit and I could zip them and everything! They don't have any lycra or any stretchiness to them, so there is not much room for forgiveness in these pants. I was so happy. What a motivation to keep going. I haven't lost that much and I have more to go, but it certainly felt great.

    For those of you struggling, you will get there. Just keep at it. Be kind to yourself. Be patient. I am not breaking any records here with my weight loss. There are many MFPs that have had much greater success and have much more to lose than I. I applaud all of you for your determination.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    NSV for me last night......I so wanted to just sit on the couch and veg with my hubby. My 2nd day of C25K was calling my name and I was still so sore from my 30 day Shred that I was trying to tune it out......but instead of taking a night off I took by butt downstairs and hopped on the treadmill for 35 min! Felt great!

    Today is day 2 of my 30 day shred with Miss Jillian. I'm dreading it after the way my body felt from day 1. But i"m not giving up!!

    Oh and I'm down another 1 as of this morning! I hope I stays off and then some by Monday.
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    Trying to find the motivation to go to zumba and pilates. I was laid off yesterday so I'm kinda in a bummed mood. No excuses though, gonna pull up my big girl panties (literally and figuratively) and get to class. You ladies have a good day!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Hello pin ups! Happy Thursday.

    I am cleared for take off! Last night the doctor said I can start my workouts again after almost two weeks off. Never thought I'd be so excited to workout. Did 2 miles last night, it wasn't pretty but I did it.

    So new goals for this week are modified so I don't re-injure myself.
    1) Nothing but water, I've been drinking obscene amounts of coffee.
    2) Back on the treadmill--but no HIIT sprinting until next week (Damn Knee)
    3) Weights 2times this week--it's already Thursday--crap!

    Have a good day everyone--let's get ready for the weekend.